Chapter 131

After comforting Lin Fangyu for a while, Yu Shu's words finally helped calm her down. Yu Shu accompanied her to the restroom to wash her face.

After washing her face, Lin Fangyu looked at her reflection in the mirror and felt a little embarrassed. "Am I being overly melodramatic? They all say I'm overly melodramatic."

"Don't listen to their nonsense. Who doesn't get melodramatic when they're in love? If you're not melodramatic, can you even call it being in love?"

Lin Fangyu laughed, but her smile soon faded. "After getting married, love turns into affection."

"Then you should discuss that with your husband..."

As Yu Shu was speaking, her phone rang. It was none other than Lin Fangyu's husband that Yu Shu had just mentioned.

"See, you can't stop people from jinxing things."

Lin Fangyu turned her face away, leaving one ear to listen as Yu Shu told that scoundrel their private room number.

"Let's go. I'll hand you over to your husband, and I'll go home to appease my own husband."

Yu Shu supported Lin Fangyu as they walked back to the private room. As they passed the hallway, a painful, helpless scream came from one of the rooms. Moments later, a disheveled girl stumbled out, with two men in hot pursuit.

The girl ran towards Yu Shu and Lin Fangyu. Everything happened so quickly that Yu Shu didn't have time to react and instinctively shielded Lin Fangyu behind her.

The girl fell at Yu Shu's feet. "Sister..."

Yu Shu brushed the tangled hair from the girl's face and could hardly believe her eyes when she saw the tearstained Wenwen. "Did they hurt you?"

"...Sister." Wenwen kept crying, unable to utter a complete sentence. She shakily extended her hand, her index and little fingers bent at disturbing angles.

"Well, well, sisters, perfect timing. Why don't you both join us for some fun?" one of the men leered.

"With your scrawny body, do you really think you can handle two of us?" the other man sneered, his words growing more vulgar.

A waiter pushed a trolley of beer past them. Yu Shu handed Wenwen to Lin Fangyu. "Stay back."

She then grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it over the "scrawny" man's head. Blood and beer splattered everywhere as the man crumpled to the ground.

Gripping the broken bottle, Yu Shu pointed it at the other man. "Want to try your luck?"

Yu Shu's heart was pounding furiously, her breathing nearly stopped. She regretted acting so impulsively without calling security first. She had caught one off guard, but if the other man attacked, she wouldn't be able to fend him off.

She didn't regret her actions, but she did wish she could have taken down both of them at once.

Yu Shu summoned all her willpower to keep her hand steady, trying not to show any fear. f𝐫e𝚎weπš‹nπ¨π˜ƒel.𝗰𝗼𝐦

"Damn bitch! Do you know who I am?" the remaining thug cursed, raising his leg to kick Yu Shu.

Yu Shu couldn't retreat, not with Lin Fangyu and Wenwen behind her.

In the next instant, Yu Shu's vision blurred as the man fell face-first onto the ground. Behind him, Bai Xuan'an retracted the leg he had used to sweep the man's feet. He stepped forward and ground his heel into the back of the thug's head. "Who are you? Does it matter?"

Lin Fangyu covered her mouth, her eyes shining with excitement. "So cool!"

Yu Shu rolled her eyes. "Girl, pick your moments for fangirling."

Their commotion had alerted the people in the private rooms. Seven or eight flashily dressed men emerged.

As the door opened, Yu Shu noticed two more girls around Wenwen's age, huddled and crying in a corner.

Yu Shu's expression darkened. This situation was far from over.

Back home playing a flying chess game with Yu Yang, Shen Youlin received a WeChat message from Yu Shu with just four words: [Come quickly for backup.]

"Damn it!" Shen Youlin leaped to his feet, grabbing his coat as he called a subordinate. "Are you really going to just follow the Boss Lady's group around like lambs to the slaughter?"

"The... the Boss Lady instructed the bodyguards to keep some distance and not be too obvious... She and her friends went to a KTV, so the bodyguards are waiting outside."

Yu Yang looked confused. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, your sister just had a bit too much to drink. I'll go pick her up." After saying that, Shen Youlin rushed out, his expression darkening.

"Useless bunch!"

The four bodyguards following Yu Shu today received the message and quickly entered the KTV to find her. As the four burly men stood behind her, Yu Shu instantly felt more confident - these hulking figures could easily deal with the bunch of punks on the other side.

Projecting strength really was important.

Yu Shu said, "Wenwen, come here and tell me who hurt your hand."

Wenwen tightly pursed her lips as she approached Yu Shu and pointed at two men.

The men sneered and made threatening gestures.

Wenwen shuddered and shrank behind Yu Shu, who soothingly patted her back.

Worried about an incident, the KTV manager hurried over and arranged for the man with the cracked skull to be taken to the hospital.

Yu Shu instructed Bai Xuan'an to take Lin Fangyu and Wenwen away first. Lin Fangyu shouldn't stay any longer, and Wenwen needed medical attention.

"Sister..." Wenwen's voice trembled as she clutched Yu Shu's clothes, uncertain what to do.

Yu Shu looked at her, but the words of reproach died on her lips. "Go with this sister to the hospital first. I'll deal with things here and come find you later."

Wenwen reluctantly left with Bai Xuan'an and Lin Fangyu.

Yu Shu sent Lin Fangyu a message: [If possible, help me get that girl to open up and find out what exactly happened.]

Lin Fangyu replied: [Understood, leave it to me.]

After the injured person was taken care of, the KTV owner soon arrived, accompanied by Yu Shu's acquaintance - Feng Shuo, a local gangster from Tongya County.

Upon seeing Yu Shu, Feng Shuo smiled. "Well, well, if it isn't a case of not recognizing one's own kin. Can't you give your uncle Feng some face and sit down for a nice chat?"

Yu Shu quickly learned about Feng Shuo's relationship with this group of scumbags. Several of them were his nephews, some were sworn brothers, and others were cousins. The one who had injured Wenwen's hand was Feng Shuo's cousin's son.

Besides Feng Shuo, there were two middle-aged men among the group, the fathers of two of the scumbags present.

"Little Yu, you've already injured one of my nephews. Do me a favor and pay his medical expenses, and we'll consider this matter settled."

Yu Shu scoffed in disbelief. "Sure, why don't you have those two break another finger each, and I'll cover their medical expenses too."

Feng Shuo's smile faded, his tone taking on an ominous undertone. "Out there, you may have made a name for yourself, but no matter how successful you become, you'll have to come home eventually. Your parents and elders are still here."

Yu Shu raised an eyebrow. "Are you threatening me?"

"Hey, I'm just trying to reason with you. You may have become a big shot out there, but that doesn't give you the right to bully your elders back home."

"That's right, there's no such logic!"

Shen Youlin made a grand entrance, each step crushing their confidence. He approached Feng Shuo, smiling as he stared him down. "Let me reason with you too. I am the logic."

"A formidable dragon doesn't bother with local snakes, but you... you're not even a worm."

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