Chapter 91

Yu Shu did not expect that the first time she witnessed Shen Youlin's profound "literary cultivation" as a PhD student in literature would be in this way.

Shen Youlin recited in her ear: "...The gentleman is not shy of difficulties, he turns around to embrace his lover."

"Shut...shut up..."

Yu Shu said it hurt, so he eased up and recited: "Light wine shared in front of others, soft jade hugged by the lamp..."


"If you keep going...I'll hit you..."

At this moment, Yu Shu's threats were completely ineffective. Shen Youlin chuckled softly, his chest vibrating slightly.

"The jade stove and icy bedding, mandarin ducks intertwined, brocade quilt flipped by waves."


This time it was Yu Shu who cried: "Please stop...your eloquence..."

"Stealing rouge, butterflies nibbling flower stamens, dragonflies playing in the water, diving up and down..."


She was numb, just let him be. Yu Shu gave up and turned her face away, not looking at him.

"Faintly visible orchid chest, black hair neatly combed, solidified dark fragrance. Like emerald green leaves, newly hung from the cassia tree, brimming with purple medicine..."


"The gauze window shines in the moonlight, fragrant shoulders hooking together as we enter the room, too busy to care about the messy hair and askew hairpins, red covers flipped by stormy waves."


"The melodious warbling is constantly by my ear..."


This time Yu Shu cried: "Please stop...I can't take any more compliments..."

"Stealing rouge, butterflies nibbling flower stamens, dragonflies playing in the water, diving up and down..."


The long night continued on, countless literary gems glittering and illuminating the endless dark night.

The next day, Yu Shu slept until noon before waking up to Shen Youlin's flattering and ingratiating smile: "Are you hungry? Tired? Does it still hurt? Eat first or shower first?"

Yu Shu was too lazy to respond to him. She closed her eyes and turned her face the other way.

Shen Youlin good-naturedly leaned over to talk to her on the other side: "Fairy lady, allow little Shen to attend to your bathing and dressing."

"The hot water is ready. What scent of essential oil does the fairy lady prefer, rose or lavender?"

Yu Shu weakly responded: "Lavender."

She didn't want to see roses again for at least half a year!

Last night, the bedroom was full of rose petals. Shen Youlin had made full use of them too.

The bedroom was still a mess now with rose petals scattered everywhere.

Shen Youlin wanted to check if she really didn't have a conscience. He shamelessly squeezed into the bathroom but she slapped him away: "Clean up the bedroom first."

She didn't have the face to have the auntie clean up.

Shen Youlin looked extremely frustrated and disappointed. He forced himself to cheer up and responded obediently: "Of course, dear~"

Shen Youlin hummed the "Song of Heroes" while sweeping up the flower petals in the bedroom. When the doorbell rang, he instantly perked up. He threw aside the broom and quickly walked to open the door.

"Coming, coming."

As Shen Youlin walked, he loosened his sleep robe to reveal bite marks and scratches below his collarbone, deliberately creating a disheveled look like he had hastily crawled out of bed.

Yu Shu was blow drying her hair in the bathroom when she suddenly heard Shen Youlin urgently calling her, accompanied by pained shouts. She hurriedly put down the hair dryer and went to the living room.

At the entrance, Shen Youlin was wrestling with Ji Yunzi, whom she hadn't seen for some time.

Ji Yunzi's injuries hadn't healed yet, but this sly Shen Youlin kept poking at his wounds and for the moment seemed to have gained the upper hand.

Yu Shu scolded: "Stop!"

The two immediately stopped fighting. Shen Youlin scrambled up with his sleep robe already quite disheveled and his belt loosely hanging. He walked to her with an aggrieved look and took the chance to show Ji Yunzi the bite marks on one side of his neck.

Like a child tattling, Shen Youlin said: "He hit me first!"

Completely omitting that he was the one who opened his mouth first.

Yu Shu looked at him calmly, sneering inside. He usually wore cartoon pajamas, yet today he specifically put on this mature, serious robe.

She could clearly see through his little schemes. But she had always been protective of her loved ones, helping her own people whether reasonable or not.

Yu Shu stepped past him and said to Ji Yunzi: "Sorry, it's as you can see. We are together now. What I said before is all invalid. I deeply apologize for hurting you."

Shen Youlin butt in from behind her: "It's okay, he's not heartbroken at all. Many flowers are waiting for him out there."

Ji Yunzi grinned roguishly, revealing his playboy essence: "Sister, I think someone as great as you can have one more boyfriend."

"Don't even think about it! You could never measure up!!" Shen Youlin grabbed the nearby tissue box and threw it by his feet.

Ji Yunzi regretfully shrugged: "Well alright. Sister, don't feel guilty towards me. I'm just a little unwilling to give up."

"I'm sorry," Yu Shu said sincerely.

Ji Yunzi smiled at her and then taunted Shen Youlin: "I didn't lose to you. I lost to Sister here. Cover up your chest and belly flab and tighten your clothes, don't catch a cold now."

"Fuck off! You looking for a fight?!"

"Bring it on! Who's afraid of you?!"

Yu Shu grabbed Shen Youlin's belt to stop them from fighting again.

"Come at me!"

"Why don't you come over instead?!"

The two were bickering so loudly that Yu Shu felt a headache coming on. She let go of Shen Youlin and said indifferently: "Go on then, fight it out."

Shen Youlin coughed and tightened his robe belt: "I was just afraid my wife would be angry. Otherwise I'd happily let you break your other leg too."

Ji Yunzi scoffed disdainfully and turned to say to Yu Shu: "Bye."

Yu Shu: "Bye."

"Bye, short and fat little bastard." Ji Yunzi flipped a middle finger at Shen Youlin and then left.

Shen Youlin hastily returned two middle fingers: "Never see you again, you poor and scummy trash."

"He's...he's not as handsome as me..."

Under Yu Shu's cold stare, Shen Youlin instantly became uncertain: "I'm more handsome than him, right?"

After a long pause, Yu Shu lightly murmured in agreement.

Shen Youlin giggled gleefully and picked up the tissue box he threw earlier: "I got mad and threw this tissue box. I won't even throw tissue boxes anymore next time."

"Feel free to throw tissue boxes and pillows if you want."

"Hehe, my wife is the best."

Shen Youlin was uneasy in case Yu Shu asked why Ji Yunzi had come.

But Yu Shu didn't ask about Ji Yunzi and instead asked something else while eating breakfast: "How did you know my schedule?"

Earlier, he had said he was looking for her the whole time. He knew she was at Saipan and also very quickly found out her location after she returned.

"Don't get angry when I tell you this okay? And promise you won't pursue this."

Yu Shu nodded: "Okay, I promise I won't pursue it."

"It was my brother. He checked your bank transaction records."

"Your brother? Your biological one?"

"Cousin, I mean Yu Yan."

"Oh I see...wait what?!" Yu Shu suddenly reacted. "Yu Yan is your cousin?!"


Yu Yan was also Star Sister's nephew. So if Star Sister is Yu Yan's aunt, then Star Sister and Shen Youlin are...?

Yu Shu clutched her chest and held her breath to ask: "Your...Yu Yan's dad is your uncle. Aside from your uncle, how many other children did your maternal grandpa have?"

Shen Youlin looked utterly confused: "Just my uncle and my crazy mom."

"What's your mother's full name?" Yu Shu asked, clinging onto one last shred of hope.

"Oh my mom. Her name is Yu Fanxing."

There was absolutely no way around this at all. Shocked, Yu Shu choked from inhaling wrong. She started coughing violently.

"Babe, drink some water, drink some water!" Shen Youlin hurried to pat her back and pass her water.

Yu Shu drank two mouthfuls of water and said despairingly: "Go pick up Dou E. I want some time alone."

She wanted to be alone, to think about how to tell her little sister that she had slept with her son. And also, silently take back all the words she had scolded about Shen Youlin's mother the last few days, one by one.

"No more alone time, think about Shen Shen instead~" Shen Youlin whined coquettishly.

Thinking of you just gives me a headache.

The doorbell rang again. At this time, it should be the auntie who comes to clean. Shen Youlin got up to open the door, but the one standing outside was Yu Fanxing.

Yu Fanxing pushed Shen Youlin open and rushed into the dining room. Her eyes were bloodshot as she asked sternly, "Yu Shu! What have you done?! I regarded you as a sister, but you actually slept with my son!"

Yu Shu said anxiously, "Listen to my explanation... I also just found out..."

Yu Fanxing impatiently interrupted her, "Aren't you lowering your status? What got into you that made you like him?!"

Shen Youlin was instantly unhappy, "How can you talk like that?! If you can't speak properly, then don't speak! We are clearly meant for each other!"

Yu Shu painfully covered her face - she shouldn't have had unrealistic expectations about the melodramatic plot development with this mother and son.

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