“Please use an honorific name...”

“What kind of dirty plan is our esteemed crown prince harboring? What do you think?”

“…Does it make you polite just by saying honorifics?"

In the end, Saskia could not stand the frustration at the uncooperative attitude of her subordinate Theobald, and jumped up from her seat and quickly spat out the worries that had been in her head all along.

“Well, that's enough. I don't know why he suddenly wants that woman to marry, even though he he wears Iona like an attachment blanket wherever he goes. If He wants Iona to become a proper duchess, he should also prepare for her retirement, but I haven't been given any orders about that.”

Theobald put on a puzzled expression as if he hadn't fully understood the questions that had flown by in an instant.

“… Hasn't Dame Iona been working for the crown prince for a long time, so won't he give her peace in return?”


'What a cute thought.'

From the surface, it may sound like a success story of a great life reversal, but in reality, the world was not that simple.

A duke, the representative of the aristocratic faction, could not welcome the Emperor's guard dog into the household. So a sensible person knew that this will be an unhappy marriage for sure.

'That stupid bastard.'

When Saskia clicked her tongue in regret, Theobald only rolled his eyes here and there.

Saskia began to genuinely worry about the future of her naive subordinate.


It had been quite a while since Richard had stopped living in the palace where he had stayed as crown prince after becoming Emperor. but thanks to the memories Iona had ingrained in his body, she never got lost.

Iona, who reached her destination safely, exchanged bows with her fellow knights waiting in the hallway.

Upon entering the room, Louisa, who was Richard's personal maid hurried toward her.

“Ah... What shall we do with this, Dame Iona, His highness just fell asleep. Would you like to wait here or come back later?”

Louisa asked in a professional look.

Just as Louisa had said, Richard was lying leisurely on the long sofa bed with his eyes closed.

Iona gestured to Louisa and walked slowly towards Richard. Then she asked politely in a low voice.

“If Your Highness is very tired, shall I see you again later?”

Richard was still motionless, but Iona waited patiently.

After a long time had passed, Richard finally opened his mouth and said.

“My knight has a hot temper and even disturbs the master's good sleep.”

“I apologize.”

Iona knew that he had been awake from the beginning, but instead of pointing this out, she silently bowed her head and apologized.

Richard, who finally opened his eyes, raised himself slowly.

As Iona had expected, he did not look sleepy at all.

As Richard changed his posture, he raised his hand and brushed his forehead, as if his messy hair was bothering him.

It was very beautiful to see his golden hair flowing down like waves. However, compared to the face revealed between them, they seemed quite modest; His face was made up of only lines that seemed to have been carefully drawn by God one by one.

It was a common opinion in the public that his good looks played a big part in the fact that he had gathered an extraordinary number of followers even before he ascended the throne.

As he pulled up his slippery coat, Richard said.

"Come to think of it, I heard rumors that you broke Nils's front teeth."

From the start, he didn't allow Iona to raise her head, so she kept looking at the floor.

Thinking that it was fortunate that she did not meet his eyes, Iona answered briefly.

“It’s a rumor.”

As she expected, Richard seemed unwilling to let go. This time his voice became a little more forceful.

“Tell me the truth, Iona. It is an order.”

These were the only words Iona could not resist.

He wasn't the lord she got because she wanted, but she did whatever he ordered.

Her allegiance was more blind than those who joined voluntarily.

Iona, who was confined alone for a long time, suffered many difficulties in the process of blending into society.

It was because she had never been properly taught what was right and wrong, so she needed to be sure about what she thought.

On the other hand, what Richard wanted from Iona was always clear. As long as she did what he told her to do, she could be recognized as a necessary figure in society.

The moment she put her value on hold and submitted herself to the orders of Richard, her life becomes more evident.

The loyalty that Iona gave to Richard was therefore extremely personal and selfish. As her lord used her for her convenience, she also used him for her livelihood.

Because of this, Iona had never wanted something in return or found meaning in it, but at this moment, there was something she wanted to ask him.

'Where were you and what were you doing when he endangered his life to save his wife, who he didn't even need?'

'You didn't want to save me? Was I not usable for you anymore?'

“I hit him on the jaw in order to repay him for committing violence first. That's all.”

Iona swallowed the irreverent questions and answered politely.

Richard, who was observing Iona as if confirming her authenticity, immediately ordered, “Raise your head.”

Then he asked an unexpected question.

“What were you arguing about? Is it because of the wedding talk with the duke?”

Iona, who had caused a commotion for a completely different cause, was embarrassed inside at the unexpected questioning.

When she didn't reply as quickly as usual, Richard seemed to have come to a conclusion based on that fact alone.

Richard, who stood up from his seat, suddenly reached out and lightly brushed Iona's bruised left cheek.

It was a dry attitude that she could not guess the meaning behind. She couldn't even feel the warmth in the hand that had been removed after a movement unknowingly.

Richard looked down at Iona and spoke benevolently.

"Iona, if you don't want to, you can leave this marriage."

It was a voice that sounded like the truth. However, Iona already knew the answer to this test. Because it wasn't the first time Richard had asked this question.

{"Iona, if you don't want to, you can leave this marriage talk."}

Even before returning to the past, Richard had said the same thing.

[Your Noona: Everything inside {...} happened in Iona's previous life.]

The time and place were a little different, but she remembered his expression, voice, and eyes looking at her, were similar.

Iona was embarrassed inside, but quickly guessed Richard's intentions.

'He must have been trying to confirm my loyalty.'


At that time Iona answered putting her hand on her heart and bowing her head deeply; “What your highness wants is what I want.”

She couldn't see his expression, but after a while, a satisfied voice came.

“Yeah, you always did. From now on, you will only follow my words. Nothing changes. Right?"

"Of course."

Satisfied with her answer, he replied, “Congratulations on your marriage, Iona.”


Richard had willingly left a congratulatory message for Iona at that time. However, instead of saying, 'what your highness wants is what I want,' the answer Iona would give this time would be a little different.

“No, it's fine.”

Judging that the explanation was insufficient, Iona added briefly.

“Actually, I quite like my prospective spouse.”

Upon hearing that, Richard's lips hardened. He didn't say anything for a moment, just looked at Iona's face. Then he raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

“I’m glad you weren’t forced into a marriage.”

There was nothing untrue in his words, so Iona was silent.

Richard turned his head away from her and stared out of the window for a long time.

She didn't know the reason, but her answer seeded to upset him. In fact, this was quite unusual.

Before long, Richard gave a short order.


"Didn't Your Highness call me because you had something to tell me?"

“Your husband-to-be is to visit here today. I was thinking that you would like to say hello-”

Richard then rolled his eyes and wiped away the bruises left on Iona's face.

“-But you can’t show that kind of face to your future husband when you meet for the first time. Moreover, I heard that the other person likes everything at its best.”

'Had the duke already arrived in the capital?'

It was true that the duke met the crown prince first before meeting her, but she had never intervened in their meeting.

Why was Richard saying something he didn't even mean?

Unable to figure out the reason, Iona decided to simply step back.

It was unfortunate that she couldn't meet the duke right away, but it would be difficult to have a proper conversation with him in the presence of the crown prince anyway.

“Then I will take my leave.”

Iona greeted politely and turned around.

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