Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 173: Thank you for your reminder, but my mind is made up

Chapter 173: Thank you for your reminder, but my mind is made up

Ryan’s system was specifically designed for Alice, and he could only see Alice’s favorability towards him.

Even though he couldn’t see Hannah’s favorability, Ryan could definitely feel her murderous intent at the moment.

Hannah’s favorability towards him must have plummeted into the negatives by now.

“Uh, Hannah… what’s wrong?”

Ryan looked at Hannah, whose face was incredibly dark, and spoke hesitantly.

Just a moment ago, Hannah was sharing how Miss Alice dislikes the smell of smoke, so why the sudden change of face?

Hannah didn’t speak, just glowered with her right fist cracking ominously.

She had long suspected Ryan had ulterior motives around Miss Alice, but she never imagined that his scheme involved Miss Alice herself.

That was audacious.

And to say those things—that Miss Alice doesn’t understand him—does that mean Miss Alice has to reciprocate his feelings for things to work out?


Hannah was so shocked she couldn’t speak, her right hand pointing at Ryan’s nose while her left arm throbbed painfully.

No wonder Miss Alice was so tolerant of him,it was all Ryan’s trap.

Miss Alice was just being tolerant now, but what if she starts to develop real feelings influenced by his emotions? What then?

No, this can’t be happening.

The thought of her Miss Alice being influenced by Ryan and changing was unbearable for Hannah.

Reflecting on Miss Alice’s past behavior after hearing Ryan’s words, she became even more convinced of her suspicions.

No wonder Miss Alice let him close, allowed him to take over her role as the assistant. Miss Alice might already be nearly conquered.

“You! Do you actually have designs on Miss Alice?”

Hannah, seething with rage, grabbed Ryan by the collar and demanded.

That cold, ruthless mob boss Miss Alice, like the most beautiful flower blooming atop an iceberg—was she really going to become a plaything in the hands of this jerk before long?

“Uh, you’re not entirely wrong in thinking that.”

Ryan swallowed hard, his mind racing.

He indeed had plans involving Alice—he needed Alice to kill him, so in a way, Hannah wasn’t wrong.

“How far has it gone… you know Miss Alice can’t be like that.”

Hannah’s voice trembled, and she leaned back against the wall.

“I know, but it’s necessary.”

“I think about it all the time, even dream about it. That’s why I came here.”

Ryan spoke earnestly, patting his chest to show his determination to Hannah.

Indeed, his goal was to be killed by Alice, and although Alice’s favorability towards him was high, making it difficult, it was necessary for his resurrection.

“I’m sorry to Miss Alice, I know, but I have my reasons.” Ryan saw Hannah looking dazed and sighed softly, speaking in a low voice.

Hannah just gave a bitter laugh upon hearing Ryan’s words. He even knew to apologize to Miss Alice.

Miss Alice was a mob boss,she could never lead an ordinary life. Who would bear the consequences of forcibly pulling her out of the mob? Was this something a simple apology could fix?

“What would you do if you had to leave Miss Alice?”

Hannah remembered the way Alice looked at Ryan before, her clear eyes already showing a different hue. It might already be too late to sever their connection now.

She had never seen Miss Alice look at anyone like that before. Did this also signify that Ryan was special?

She stood up and stared intently at Ryan. He had just spoken a lot about his attachment to Miss Alice, but what about his resolve?

Knowing full well who Miss Alice was, was he still determined to get involved?

“If I leave Miss Alice, I’ll die.” Ryan took a deep breath and said this without a hint of personal emotion, simply stating a fact.

Leave Miss Alice and die? What a joke, everyone’s life is their own, even if you love Miss Alice, it wouldn’t…

Hannah instinctively wanted to scoff at him, but hesitated when she caught the look in Ryan’s eyes.

There was no falsehood in his statement,the eyes don’t lie.

The previously tense atmosphere suddenly shattered. Hannah pointed at Ryan, wanting to say more, but in the end, she couldn’t form the words.

She was certain Miss Alice had fallen for him. She had been in love before and knew what those behaviors from Miss Alice meant.

After Alice’s father died, the heavy burden of the mob fell on Miss Alice. She shouldn’t have to bear it alone,at the very least, she needed someone to share the load.

If Ryan could truly do what he claimed, could he be a good choice?

It just seemed a bit too fast.

It was now half-past eleven. In the past half hour, Hannah hadn’t spoken a word to Ryan, just chain-smoking, weighed down by her thoughts.

Ryan, on the other hand, seemed in good spirits. To him, the worse Hannah’s attitude, the better.

He had made his intentions clear earlier, and Hannah should absolutely despise him by now.

Hannah was Alice’s secretary. If she could whisper in Miss Alice’s ear, it would definitely help lower Miss Alice’s favorability towards him, even aiding his own death wish.

Meanwhile, he was figuring out how to safely get through the day, studying Miss Alice’s schedule.

Locked in the villa before, Ryan had many fantasies about Alice’s actions outside—like Alice personally wielding a shovel to bury someone or executing a traitor.

Alice, the mob boss, was the villain—that was Ryan’s thought while still at the villa.

But today, Ryan’s thoughts were gradually shifting.

The likes of Tony he had encountered earlier seemed a hundred times worse than Alice,she was like a breath of fresh air in this environment.

If Miss Alice had been born into an ordinary family, would her life have been different?

Ryan couldn’t help but ponder this question, but eventually, he chuckled and dismissed the thought. If Miss Alice hadn’t been the mob heiress, perhaps he wouldn’t be here.

Fifteen minutes passed, and it was nearing lunchtime when Ryan finally heard the sound of the door being pushed open from the tea room behind him.

Alice looked untroubled, still supporting Mr. Carlson just as she had when they first entered. Compared to the last negotiation, this one had gone much smoother.

“Young lady, I still have to remind you.”

“The things you’re doing now affect too many people, like smashing everyone’s rice bowl. It’s not that easy to do.”

Mr. Carlson sighed softly, placing his wrinkled hand over Alice’s.

Every time he saw Alice, he was reminded of her father, but these memories always ended in a deep sigh.

“Thank you for your reminder, but my mind is made up.”

Alice nodded slightly, like a younger family member admitting a mistake to an elder.

During the lengthy time in the tea room, Mr. Carlson had essentially done just one thing: he tried to persuade Alice to abandon her dangerous plans.

Her ideas were too risky, and not just the mob, but even her own people wouldn’t tolerate it. She was facing more than just a gun.

Yet, the girl’s resolve made it impossible for Mr. Carlson to refuse her outright. He could only wave his hand dismissively and say, “Let it be, let it be.”

“If you can handle the gang’s affairs well, I’ll do what you’ve asked of me.”

“That’s all the help I can offer. The rest is up to your fate.”

After saying this, Mr. Carlson voluntarily removed his hand from Alice’s, no longer needing her support, waved over his secretary, and prepared to leave.

Alice, slightly stunned by Mr. Carlson’s words, bowed deeply in gratitude.

This matter was dangerous, but Mr. Carlson had chosen to help her.

As for dealing with the gang’s internal affairs, she was determined to do so, having faced peril time and again with little patience left.

Mr. Carlson left the tea room with the aid of his secretary, and Ryan and Hannah moved forward to accompany Miss Alice out.

Hannah remained silent, just seriously observing the interactions between Ryan and Alice.

“Miss Alice, the car is ready. We can leave now.”

Ryan didn’t bow but slightly lowered his head as he spoke to Alice, who responded and extended her hand for him to lead her to the car.

This was something he had just learned from Hannah, fitting the duties of an assistant.

Watching their interaction, Hannah’s feelings grew more complex. On one hand, she still harbored hostility towards Ryan,on the other, she hoped Miss Alice could have a more relaxed life.

If this was Miss Alice’s choice, she would have to accept it.

“Hannah, you should go to the hospital this afternoon and get your arm treated properly.”

“I have Ryan with me here, nothing major will happen. You can hand over the security duties to him.”

Alice, still very concerned about Hannah’s injury, said this.

But to Hannah, it seemed like she was now the third wheel. Miss Alice’s words felt like a polite dismissal, urging her to leave.

With a soft sigh, Hannah nodded.

Before leaving, however, she whispered something in Miss Alice’s ear, leaving Ryan to observe Alice’s increasingly peculiar expression.

Alice had been blushing a lot lately. Was it because the weather was getting warmer?

[Alice Favorability+2, current Favorability 60/100]

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