Chapter 166

Yu Shu and Shen Youlin went to the Main Manor to dine with the elderly lady for dinner. The elderly lady had been disheartened by her unaccomplished descendants lately, and her appetite had diminished significantly each day.

Yu Shu and Shen Youlin entertained her on the side, coaxing the elderly lady to eat an extra bowl of rice.

After dinner, Yu Shu and Shen Youlin accompanied the elderly lady on a stroll to aid digestion.

Watching Yu Shu's smiling face, a certain thought gradually surfaced in the elderly lady's mind.

"Xiao Shu, what do you think about Yu Xiao's situation?"

Yu Shu's expression turned uneasy. "How could I have a say in my elder brother's affairs? You and father are here to handle it, so it's not my place to interject."

At the dinner table, Yu Shu and Shen Youlin had deliberately avoided any topics related to Shen Yuxiao, but the elderly lady brought it up voluntarily.

Shen Youlin chimed in, "Exactly, if you want to hear the truth, that would make my wife the villain. If you want to hear lies, she won't say them either!"

"Of course, I want to hear the truth," the elderly lady said, grasping Yu Shu's hand and affectionately patting the back of it. "Speak your mind freely. If you had the authority, what would you do?"

Yu Shu glanced at Shen Youlin, who nodded encouragingly.

Yu Shu mustered her courage and replied, "If it were up to me, I would let him go. His heart is no longer in it, so what's the point of keeping him here physically? In fact, isn't that what you're thinking too?"

The elderly lady let out a long sigh. "As one gets older, the heart grows softer."

For most of her long life, her heart had been cold and hard, but as she approached her twilight years, her heart had softened.

As soon as Shen Chaowen returned to the Old Mansion, he was summoned to the elderly lady's room by Wei Bo before even reaching his quarters.

The elderly lady lay in a rocking chair, her expression calm. "You're back. Have a seat."

As the rocking chair swayed back and forth, the elderly lady's white hair seemed to have grown more, causing Shen Chaowen immense distress.

"It's my fault for not raising Yu Xiao properly, causing you to worry."

Not just Shen Yuxiao, but he and Yu Fanxing had failed to raise and protect all three of their children.

The elderly lady closed her eyes. "Let him go. Since we can't keep him, let him go."

Shen Chaowen cautiously broached the subject, "How should we handle his assets and shares?"

The elderly lady opened her eyes. "Give Yu Shu, the new bride, his shares as a wedding gift. As for his personal assets, leave them to Ruirui and An'an."

"Isn't that too much for Yu Shu?"

"The Shen family," the elderly lady sat upright, speaking with vigor, "this great ship needs a clear-headed, resolute navigator at the helm, and that person doesn't need to bear the Shen surname."

Even Shen Chaowen was taken aback by the elderly lady's intent, but upon careful consideration, he realized there were no suitable candidates among Shen Yuxiao's generation.

After pondering, Shen Chaowen solemnly nodded. "Yes."

"Yu Shu is still quite young, so you'll need to guide her more. Fortunately, you and I can still support her for some time. Take it slowly."

"My son understands."

The elderly lady let out a weary sigh. "I can't imagine how heartbroken Ruirui and An'an must be."

Their mother had only been gone for less than a year, and now they would have to part from their father too. The two children were still young and unable to comprehend the adults' intentions, and she feared they might lose their way and become corrupted.

Thinking about the two children, the elderly lady was anguished yet helpless, as she didn't want to see the younger generations repeat the upbringing of her descendants.

Shen Chaowen blurted out, "Let me raise them."

As the words left his mouth, he realized he had spoken impulsively, without any prior thought. Perhaps this intention had taken root in his heart long ago.

The elderly lady knew he had spoken rashly and smiled ambiguously. "Let you raise them? Would Fanxing agree? You and Fanxing haven't even raised your own three children properly."

The three children had grown up in the Old Mansion. After Shen Youfei became an adult, she developed a sisterly bond with Yu Fanxing and interacted with her more regularly. As for Shen Yuxiao and Shen Youlin, it's better not to mention them.

The elderly lady massaged her slightly aching temples. "I'll consider your words unsaid. Go now, these old bones are tired."

Shen Chaowen's hand clenched and loosened, but he ultimately remained silent.

When Shen Chaowen returned to his quarters, a maid was bringing food upstairs. Upon seeing him, she handed it to him. "Madam has been in her room since returning this afternoon and hasn't come out, not even for dinner."

"I understand. You can go now."

Shen Chaowen took the food from her, feeling even heavier in his heart.

Yu Fanxing sat hugging her knees in front of the vanity, her face stained with dried tears when she turned to look at Shen Chaowen.

After being back for so long, she hadn't removed her makeup or changed clothes, and it was unclear how long she had been crying alone in front of the mirror. Her makeup was smeared, an unsightly mess. Upon seeing Shen Chaowen, she pursed her lips and sniffled.

"We're being punished."

They had three children, but none of them lived fulfilling lives.

They had evaded their responsibilities as parents, and the consequences had befallen their children.

Yu Fanxing considered herself a failed mother, or perhaps she had never truly embraced or accepted that role from the beginning.

Shen Chaowen set down the tray and embraced her. "Let's raise An'an and Ruirui. Let's properly guide them... make amends, even if just a little..."

Could they really make amends? Shen Chaowen didn't know himself.

Yu Fanxing leaned into his embrace and nodded.

After learning of his impending expulsion from the family, Shen Yuxiao was overjoyed. He surrendered all his assets and quickly left the Capital with Chen Yun, eager to return before the New Year: the word "return" came from Shen Yuxiao's own mouth.

Before leaving, Shen Yuxiao didn't even visit the Old Mansion to see his children.

Shen Chaowen personally informed the two children of their father's departure. They lowered their heads, remaining silent for a while. Then, Ruirui continued fiddling with the Lego in his hands, softly uttering an "Oh."

An'an, being younger, couldn't conceal her emotions, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Shen Chaowen pulled her onto his lap. "Grandpa is here from now on."

An'an could no longer hold back and burst into tears, burying her face in her grandfather's embrace.

Moved by his sister's sobs, Ruirui tightly pursed his lips as tears streamed down his face.

Shen Chaowen beckoned him over, pulling him into his embrace as well.

"Grandpa is here, grandpa is here."

That day, Shen Chaowen settled the two children in his and Yu Fanxing's villa. That night, after coaxing the two children to sleep, they quietly left the children's room.

Recalling how teardrops still clung to An'an's eyelashes as she slept, Yu Fanxing couldn't help but lament, "I hope that after disregarding everything, he doesn't regret it and finds what he truly wanted."

Shen Chaowen reassuringly patted her shoulder. "Don't dwell on it anymore."

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