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Before Laplace died in the Great Forest, his words echoed in his mind.

“You’ll be able to see it when you need it the most… along with the memory Rosalyn left for you.”

At the time, he was too preoccupied to ask for details, and after that, too many significant events happened in rapid succession, causing him to forget.


Memory Name: “Choice” has been stored in the information set.

Yes, it was a memory named “Choice.”

And to think it was Ted Redymer’s memory.

He stared at Ted absentmindedly.

He was leaning against the trench wall, gasping for breath.

He had lived as Ted for a long time.

But seeing him through another’s eyes after so long brought forth an indescribable emotion.

[...So, this person had the greatest influence on your personality?]


[The only human who inflicted a meaningful wound on the Demon King.]

‘That’s right.’

??? seemed quite intrigued.

[Hmm, so this is a memory Laplace observed with magic?]

‘It must be. He knew everything about me after all.’

[Why did Laplace want to show you this scene?]

‘Maybe I’ll understand if I see more of the memory.’

He focused on Ted again.

Judging by his face, it seemed relatively recent… probably shortly before his death.

‘…Wait a minute.’


‘Is this during the Great Battle?’

Since this was Laplace’s observed view, he could see Ted’s surroundings from a bird’s-eye view, as if he were looking down from the sky.

The terrain resembled the area near the mountain range where the Great Battle took place.

Moreover, the human and Demon King’s armies fighting fiercely were of considerable scale.


“Commander! The enemy is approaching!”

A middle-aged man rushed to Ted and reported.

The moment he saw his face, he realized exactly what situation this was.

That man’s name was ‘Ziefried Ubel.’

He was a member of the Dawn Knights who retired after sustaining severe injuries in the Great Battle.

Even now, his arm looked torn to shreds.

‘If that’s the case, the ‘enemy’ approaching is….’

Ted’s calm voice echoed within the trench at that moment.

“Withdraw all troops immediately.”


“I said withdraw all troops. That includes the Dawn Knights.”

“Wait a minute. Then, what about you, Commander…?”

“I’m staying. Who else will stop the enemy if I leave?”

Ziefried shook his head as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

But Ted didn’t allow any objections.

His rough hand gave Ziefried a strong push on the back.

“Is this insubordination? We’re racing against time here.”


“Move, Ziefried. Many lives depend on you.”

In the end, Ziefried clenched his teeth and retreated.

“Take care, Commander.”


Ted, who answered the faint plea carried by the wind, leaned back against the trench wall again.

It wasn’t long before the human army began to withdraw from the battlefield like the receding tide.

He remembered how strangely few casualties the regular army had suffered despite the intensity of the battle, where even half of the Dawn Knights and Ted died.

??? spoke in a gruff voice.

[You learned this from him.]

‘Learned what?’

[Making endlessly irrational choices.]

He wanted to refute it but couldn’t and kept his mouth shut.

[Throwing yourself away to save replaceable people when you’re irreplaceable? In this situation, it would have been right to let the army and knights charge at the Demon King while you retreated.]

‘…If he had been that kind of person, he wouldn’t have made it this far.’

[Hmph, very outcome-oriented of you.]

Perhaps thinking that the criticism was too harsh, ??? added in a somewhat softened tone.

[Well, to some extent, I agree with you.]


[Anyway, it looks like he’s about to fight the Demon King. Laplace must have wanted to show you that battle scene.]

But from that moment, ???’s voice didn’t reach his ears.

He stared at Ted.


At his hands, trembling slightly.

At his face, pale as lead.

The hero, no, Ted.

No, the young man barely in his thirties was taking deep breaths, desperately trying to suppress his fear in the lonely trench.

As the army retreated, a silence descended on the battlefield.

But the quieter it became, the louder and more ragged the breathing in the trench grew.

He couldn’t say anything at the sight.

??? muttered in a bitter voice.

[From the great hero of salvation back to being human.]

The trembling that began in his fingertips had now spread to his elbows.

Ted twisted and clenched his trembling wrist with his other hand.

A low groan escaped between his clenched teeth.


It sounded like a plea.

He couldn’t take his eyes off him.

‘…So this is the last thing I’ll learn about Ted.’

Until now, he thought he knew Ted’s true self, which others didn’t know.

His weaknesses.

Mostly related to sadness and loneliness.

When comrades died during operations.

When he missed saving a life.

The anguish he felt while bearing the weight of responsibility alone.

He thought it was sufficient to share those emotions.

Even if it was part of deepening his understanding, he used to talk to his sincerely.

…But it seems he wasn’t enough to share his fears.

[No matter how close a friend you are, you can never reveal your entire inner self.]


[I know.]

‘I never once thought that Ted would have fear.’

[Everyone probably thought the same.]

Only after being left alone did Ted finally shed his armor of steel and reveal the last core he had hidden away.

The fact was excruciatingly painful.

The hero’s fear.

An emotion that had never been understood in his entire life.



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An emotion he thought could never be understood.

Ted’s myth, revered by all, couldn’t coexist with fear, though it could with sorrow.

He knew Ted used the 7th technique, Eclipse, in his showdown with the Demon King.

A forbidden technique that would inevitably kill him by causing all his magic to go berserk.

With that in mind.

What was Ted thinking right now?


The trembling in Ted stopped at that moment.

He ran a hand through his sweat-drenched hair and gazed at the sky.

"I thought it was dawn, but it’s actually dusk."

He pressed the Black Hope to the ground and stood up.

"Well, it doesn’t matter. Dawn will come eventually."

Muttering something incomprehensible, he immediately fixed his gaze on a point in the air.

"If it's you, you must be watching me, Laplace. After all, you are the observer."

Coincidentally, his gaze met mine.

His eyes, filled with a myriad of emotions, stared at me.

"I have something to tell the guy from the future."

He listened.

Even ??? remained silent at this moment.

"Make sure my efforts weren’t in vain, and carry on my will until the end. Fight for humanity…."

Ted smiled faintly as he continued.

"Well, I guess I didn’t even need to say that. You’ll do just fine."

For some reason, from the moment Ted started talking to me, he seemed to have shaken off a considerable amount of his fear.

His eyes were calm and serene, as if awaiting rest after a long journey.

His mouth slowly opened.

"...You once told me that even though you weren’t human, you had a human heart, and that’s why the world felt so cruel. Do you remember what I said in response?"

Of course, he remembered.

"Keep laughing, talking, and loving like a human. One day, you’ll be grateful for the human heart you have. I said something like that."

Ted laughed as if he could see him standing right in front of him.

"So, how was it?"

Laughter burst from his mouth as well.

Was there even a need to say it?

Those long, painful years of struggle were worth it because he found joy in them.

"Yeah. I think I know even without you telling me. You did well, didn’t you? And you’ll keep doing well."


Ted walked out of the trench.

At the edge of the horizon.

An indescribable being was slowly approaching, devouring all the light.

The Black Hope faced forward at the same time.


With the activation of the 7th Formula, Eclipse, Ted’s entire body was enveloped in a radiant light.

His body, which had trembled in pain for a moment, quickly regained its composure.

An empty battlefield.

The warrior who raised the Black Hope walked forward without hesitation.

"You’re not a monster, a tool, or a mere cog in some grand plan."

Before he knew it, meteors were raining down from the darkened sky.

Blinding light erupted from all directions, and the ground trembled.

In the midst of the chaos, they looked at each other.

"You’re just human."

In the end, the last emotion reflected in his eyes was neither fear nor regret.

It was a quiet certainty that all he had lived through was not in vain.

* * *

The viewing of the memory ended.

As he returned to reality, ??? spoke to me in a tone that suggested confusion.

[He knew as well]

‘What do you mean?’

[That it would turn out this way. That in the end, he was never meant to be the one to defeat the Demon King]

??? slowly voiced its reflection.

[At some point, he must have realized, even if vaguely, that his life was merely a means for the doppelganger. That's probably why he discarded Iris of Laplace]


[And yet, he fulfilled his duty to the end. Humans are truly strange and complex creatures]

By the time he heard that last remark, he had fully returned to reality.

Perhaps thanks to Rosalyn and Laplace's magic, no time had passed.

Five minutes until the descent.

I stood still before the door leading to the deepest part of the Demon King’s castle.

‘…He left a gift until the very end.’

If Iris of Laplace hadn't been shattered, a notification would’ve popped up saying that Ted's understanding had increased.

Along with a notification saying the 7th Formula, Eclipse, had been unlocked.

All the information and principles related to Eclipse were absorbed into my core.

‘Even with a doppelganger's regenerative ability, this technique would be hard to withstand.’

He almost laughed out loud at the thought of using this with a human body.

[Are you really going to fight? Whether you win or lose, you’ll die anyway.]

Before he could say anything, the voice continued.

[Well, you’ll fight, won’t you. I think I understand you a little now.]


[In the end, you’re just like him.]

??? let out a sigh.

[Ted, too, fought the Demon King, risking certain death, and you’ll do the same.]

‘You’ll help, right?’

[...Yeah. I have to get my revenge too.]

He turned his gaze back to the door.

A soft red light began to seep through the crack in the door.

It was a color he had never seen before.

It didn’t look like paint, nor did it resemble blood.

And beyond it, something immense and incomprehensible, an infinite darkness, was moving.

He felt as though my very existence was fading like a faint shadow.

The Demon King awaited.

The Hero opened the door.



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