Chapter 96

Yu Shu dared to ask: "Are you joking with me?"

This joke was not funny at all, did the upper class's jokes tend to be this cold?

"I never joke," Shen Chaowen said seriously, but the affectionate smile on his face did not diminish in the slightest, "These are just meeting gifts, how much the dowry will be can be further discussed later. This is my expectation as a father, please understand."

Go ahead, how much money would it take for you to take away my nemesis son?

Yu Shu automatically translated this in her mind, and couldn't help covering her face to ponder just how unwelcome Shen Youlin was at home.

"Does Ms. Yu have any other questions?" Shen Chaowen asked with a smile.

"Uncle, don't be so polite, just call me Little Shu." Yu Shu looked over the transfer contract, she had learned quite a few things this past year, and could see that Shen Chaowen truly wanted to give her this money, the contract did not specify any conditions she needed to fulfill or comply with.

Yu Shu asked solemnly: "Just one question, have the taxes been paid?"

Shen Chaowen laughed out loud: "Don't worry, dowries do not need to be taxed."

Yu Shu awkwardly touched her nose, making a mental note to include economics law in her study plan.

"That's very good of you, a gentleman acquires wealth in a just manner, does not occupy that which does not belong to him, not even a shred." Shen Chaowen praised.

"You praise me too much, I'm far from being a gentleman, I'm just a shallow money-grubber." Yu Shu's cheeks flushed red, extremely embarrassed.

"Everyone loves money, otherwise what's the point of busying about? It's admirable that you can candidly admit your own greed."

Yu Shu's cheeks flushed red, and she couldn't help covering her face again, this really was, upper class is upper class, even their praises came in whole sets, she really couldn't take it.

"I heard you're also doing business, and your company is doing quite well."

Yu Shu's face grew even redder: "I must admit, I'm just an empty facade amateur, the company is run by professional managers."

"No matter, young people have ample time, you can slowly learn." At the end of the month I'm having dinner with a few old friends, why don't you join us too."

The upper class's old friends must surely all be upper class themselves!

Having a meal with them would have about the same effect as attaining the Tao and ascending to immortality.

Yu Shu frantically nodded in agreement: "Then I'll have to trouble you."

"It is a bit of trouble," Shen Chaowen murmured, then after a moment he laughed aloud: "How should I introduce you then? This is my little daughter-in-law, or should I say, this is my family's little son-in-law?"

Yu Shu's blushing face grew hotter once more: "Still daughter-in-law, to give Shen Youlin some face outside."

Like Yu Fanxing, Shen Chaowen did not chat with her further, leaving before Shen Youlin could find them - afraid that the sight would cause his white hair to sprout wildly.

Before leaving he invited Yu Shu to visit the Shen family home for the new year, to meet the old matriarch, the old matriarch would like her, and Yu Shu obediently nodded her head.

When Shen Youlin returned, upon seeing the gift contract on the table he exploded once more: "Did the old man tell you to take the money and leave me? You took it? You mustn't take it! However much he gave you I'll double it!"

It seemed your whole family just couldn't follow the dog-blood trope.

Yu Shu held in her laughter: "I've already taken it."

Shen Youlin was so angry he paced in circles: "I'm furious, furious!! Are you really that shallow?! Am I not worth more than that measly fund?!"

Yu Shu failed to hold in her laughter, doubled over laughing: "Yes, you are quite valuable. So your dad said, this is just a small part of your dowry."

"What? Say that again?!" Shen Youlin propped up Yu Shu who had laughed until she collapsed on the table, "What did you say this is?"

"It's your dowry, your dad said you would be married off, that in the future you would marry me." Yu Shu pinched his cheek, how could this man be so adorable.

Shen Youlin's face turned red: "No need to wait for the future, we can go register right now."

"That eager to marry off?"

Shen Youlin shyly nuzzled into her embrace, pinching his voice and immediately started acting: "Master~ You have taken this slave's body, this slave is now yours, you must take responsibility for this slave~"

Yu Shu deepened her voice to mimic a feudal lord's tone: "Fine fine, later I'll carry you back home on a bridal sedan, you can then kowtow and serve tea to my mother, and you'll be Mrs. Lin of the Yu family."

As soon as Mrs. Lin heard this, she immediately refused, and began throwing a tantrum: "Screw this! You want me to be your concubine? Who's your mother?! I'll send her a catty of arsenic to send her off!"

"My family has a fierce tigress, the seventh young miss of the Shen family, known for her extreme jealousy,"

"Oh you're messing with me aren't you?" Shen Youlin was embarrassed into anger, wrapping her in his embrace he tickled her mercilessly.

"I'm wrong......I'm wrong, stop......" Yu Shu burrowed into his embrace, and kissed his cheek with a loud smack, "I'm wrong, won't dare do it again."

Shen Youlin harrumphed twice, not letting her go as he tousled her wildly until Yu Shu weakly begged for mercy, only then did he begrudgingly release her.

Yu Shu didn't have an ounce of strength left, leaning against him she marveled: "My life, has suddenly gone from urban reality entertainment, into a fantasy world of a rich and powerful chaebol. Ah, I'm about to marry a tall, rich and handsome man, flying towards the peak of life as a phoenix maiden~"

"You know that already, where else can you find such a handsome and rich man madly devoted to you like me?"

"Yes indeed, what girl wouldn't love a boy who's rich, sick and handsome?" Yu Shu added as an afterthought, "And can cause an avalanche from crying on a ski slope."

"Tsk tsk - I knew you just had to bring that up didn't you? No, I have to take you skiing again, and show you my heroic and nimble figure!"

The more Shen Youlin spoke, the more upset he became, vowing to wipe Yu Shu's memories of the previous embarrassing affair from her mind: "Skiing, bungee jumping, flying planes, there's nothing your daddy can't do! Daddy can do anything!"

Yu Shu approvingly praised him with deep meaning: "Mm, everything, very capable."

The two walked out of the club arm in arm, the moment they stepped outside, they bumped right into someone - Shen Youlin's cheap uncle, along with a few other men who surrounded them.

Seeing this scene, Shen Youlin's driver was about to rush forward but was stopped with a raise of Shen Youlin's hand.

Shen Youlin knew the other party was after that strand of prayer beads, after Old Master Shen died, Shen Hui saw all the Shen members avoid him, daring to fight him for the item at this auction clearly meant the beads were very important to him. Shen Youlin wanted to see what he was up to, they were surrounded by people everywhere, the security guards were still standing by the club's doors, he refused to believe Shen Hui would openly rob them.

Shen Hui's face was gloomy: "That strand of prayer beads, I'll offer 210 million for them, sell them to me."

Shen Youlin laughed in exasperation at him: "Ten million? Are you looking for a call girl? Even an illegitimate child of little worth like you haggles over paying a price."

"Shen Youlin! No matter what I'm still your elder!" Shen Hui shook with anger, "How can you humiliate me like this?"

"Humiliate? I don't even want to bother with you, you're the one begging for a beating. Elder? You, a bastard child, still have the nerve to call yourself my elder?"

Shen Youlin was too lazy to even roll his eyes at him, too much effort.

Seeing that he didn't want to continue entanglement with this, Yu Shu immediately turned on the charm of a bewitching slut, rubbing up against him coquettishly: "Oh my, who is this, you've frightened me, I'm scared~"

"It's nothing dear, just a stray dog. Don't be afraid baby, we'll go home and take the beads apart to play diabolo, that'll take your shock away."

Yu Shu acted all delicate and nodded weakly: "Mm, I want to go home now~"

Shen Youlin steered her towards the car: "Let's go home, pay the crazy bastard no mind."

Shen Hui was so angry his face turned green, his lips bloodless as he trembled. With no leeway left to consider how to block their departure, off they went.

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