Iona wondered if confessing her trust to him last time had been a turning point, but she didn’t think it had enough power to completely change his thoughts.

Richard didn’t seem like someone who would hide his feelings out of fear of being rejected by someone like her.

Rather, his caution was likely exercised for no one but himself.

After all, wasn’t it to settle the scandal with him that he commanded Iona to marry?

Just as the marriage with Iona was a bad deal for Leroy, the private relationship with her was merely a scandal for Richard.

Richard knew that, which was why he had never laid a hand on her until now. He was wise enough to weigh his reason and emotions.

Many thoughts swirled in Iona’s mind, but no plausible guesses came to mind.

Iona, realizing the silence was dragging on too long, made a formal refusal first.

In fact, no matter his true intention, the answer Iona had to give was already determined.

“Thank you, but I have to take care of Nils, so drinking is difficult.”

Fortunately, it seemed like a reasonable excuse, as Richard silently placed the bottle he was holding on the table.

“That’s unfortunate. I’ll tell Louisa to let you take this on your way back.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“No, it’s regrettable that I couldn’t celebrate more grandly due to others’ eyes.”

Richard leaned back on the sofa, looking at Iona askew.

His blue eyes were deep and clear, like a lake in winter.

Iona could see her own reflection vividly in his eyes.

Without showing it, Iona turned slightly away from Richard, creating some distance between them.

As Iona repeated a formulaic thank you, his eyebrows lifted slightly.

After staring at Iona for a long time, he diverted his gaze and changed the subject.

“I heard there was an incident at the mansion.”

“You’ve heard about Yvonne.”

“She staged a big scene like a hostage situation. How could I not hear about it?”

Iona tensed. His words sounded somewhat meaningful.

She expected him to ask more questions and waited, but Richard closed his mouth after that.

Iona felt a bit puzzled.

‘Does he not know that I plan to leave the capital?’

Iona had notified most of the servants of their dismissal and even put the mansion up for sale.

Considering others might not know, Richard surely would have heard about it, yet he didn’t mention it at all.

When Iona met him today, she had naturally expected to have a conversation about it. Instead, she found the situation bewildering.

‘Did the Empress control the information?’

It was entirely possible. The Empress had asked Iona to leave Richard’s side, and to achieve that, she first had to ensure that Richard couldn’t hold Iona back. If the fact of Iona’s move could be kept secret from him, it would be the perfect solution.

After all, only someone of the Empress’ stature could manage the information reported to the Crown Prince.

With that thought, Iona composed her expression naturally. Since she had received unexpected help from the Empress, it seemed she should play along with her demands.

“It wasn’t as big of an incident as you think. The Duke happened to be at the mansion and helped suppress it.”

“I heard about that too, of course.”

Richard’s eyes narrowed. He wasn’t the type to show displeasure over something so trivial.

Richard let out a faint chuckle and said something he didn’t mean.

“I’m glad to see you two seem to get along well. Visiting each other’s homes diligently even before marriage.”

“Oh, I forgot to mention this.”

Iona continued with a soft smile.

“In fact, we’ve already gotten married.”


Richard’s eyes twitched slightly.

It wasn’t as dramatic a reaction as Iona had expected; he seemed more unable to believe the truth than surprised by her statement.

Richard asked as if joking.

“Did you have a secret wedding or something?”

Unfortunately, that was true.

Iona and Leroy had signed the marriage vows and spent the night together. Though it was a simple ceremony, they followed all the necessary procedures.

Iona calmly continued her explanation.

“It didn’t seem like the right time for a public ceremony, so we quietly signed the marriage vows. We might have a proper wedding later if the opportunity arises... but for now, we’ll probably stay as we are. For now, it’s more important to handle the aftermath of the former head’s death.”

As Iona’s serious report continued, Richard began to realize this wasn’t a joke but a real situation.

The smile that had been on his face disappeared.

He looked at Iona with a blank expression, then suddenly lowered his gaze to her left hand.

It seemed he finally noticed the wedding ring Leroy had given her, and his gaze lingered there for a long time.

He swallowed a bitter laugh and said.

“What was the rush...?”


“It’s only been a short time since the engagement.”

As he muttered, he took her left hand and pulled it towards him.

The sudden contact startled Iona, but she didn’t push him away. After all, a loyal subject of the Crown Prince shouldn’t commit such an insolent act.

Richard gently traced the wedding ring on her ring finger with his fingertip. He murmured to himself.

“So, you’re truly a married woman now.”

Was it because it all happened so suddenly without any mental preparation?

He seemed far more agitated than when he had attended Iona’s wedding in their past life. Back then, he had been able to clap calmly while watching Leroy and Iona sign the marriage vows.

Iona wondered if he had felt the same way inside back then, masking his feelings with a carefully prepared facade, or if he had genuinely been unbothered.

‘It wouldn’t change anything, either way.’

“This is the first time I’m telling Your Highness. It was you who arranged our meeting.”


“Thank you, Crown Prince. Thanks to you, I met a good match and found solace during a difficult time.”

Iona left a smooth compliment.

As she said, Richard was the one who had arranged this marriage. He was obliged to bless the relationship between Iona and Leroy. He had no other choice.

Iona knew too well that he would never reveal his true feelings.

He merely enjoyed the thrill of a romantic game with her, never intending for it to become real.

He had too much to lose to get involved in a hopeless affair.

It was fortunate. Thanks to this, Iona could always pretend not to notice his affections.

“I understand your surprise.”

Iona said this and held Richard’s hand.

Richard flinched unconsciously when he felt the force of her hand wrapping around his finger.

Did he think she had seen through his heart? His previously expressionless face twisted for a moment.

Looking into Richard’s eyes, Iona spoke soothingly.

“I can imagine how Your Highness must feel right now. Perhaps you feel empty and disappointed. Maybe memories from the past are resurfacing. That might be because...”

Iona let her words trail off, feigning sympathy, while carefully observing Richard’s face.

Previously, she had thought he was an inscrutable person, but in this moment, she felt as though she could see through him completely.

From the prominent lump in his throat, she could sense his swelling anticipation.

Crushing his presumptuous desires, Iona spoke.

“It’s because Your Highness thinks of me as family.”


“It’s natural to have complicated feelings when a family member gets married. You’ve often called me your sister... Surely it feels like sending a younger sister off to get married.”


“That’s why I wanted to share this joyous news with Your Highness first.”

While Iona wore a tender smile, Richard couldn’t bring himself to smile at all.

He had often pretended to be family with her to monopolize their relationship, but unfortunately, he had overlooked one crucial fact.

Siblings desiring each other was a sin.

“Your Highness, won’t you congratulate me on my marriage with a happy heart?”

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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