“I hope you don’t dislike flowers.”

“I don’t like... Why would I?”

Iona managed to answer as she hastily received the bouquet from Leroy.

The fresh scent vibrated at the tip of her nose.

As if enchanted by the fragrance, Iona stared blankly at the flowers she held in her hand for a while.

Pleased with her reaction, Leroy said.

“I’m glad you seem to like it. I put a lot of thought into choosing it.”

His deep voice brought Iona back to reality.

Only then did Iona lift her head to examine Leroy’s face, puzzled by his intentions behind this gesture.

Iona, unable to hide her confusion, asked.

“All of a sudden... What’s all this about? Why such a gift...”

“Do men need a reason to give flowers to a woman? We are engaged, after all.”

Leroy answered nonchalantly and returned to his seat, leaving Iona unable to argue that their relationship was not at such a stage.

She couldn’t outright say that he was acting like a man courting a woman he was interested in, as it would be awkward for both of them.

Knowing this, Iona followed Leroy inside with a look of uncertainty and sat across from him.

Before she could tell Marsha to leave, Marsha had already excused herself, wishing them a good time.

Soon the door closed, leaving only Leroy and Iona inside.

Glancing towards the door, Iona leaned slightly towards Leroy and whispered, “You can be honest with me now.”

“About what?”

“About this being a gift prepared out of concern for appearances. To avoid seeming like you’re lacking in dedication to your bride by skipping the engagement ceremony.”

Iona convinced herself, reasoning out loud.

No matter how much she thought about it, the only reason he could do something so outrageous seemed to be that.

Reluctantly agreeing to her proposal of not having a ceremony, it appeared he had decided to save face in another manner.

Anyone looking into this drawing room could never accuse him of neglecting his bride.

“However, it would be best not to do this in the future. In a situation where the family head is taken, such displays of affection... might give off the wrong impression. I understand your intentions, Duke, but...”

“No, it seems you don’t understand,” Leroy interrupted her.

The fond look he had been giving Iona and the bouquet in her hands had faded.

Crossing his arms, he spoke with a hint of disappointment, “I didn’t realize you saw me as a calculating man who wouldn’t move without an ulterior motive. I wasn’t aware I’ve ever been particularly stingy.”

“That wasn’t my intention. It’s just that, without such a reason, there would be no other reason for you to give me flowers...”

“Why can’t I give you flowers?”

“It’s not that you can’t, it’s just that...”

Iona, caught off guard by Leroy’s timely retort, clutched the bouquet tightly.

Unable to guess what he was thinking, she found it difficult to articulate a defense.

From the start, she couldn’t understand why he was behaving as if he had been wronged in some strange way by her.

“I’m sorry,” Iona apologized, almost in resignation.

Wondering if her brief apology had failed to reach him, she caught a glimpse of Leroy wearing an incredulous expression.

With a fleeting, hollow laugh, Leroy then stood up and approached Iona.

Sitting down beside her naturally, he placed his hand on his leg and lightly flicked his fingers as if beckoning her.

Hesitantly, Iona reached out to him.

Gripping the tips of her fingers firmly, Leroy asked, “Do you remember the promise we made last time?”

“Of course, I remember everything you’ve said, Duke.”

The issue was that they had made more than a few promises, and it wasn’t immediately clear which one he was referring to.

In response to Iona’s assertive answer, Leroy smoothly continued.

“Certainly, we vowed to be faithful to each other after marriage.”


“Do you understand what that entails?”

A faint smile appeared on Leroy’s lips as he posed the question.

Iona met his gaze, momentarily lost in thought. The promise held various implications: a vow not to betray each other, a commitment to do one’s best for the other.

However, the words that Leroy actually voiced were of a completely different nature than expected.

“It means that the only man allowed for you is me.”

Iona’s eyes wavered. She involuntarily flinched, almost pulling her hand away, but Leroy, as if anticipating this, held onto her.

Despite his kind and gentle voice, his gaze held a firm intensity.

Iona felt a sudden warmth rush to her face. Even someone as inexperienced with romantic feelings as Iona could discern the implicit sexual connotation in his notion of ‘faithfulness.’

‘Is this a dream?’

The unexpected statement made her mind reel.

She felt her hand, touched by his, grow clammy, which only added to her discomfort.

To be honest, it wasn’t that Iona had no expectations for their marital life ahead. Quite the contrary, she had long hoped that he would see her as a woman, well before he brought up the subject.

It was a shameful and embarrassing desire she had deeply repressed, never allowing it to surface.

But she never imagined he would broach such a topic first.

The idea that their relationship had progressed to this extent was utterly unbelievable to her.

It was understandable, considering that in her past life, Iona had only managed to receive a kiss from him by using her last will as an excuse.

“…It also means that I am the only woman allowed to you, Your Grace.”

Iona carefully matched his pace with her response.

Leroy’s eyebrows lifted slightly in surprise at the immediate reciprocation, a faint smile gradually appearing on his lips as if pleased by the fact that he had not been rejected.

Iona thought it amusing. After all, such a reaction should have been expected from her side.

“Of course, a marital relationship can be sustained on mutual respect and trust alone, but what truly strengthens the bond is something else entirely,” he said, his tone harmless as he gently stroked the back of her hand.

However, his grey eyes held a more explicit intention as he gazed at Iona, pulling her arm towards him and briefly pressing his lips to the back of her hand.

“I wish to fulfill all my duties towards you.”


“Of course, I’m fully prepared to do so.”

It was overwhelming.

The man before her was tantalizing to the point where it was difficult to maintain her composure.

Iona swallowed nervously, her mind in turmoil. Everything seemed to be going too smoothly, leading her to doubt whether she was interpreting the situation too much in her favor.

Lacking the courage to throw herself at him and initiate a kiss, Iona sought confirmation with a serious expression.

“So… you’re saying you’re ready to have an heir with me?”



“Not now, but yes.”

Leroy answered after a long moment of silence.

The extended quiet had Iona tense up, but she finally let out a sigh of relief.

To her, who was inwardly worried about facing the same awkwardness on their wedding night as in her previous life, this was indeed welcome news.

Of course, she now felt comfortable enough with him to expect at least conversation… but a wedding night was not exactly meant for just talking, was it?

The saying that heaven helps those who help themselves seemed true after all.

Seizing the opportunity that had presented itself, Iona firmly resolved and promised, “I will prepare well to ensure you are not disappointed.”

“I’m not exactly sure what you’re planning to prepare… but I’m quite looking forward to it.”

His expression was slightly bewildered, but the response he gave was, nonetheless, positive.

Iona was even ready to buy lingerie that wasn’t to her taste if that’s what he wanted, so determined she was.

Just as Iona was about to delve into more serious discussions, having gained his consent, Leroy urgently interrupted her, “But what I want to do with you now is somewhat different.”

“Different how?”

Iona asked with a puzzled look, to which Leroy immediately nodded.

He launched into a lengthy explanation, as if trying to divert Iona’s thoughts elsewhere, “Well, it’s not entirely different, but it’s lighter, less burdensome on the body, and above all, something we must become accustomed to.”

“What is it?”

“Is it really necessary to say everything in words to be satisfied?”

Leroy’s retort carried a hint of reprimand.

It was then that Iona noticed the tension on his relaxed face.

Leroy’s hand, having moved closer unnoticed, gently cradled Iona’s cheek.

He paused in that position, silently gazing into Iona’s face for a long moment.

His eyes grew serious.

“From now on, I won’t answer any of your questions.”


“So… push me away if you dislike it.”

With those words, almost like a sigh, Leroy leaned his head towards Iona.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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