Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 118: Three people together, truly crazy

Chapter 118: Three people together, truly crazy

The car was parked across from a love hotel, with Abigaile in the driver’s seat and Ethan riding shotgun, watching a live feed on his phone.

Victoria and Joseph were sitting by a flower bed, all smiles.

A young artist was rapidly sketching them on his easel.

Meanwhile, Victoria’s husband, Michael, sat in the backseat, his expression a complex mix of emotions as he stared at the screen.

“Looks like the date’s going pretty well,” Ethan said, turning to Michael. “Mr. Michael, according to the plan, when Joseph walks past this love hotel later, he’ll invite her to stay the night.”

“To keep your wife from suspecting anything, Mr. Joseph will make love to her first. He won’t finish inside her, then he’ll blindfold Victoria, and you’ll take over to complete the deed.”

Michael’s face went through a series of changes, his already pale complexion from illness now flushed with red.

Ethan understood how he felt, watching his wife on a date with his brother, and then, as a husband, having to blindfold her and take his turn.

It was a deeply humiliating situation for any husband or brother.

Abigaile looked oddly amused,she had expressed a desire to get involved the last time she heard such an outrageous plan.

She had just been speaking off the cuff.

But she hadn’t expected Ethan to actually call her this morning.

After figuring out the plan, she was stunned.

Even though she was in showbiz and had seen all sorts of messy relationship dramas, and heard about people who took things too far, Ethan’s maneuver still managed to lower her bar for what was considered twisted.

“Mr. Michael, I know this is tough,” Ethan said, noticing his flushed face and trying to offer some comfort. “But you need to remember, right now Victoria isn’t your wife, she’s Joseph’s girlfriend, and you’re about to sleep with your brother’s girlfriend.”

Abigaile’s mouth twitched. What a way to offer comfort.

Michael’s face showed anger, but it seemed to lessen a bit after Ethan’s words.

“Huh?” Abigaile couldn’t believe it.

Michael clenched his fists, staring at the screen showing his wife and brother smiling together. After five minutes, he relaxed, deflated, leaning back in his seat.

Ethan couldn’t fathom what Michael was going through.

But he knew that whether they could pull this off depended on today, which was why he was here to oversee it personally.

Ethan noticed Abigaile seemed like she wanted to say something, but he gestured with his eyes for her to hold off.

Time ticked by slowly.

The atmosphere in the car was tense.

The spy camera was attached to Joseph. After the young artist finished his sketch, he folded the paper, packed it up, and handed it over.

Victoria, smiling radiantly like a schoolgirl in love, accepted it.

The two of them chatted and laughed as they followed the route Ethan had set, walking up to the car.

Stopping in front of the love hotel, Joseph said, “Victoria, we’ve been walking all afternoon. Feeling tired?”

They were less than 30 feet from the roadside car.

Michael could see his wife and brother from where he sat, his eyes wide, his fists clenched again.

Victoria looked down, hesitated briefly, then reached out and took Joseph’s hand. Together, they walked into the love hotel.

Abigaile glanced back at Michael, her expression odd.

At that moment, no one could decipher the complex look on his face.

Once inside the love hotel, things were straightforward—none of the innocence of youth between these adults.

They explored each other’s bodies, Joseph’s shirt tossed aside on a nearby table, the camera focused on the bed.

They embraced passionately, greedily seeking pleasure from each other.

“Oh… oh,” Ethan glanced again at Michael.

He knew very well that both people in the camera’s view were aware that Michael was watching everything unfold.

Ethan had expected things to be a bit more subdued, or at least perfunctory.

But reality turned out to be more exaggerated than a movie.

Maybe it was the presence of an audience that made them overperform.

The only sounds in the car were the loud moans of the man and woman, filling the space with an indescribable awkwardness.

Ethan couldn’t understand it. If Joseph loved Michael, how could he be so passionately involved with Michael’s wife? Who was the love really for?

It all quieted down after a joint high-pitched scream from the couple.

“Mr. Michael,” Ethan broke the silence, “let me help you up there.”

“I…” Michael paused, then shook his head, “Forget it. I haven’t seen Victoria smile like that in a long time. Let’s just say I owe it to her.”

After saying this, he lay back in the seat, looking completely drained.

“Damn it,” Ethan cursed internally. At this critical moment, Michael was playing the saint. If he backed out now, how would Ethan complete his mission?

He silently recited the system task.

“Final wish generated: Michael hopes his property will not be inherited by his wife after his death.”

“Task reward: 1000 points, double exchangeable skills, and add skill recycling feature.”

The system task remained unchanged.

Ethan took a deep breath and said, “Mr. Michael, listen to this.”

He played a recording on his phone.

It was Victoria’s voice: “I love Michael, even though he doesn’t love me. He has fulfilled his duties as a husband. If Michael wishes, I don’t mind having children with him.”

“What?” Michael was confused.

“Mr. Michael, did you really think you could keep this from Miss Victoria?” Ethan took advantage of his confusion, “Let’s go, let’s stick to the plan, shall we?”

The audio was a precaution, recorded by Victoria, although it had no direct connection to whether Michael would go through with his part now.

But it was enough to throw Michael off.

And when someone’s thoughts are in disarray, they’re easy to lead.

Ethan got out of the car, opened the back door, and pulled Michael up, guiding him somewhat bewilderingly into the love hotel.

He sent a text just before entering.

The door to the room was slightly ajar.

Ethan pulled Michael into the room where Victoria was tied to the bed with bondage ropes, a blindfold covering her eyes, completely naked.

She was moaning something unintelligible.

“Joseph, I love you~ don’t treat me like a person~”

“She’s a good woman,” Ethan glanced at her. True to his word, Joseph had finished on her chest, avoiding mixing his semen with his brother’s.

Joseph’s face, now devoid of earlier passion, looked embarrassed.

Ethan approached him, lowering his voice, “Later, you help your brother out, you know he’s not well, and—”

He paused, “You’ve always wanted a threesome, your wish is about to come true.”

After saying that, Ethan didn’t linger and left the room.

Back in the car.

Abigaile couldn’t contain herself any longer, her tone agitated, “What the hell is going on?!”

“I’m just fulfilling Mr. Michael’s final wish,” Ethan replied as he settled into the passenger seat. “In the end, isn’t it true that everyone got what they wanted?”

Abigaile’s mouth hung open, seemingly at a loss for words.

Ethan turned on his phone screen, which was still live streaming.

He was stunned. If he had to describe it.

Three people together, truly crazy.

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