Thanks to Viviana eliciting the reaction she wanted from Iona, she quickly continued speaking, seeming rather pleased.

A smile crept unknowingly onto Iona’s lips as she heard about their intriguing past. It didn’t last long, though, as she thought about the events that had followed.

Viviana also seemed reluctant to delve into somber tales, quickly wrapping up her story.

“Anyway, don’t worry too much about the conversation you had with the other ladies earlier. He’s not the type to make advances on a woman who has no intention of getting married.”

Apparently, this was what Viviana really wanted to say.

Iona stared at Viviana, momentarily dumbfounded. The idea that Viviana would support her relationship with Leroy was something she hadn’t anticipated.

For some reason, Iona felt like she understood why Leroy might have shed tears after losing her.

To him, perhaps it was like losing a family member all over again.

“You two must have been quite close,” Iona commented in a voice tinged with subtle undertones.

Viviana’s expression tightened, as if she had heard something she shouldn’t have, but it gradually relaxed as she met Iona’s earnest gaze.

Viviana let out a small sigh, and softly responded, “Yes.”

If longing could be given form, Iona thought, it might look exactly like Viviana’s weary eyes.


By the time Iona returned to her seat, the handkerchief was already complete.

Erna and Claudia looked at Iona with proud faces and confidently asked, “How is it?”

Iona picked up the handkerchief and carefully examined both sides.

Certainly, the messy backside was now neatly arranged. However, the embroidered design was somehow different from what she had imagined.

Apparently, she made the design while thinking of a ferocious beast, but the finished version somehow turned into a cute raccoon.

Iona tilted her head.

“It’s turned out kind of cute.”

“We made the adjustments while trying to stay as true as possible to the original,” Erna pointed out in an emotionally charged voice.

Iona could tell that a considerable effort had been made, so she wisely kept her mouth shut.

In any case, it was not polite to complain about this or that in response to the help of others.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to finish the gift much sooner than I thought.”

Iona had been worrying about how to conclude the project; the more she worked on it, the more ambiguous it felt.

Although the result was a bit different than she had expected, the fact that she had seen it through to the end felt encouraging.

She hadn’t understood why they needed to have a gathering to embroider together, but now she felt like she was beginning to grasp the reason.

“Alright, let’s all give a round of applause to Iona, who has completed her first piece.”

From a little distance, Lady Schiller, who had been observing the scene with satisfaction, initiated the applause.

Everyone joined in, clapping their hands and offering congratulations. A few even approached Erna and Claudia to pat them encouragingly on the shoulders.

Feeling a bit bashful, Iona folded the handkerchief and tucked it into her pocket.

Just then, a hand suddenly stopped her.

“Dame Iona, if this is a gift, it should be beautifully wrapped.”

Having said that, Lady Schiller called in the maid who had been waiting.

“Daisy? Could you please prepare a gift box? And while you’re at it, iron this handkerchief.”

“Yes, madam.”

Soon, a textured paper box, normal paper, and ribbons were delivered to the table.

The ironed handkerchief sat there, neatly folded and subtly shining.

With careful hands, Iona wrapped the handkerchief in normal paper and placed it in the box.

As Lady Schiller tied the ribbon for her, she asked in a soft voice, “Will you be coming again?”

‘It must have been a courtesy to capture the newcomer.’

Iona perceptively picked up on the unspoken language Lady Schiller had displayed and cheerfully replied.

“Yes, I’ll definitely attend.”

“Hmm, good.”

Lady Schiller’s fingers trembled slightly as she cut the ribbon. She seemed genuinely moved by the notion that Iona would be a regular attendee.

Once the gift-wrapping was complete, Lady Schiller left some good wishes for the recipient’s happiness and returned to her seat.

Having completed her tasks for the day earlier than expected, Iona spent the remaining time receiving a brief embroidery lesson from Claudia.

“Great job, everyone.”

“I had a lovely time today, all. See you next time.”

“We’ll meet again in two weeks.”

After concentrating for a while, Iona raised her head and before she knew it, everyone was standing up.

The ladies exchanged pleasantries and laughter as they exited the reception room.

Finally, Iona and her companions packed their belongings and left.

Having arrived a bit late at the entrance, the wait for their carriage was longer than usual.

Unable to stave off boredom, Erna impulsively asked,

“Lady Claudia, who are you planning to partner with at this imperial ball?”

“Ah, I’m planning on going with my fiancé.”

“Goodness, it looks like I’m the only one planning to enter hand-in-hand with my father. I shouldn’t have asked. If I had known, I would have just remained ignorant.”

Erna’s eyes widened and she muttered in a serious tone, as if suddenly sensing a crisis.

“Don’t worry, there are still more than two weeks left until the ball. You’ll likely find an escort by then. I only finalized my plans a couple of days ago.”

Despite Claudia’s reassurances, Erna couldn’t shake her downtrodden mood.

She grumbled that all her friends had already found partners, and she’d likely be the only young lady entering hand-in-hand with her father at her age.

It seemed the upcoming imperial ball had become the new topic of interest among the young ladies while Iona had been away from the capital.

Iona casually interjected,

“Is it customary to attend the imperial ball with one’s fiancé?”

“Um, not necessarily. Sometimes if you have a younger sister, you might prioritize escorting her.”

“There are also some couples who arrive separately after a fight. But as long as a man isn’t holding another woman’s hand, it’s generally considered acceptable.”

“And if he does come holding another woman’s hand?”

“What’s there to say? You should break off the engagement with such trash immediately!”

Erna raised her voice as if venting her anger.

Claudia tactfully interrupted Erna and changed the subject.

“Will you be attending with the Duke, Dame Iona?”

“Can both of you please discuss your partners after I’ve left?”

From behind Claudia, Erna grumbled in a gloomy tone.

Iona wondered as to why no one had asked her about her partner. Probably, they assumed she would appear with Leroy.

Iona hesitated, her face fraught with difficulty.

“Well, I’m not sure yet. I haven’t decided.”

“Sounds like you have several options?”

Claudia chuckled and marveled.

Even if there were other options, rejecting the crown prince wasn’t one of them, so it hardly mattered.

Considering the possibility of being treated like trash or the other woman someone trashy had brought along, Iona felt like she’d rather skip the event and just sleep at home.

She swallowed a sigh and lowered her head.

Just then, the next carriage stopped in front of the entrance, sparing Iona further awkwardness.

“Dame Iona Modrov, please come this way.”

“Then, I’ll go in first.”

“Take care, Dame Iona.”

“Please do.”

Iona headed toward the carriage, leaving behind Claudia who had started nagging Erna again.

A servant already inside reached out and helped Iona up.

Once Iona took her seat, the servant who had helped her up closed and locked the door. Soon, the carriage wheels began to roll smoothly.

Iona looked squarely at the servant, no, Jonas, and spoke.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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