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While the majority of the demon forces were focused on attacking Avalon, a minimum defense force was still left at the stake.

The stake itself had high defensive capabilities due to its inherent strength.

However, the movements of the assault team breaking through were precise and intricate, as if they had been perfectly synchronized for a long time.

This was thanks to the hero who had 'understood' them through replication and could utilize their abilities in the most effective way.

A low hum echoed as Izaro's magic spread throughout the stake, identifying and disabling the traps located all over.

The sharp tendrils hidden in the walls, the acidic liquid held in the ceiling, and the spikes and pits on the floor were all neutralized.

Meanwhile, Larze focused on blocking the stake’s surveillance systems from sending any signals outside.

Once the stake was completely isolated, the hero's quiet voice resonated.


Zion and Leciel led the way.

Without a word, they sprinted towards the entrance of the stake.

Their speed was almost equal until suddenly, Leciel surged ahead.

It was a reckless charge with no intention of hiding her presence.

She quickly descended to the lowest floor of the stake.


Sensing the presence, a horde of monsters spilled into the corridor.

Leciel's red eyes calmed.

"Leciel, be careful…."

Before Arpheus could finish his sentence, the shape-shifter transformed into the form of a rapier, and an overwhelming display of quick swordsmanship unfolded.


Dozens of sword shadows pierced through critical points from multiple directions in an instant.

The speed was so fast that the sound of wind being sliced followed only after the swords had already struck.

All the monsters in the path collapsed to the ground, spraying black blood without even having a chance to counter or defend.

Each one had been precisely stabbed in their vital points.

The swift swordsmanship had pierced through the monsters’ complex bones and tough hide in the blink of an eye.

The most astonishing part was that her running speed hadn’t slowed down at all.

To those watching, it looked as if the monsters simply fell like straw dolls as Leciel ran by.

Even the monsters' unique regenerative abilities were useless.

Yussi, who had raised her hand to assist, slowly lowered it again.

“Wow, she even mastered alchemy quickly.”

Crimson flames, which Yussi had taught her through battle alchemy, fiercely ignited using the monsters' black blood as fuel.

Under the light that now illuminated the inside of the stake like a torch, the rest of the assault team entered.

Their destination was the top floor where the core was located.

She abruptly halted as Leciel stepped onto the stairs leading to the upper floors.

“...More are coming!”

Her voice echoed.

Everyone’s gaze shifted upward.

The structure of the stake was as follows: the center was a hollow cylindrical shape, surrounded by circular layers of dozens of floors.

The problem was that the defense forces on each floor were now rushing towards them from the corridors, stairs, and even the walls.

Some were jumping, some flying, and others crawling.

“There are more than I thought?”

“They must have pulled the small fry over here.”

There were even a few demons among them, all looking bewildered at the situation.

In a time when they should have been heading towards the 50th Sector, the sudden attack on the stake made no sense.


Watching them, Arpheus took a deep breath and drew his sword.

“Alright, let’s do this.”

Arpheus had volunteered for this mission with a purpose.

Recently, he had come to realize just how foolish his dream of becoming a future hero had been, thanks to witnessing the doppelganger and its disciples.

‘I aimed for something beyond my reach… something too high.’

But that didn’t mean he intended to give up fighting.

Boarding Avalon and volunteering for this mission were proof of that.

‘If I give up everything and return to the Great Mountain Range, I might survive longer.’

But that would mean returning to the life of a fearful bastard child, trembling as he ran from his father.

An end to a life that was constantly dragged around by circumstances.

He was tired of such misery.

Now, he had resolved to face the shadow cast by his fate head-on.

‘Well, becoming a renowned hero would be fine too.’

He decided to chase a new, more realistic goal.

“Alright, come at us!”

With Arpheus’s bold shout, the assault team gathered in a wedge formation and began to charge upward.

The hero, however, was nowhere to be seen among them.




Meanwhile, the hero, along with Maktania, Izaro, and Larze, was heading for the top floor of the stake—not from the inside, but from the outside.

“Let’s hurry. We need to reach it before they notice.”

This had been the plan from the start.

A straightforward assault from the bottom floor would be a waste of time.

So, the moment the hero gave the order to charge, he turned back, exited the stake, and scaled its outer wall.

While the assault team drew attention, he aimed to reach the core on the top floor first—a simple diversion tactic.


Izaro and Larze soared upward using flight magic, while Maktania flew by manifesting wings.

The hero, utilizing the unique power of the "Domain" granted by the Black Hope, was already ahead of them.

“We’re almost at the top floor. Be ready.”

Maktania sped up as she spoke.

“Malekia will be conducting the summoning ritual at the 50th Sector, so probably one of his demon subordinates will be guarding the core.”

“Got it.”

The hero nodded and accelerated further, landing at the top of the stake.

Everything on the ground looked smaller than toys from this height, but all that was visible were the dark rain and clouds.

After briefly glancing in the direction where Avalon might be, the hero raised the Black Hope high.

“Well then.”


The great sword pierced the rooftop.

Massive energy surged through the blade.

A resplendent light, rising from the darkness, slowly converged into a pure white hue.


The hero unleashed the powerful energy swirling around him through the tip of the sword, and—


The white sword aura shattered the stake’s solid outer wall, creating a Larze hole leading to the top floor.

Izaro muttered in quiet admiration.

“…No need for destructive magic, it seems.”

The hero sheathed his sword and nodded his head.

“Well, I’ll go in first.”

With a light movement, the hero leaped and landed on the top floor.

He immediately began surveying the area.

His gray eyes trembled slightly.


The 48th sector was Malekia’s domain.

Therefore, the top floor of this stake must be where she usually resided.

The hero noticed something protruding through the ceiling debris.

‘Are these all torture devices…?’

Malekia, the Queen of Agony.

It seemed she had collected every torture device in existence in this room.

From familiar tools like shackles, scissors, tongs, and branding irons to grotesque items whose purpose was impossible to guess.



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The walls and floor were stained with bloodstains that appeared to have been left deliberately.

And then….


The hero came face-to-face with someone’s face, twisted in fear and horror.

A face he recognized.

He couldn’t not recognize it.

Even if they weren’t personally acquainted, he was also a member of the Dawn Knights.

‘…So she displayed it.’

The hero had learned of Malekia’s twisted hobbies.

She captured strong enemies alive, tortured them, and, at the moment their pain reached its peak, severed their heads and preserved them, keeping them in her chamber.

Those who followed him were momentarily speechless at the sight of the countless heads on display.


Maktania clicked her tongue, saying,

“I knew these beings shouldn’t exist.”

Larze sighed and looked away, remarking briefly,

“Is this supposed to be fun? How childish.”

While Izaro’s face darkened with renewed hatred for Malekia.

Izaro, who shared some of Zero’s memories.

It was likely that many of his old acquaintances had met similar fates at Malekia’s hands.

“But you know what?”


Larze burned the heads to ash with a burst of flames and murmured as he watched the ashes scatter.

“There’s no one guarding the core?”

At those words, everyone’s gaze turned to the center of the vast room.

A massive structure resembling a heart was pulsating.

Thump— Thump—

The core, black and red veins contracting and expanding like a living organism, squirmed.

Even the strongest squad members felt their breath catch at the overwhelming demonic energy swirling nearby.

Then, the hero, who had been standing still, suddenly drew his sword.

“…Found you.”

Activating Infinite Style Second Form: Unity.

Activating Salvation ritual Fifth Form: Horizon.


A blue scabbard of magic materialized in the air.

Before the others could even widen their eyes in surprise—


A massive sword shot out of the scabbard with invisible speed as a magical explosion occurred within.

…And a sharp scream echoed from a place where nothing had been.


A demon, split in two, fell to the floor with a splat.

It was another familiar face.

The Demon of Deception, Okultus.

One of Malekia’s top-tier demons who had attacked the children during the northern assault.

True to his lineage of Agony, he had formidable regenerative abilities, and despite being split in half, he let out a furious roar.

“You vermin!”


“You dare intrude in the Queen’s chamber….”

He couldn’t finish his sentence.


Maktania’s foot, wrapped in light, crushed his head.

“Queen, my foot.”

She then looked at the hero with sparkling eyes.

“How did you know? That guy’s concealment skills were impressive.”

“The way the ashes scattered looked unnatural.”


Maktania marveled.

Not only was his observation sharp, but his power was also impressive.

To take down a top-tier demon in a single strike.

Though his former, weaker self had been endearing, his now overwhelming strength was quite admirable.


As the hero awkwardly sidestepped her intense gaze, Larze stretched and pointed at the core.

“Well, now that the hindrance is gone, let’s get started.”

“Alright, let’s hurry.”

The hero nodded.

A monocle in front of his left eye flashed with light.

Accessing stored information: ‘Core Structure, Principles, and Applications.’

Accessing stored information: ‘On Artificial Cores.’

These are entries saved by the previous user, Zero Requiem.

Things were different now.

The hero, acknowledged as a true savior, had been granted access to most of the information in the collective database.

Knowledge Zero had gained while detonating the Demon King’s castle core appeared as tiny text in one corner of his vision.

It would be invaluable in manipulating the core.

This was one of the reasons he had to be here personally.

As he finished his preparations, Larze grinned and asked,

“So which magician are you going to replicate?”

Suddenly, ??? interrupted.

[Izaro is out. For some reason, it’s impossible to replicate him fully.]

‘I’m aware.’

Zero, Rosalyn, Izaro.

None of them were candidates for replication.

Replicating Zero was entirely impossible, and while Rosalyn and Izaro’s appearances could be copied, their abilities and memories were blocked.

That was likely due to measures Zero had taken.

In the end, the choice was clear.

Selected individual: Larze Gion for replication….

Larze grinned broadly.

“You chose the best.”

By the time the hero finished his preparations, Izaro was already examining the core.

A task so massive that it would require the combined efforts of three grand mages.

Maktania readied her holy power to block the demonic poison that would require their full focus and magic.

“Then, let’s begin.”

As the hero’s words fell, massive waves of magic poured from the three and burrowed into the core.

The core throbbed violently as if struck by a hammer.


Soon, a deafening roar filled the air, and the entire stake… no, the entire 48th sector, began to shake.

The hero murmured quietly,

“Now… What will you do?”

He directed his words at the elite demons fighting Avalon.

If they sensed something was wrong with the core and came here, it would mean letting Avalon go, and if they continued attacking Avalon, it would mean allowing the explosion to proceed.

A choice between two options.

Whatever their decision….

“Now it’s your turn to take some losses!”

Larze shouted joyfully.



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