Chapter 86

Yu Shu said "just make some random food", but passerby A and the others, seeing Shen Youlin's attitude towards her, didn't dare to just throw something together randomly. They made a big table full of dishes, and also a freshly-baked roast duck, put in a special food container to make sure it would still be hot when delivered to the hospital room, and to maximize keeping the roast duck skin crispy. That still wasn't enough, they also brought in a chef to slice roast duck for Yu Shu on the spot.

Yu Shu ate to her heart's content, and Shen Youlin watched to his heart's content, his gaze never leaving her. Concussions require a light diet, but Yu Shu was eating big fish and meat to the side, while Shen Youlin sat on the hospital bed, facing the light porridge and small dishes on the small dining table.

Yu Shu was naughty at heart. After she ate her fill, she took the roast duck rolls to tease him: "Eat it, eat it?"

Shen Youlin was dizzy and nauseous at the time, unable to eat anything, but he still played along, opening his mouth asking to be fed: "Ah~"

"Eat fart! You can eat fart!" Yu Shu said, then stuffed the roast duck roll into her own mouth, and pinched his cheeks: "Hurry up and drink your porridge."

From beginning to end he only drank a sip of porridge, the rest of the time just staring blankly at Yu Shu.

Shen Youlin: "You didn't wash your hands."

"I did it on purpose, bite me if you dare." Yu Shu raised her chin.

Shen Youlin's eyes were ambiguous as he glanced over her body: "Where do I bite?"

Yu Shu raised her hand to slap him, but remembered he had a concussion and couldn't take a beating. She angrily pried open his mouth and shoved the spoon from the porridge bowl into his mouth.

Shen Youlin was not angry either - rounding up, this was Yu Shu feeding him porridge, hmm, that's how it is.

The few people who came to clean up the meal exchanged glances, secretly glancing at Shen Youlin's side, and gave their companions a "those in the know understand" look.

Yu Shu's mobile phone and luggage were also brought over from the ski resort. Yu Shu got into bed and played with her phone.

She was lazy all over now, didn't want to do anything. There was nothing more relaxing than lying in bed playing with her phone.

The Porsche salesperson left her a message saying her 911 had arrived, and asked when she would pick up the car. She had bought this car earlier in the year, just selecting the trim had cost 800,000 yuan, and later there were some logistics problems, only now arriving in China. Yu Shu herself had almost forgotten about it.

She'll have sister Yin's assistant help pick it up and bring it back. More and more trivial matters, she'll have to find an assistant for herself when she gets back too, find a sweet-talking fresh piece of eye candy with red lips and white teeth!

After discussing company matters with several senior executives, confirming year-end bonuses and important personnel changes and so on. Yin Minbi also asked when she would return to Rongcheng, so they could confirm the date of the company annual meeting.

Yu Shu: 【Let's talk about this later, or you guys can arrange the annual meeting yourselves, don't bother me, just do what needs to be done.】

99+ unread messages in the sisters' chat group, the most explosive news was that Lin Fangyu and that handsome stutterer got together. The two had drunken sex (actually it was just two people who had their eyes on each other for a while, drinking a little liquid courage to provide cover, and doing what they had wanted to do for a while). Good luck or bad, they were caught by Lin Fangyu’s parents the next morning. After meeting Bai Xuan’an’s parents, the parents on both sides hit it off instantly, happily preparing for the engagement banquet.

Now the sisters' chat group was full of schadenfreude, Yu Shu laughed while kicking Lin Fangyu when she was down, lamenting that Lin Fangyu, the free little bird, had capsized her boat in the gutter, and would never again fly free.

Ye Ping was discharged from the hospital. She did not go on a self-drive tour with Yu Feng - because Yu Feng had taken the driving test three times, and still hadn't passed. The couple returned to the county seat. Yu Feng nattered on and on about what types of goods he had prepared for this year, and asked if she wanted to eat anything else, and he would prepare it.

In previous years all these matters were handled by Ye Ping. She knew Yu Shu didn't want to see her now, so she had Yu Feng pass along the message.

Yu Yang was on winter break from school, and heard Yu Shu was in Beijing, he also wanted to come visit, but Yu Shu rejected him, telling him not to add to the chaos, to go have fun somewhere else.

Ever since going to Europe and having his horizons broadened, Yu Yang had completely fallen in love with travel, whenever he had a holiday he couldn't sit still, and went everywhere to walk around and see the sights. Yu Shu was very supportive of this. Going on a long journey is a good thing, so she gave him a very generous allowance, not enough for him to live extravagantly, but enough to travel around seeing the world.

The training course ended, and she had missed the final exam at the end of the course. The tutors at the institution asked if she wanted to take another term, Yu Shu declined. The tuition for this course was very high, because the top 3 students could intern at Yueye Securities Firm, and with outstanding performance during the internship they could be converted to full hires.

Yu Shu took the course to gain knowledge, the exam and internship opportunities were moot to her. She learned a lot of things, but it still wasn't enough. She would need to arrange other learning plans for next year, postgrad or studying abroad or something.

There was also Yu Fanxing. Now that Yu Shu was in Beijing, it made no sense not to meet up with her for a meal or go to the spa or something. But after she sent the message it was like a rock sinking into the sea. After Yu Fanxing returned to China, the two of them lost contact.

Ji Yunzi sent her a WeChat message, casually recounting how Shen Youlin's people chased him out of the ski resort, not allowing him to enter, so he could only first find a hotel to stay in the city.

Yu Shu asked which hotel he was staying at, Ji Yunzi did not reply.

Just as Yu Shu was replying to the messages one by one, she suddenly heard a clear sound of glass shattering. Shen Youlin had reached for the glass on the bedside table, didn't grab it steady and it smashed. Under her gaze, he awkwardly withdrew his hand, like a child who had done something wrong lowering his head.

Yu Shu got out of bed, took the cup and refilled it with warm water for him: "Why didn't you call me?"

Shen Youlin took it with both hands: "Couldn't bear to wake're so tired."

Yu Shu suddenly had a feeling of pride at seeing her son grow up. All grown up, so sensible, his old mother was moved to the verge of tears.

Shen Youlin drank a couple sips of water, but because of the motion of reaching for the cup earlier, the dizziness and nausea intensified again very quickly, and he vomited cleanly, even the bile nearly came out.

After vomiting Shen Youlin just lay on the bed groaning. Yu Shu wrung out a warm towel and wiped his face. The attending nurse tidied up the glass fragments and tactfully retreated out.

After Yu Shu finished wiping his face, she also wiped his hands: "You're so unpopular, all day today, none of your family has come to see you, only the nurse and assistant are here."

Shen Youlin scoffed: "It'd be abnormal if they did come. If they came, I'd be afraid they were adding arsenic to my IV."

"Family intrigues? Fighting over the family fortune?" Yu Shu's eyes gleamed with gossip.

Shen Youlin deadpanned: "Family ugliness should not be aired publicly. If you want to know you can only marry me."

Yu Shu threw the towel at his face: "Hetui~ No way!"

At night Yu Shu was leaving with her luggage, Shen Youlin clung to her clothes hem pleading for her to stay: "Don't go..."

"I'll come see you again tomorrow."

"Just stay here, if you don't want to see me, you can stay in the next room."

"I don't want to stay at the hospital, smells too much like disinfectant." Yu Shu coaxed patiently, "I'll make you shrimp congee tomorrow morning."

After mulling it over for a bit Shen Youlin agreed. He had passerby A take her to an apartment hotel under the Shen Group.

Yu Shu drank half a bottle of red wine, forehead pressed against the cold glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the night view and traffic, sorting out her thoughts, thinking about what to do next.

Her mind was in chaos, she couldn't see clearly herself, so she started looking for outside help. She took out her phone, organized her words, and sent the background story of her and Shen Youlin to the sisters' chat group from start to finish.

The ice cube went into the hot oil pan, and the chat group instantly exploded.

Lin Fangyu: 【Oh wow, your boat capsized too, bottoms up sister】

Yang ZhiXia: 【Is he hot or not hot?! If he's hot let's endure it, if he's not hot don't pamper him.】

Yu Shu: 【Very hot, just his face is nice to look at】

Yang ZhiXia: 【No pics no truth, where are the pics, where are the pics】

Yu Shu flipped through the photo album and found a picture of Shen Youlin and Dou E to send to them.

Xia Zhiyang: [These pink ears are so cute!]

Yu Shu: [Ms. Xia, please focus on the key point.] fr𝐞𝐞𝚠e𝗯𝗻ovel.c𝐨m

Ou Doudou: [From what you said, his family background is so good. If you two are together, his family wouldn't agree.]

Xia Zhiyang: [You don't need our opinion at all. Your heart already has the answer, you just have hesitations and don't want to affirm it. You ask us only because you want to be supported.]

Xia Zhiyang: [After we talked so much, do you expect us to say anything? What you expect is exactly your true thoughts.]

Yu Shu couldn't help but applaud her. Ms. Xia Zhiyang, the love expert in real life, psychologist, really hit the nail on the head.

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