Chapter 12

“Mom, mom, mom, look at this double-opening armored door...... Wow, so majestic!” “Dad, dad, dad, dad, look at these tiles and ceilings, isn’t the quality hard enough?”

“Look at this floor-to-ceiling window, look at the view from the balcony, you can see half of the county from up here.”

“Look at this master bedroom suite, look at this walk-in closet, why don’t you go buy my mom one hundred and eighty sets of clothes to fill it up!”

“Look at this big kitchen, look at......”

“Look and look, are you done! That mouth of yours just blabs nonstop! Buying a house has you so smug, you’re about to poke through the sky.” Ye Ping had no intimidating power at this moment, and couldn’t help laughing after she finished speaking.

“Hehe, mommy~” Yu Shu hugged her and nuzzled against her, “Mommy~”

“Alright, alright.” Ye Ping patted her head like patting a puppy’s head, “Thank you sweetheart, I really like it.”

Yu Shu turned her head and asked: “What about dad?”

Yu Feng was studying the central air conditioning switch. Feeling uneasy at her words, he squeezed his cane: “I...I like it too.”

Yu Shu looked at his blushing from happiness face and nodded: “I can tell.”

The house was fully furnished. The hardware like plumbing and electricity was complete. They just needed to add some soft furnishings and furniture/appliances before moving in.

Ye Ping: “Huh, we even bought air conditioners yesterday, got four all at once.”

Yu Shu unconsciously swallowed her saliva: “Yesterday, before, I didn’t plan on buying a house. The plan...didn't keep up with the changes, heh heh......”

Ye Ping poked her head fiercely: “Even if you have money you can’t spend it like this, buying whatever you want without any plan!”

When Yu Yang got home after evening self-study, he found that except for himself, everyone else had happy smiles on their faces. He suddenly realized he was the odd one out.

Carrying a plate of bright red strawberries, he picked out the biggest, reddest one for his mom, the second biggest and second reddest for his sister, casually handed one to his dad, and finally popped one into his own mouth.

“Mm, delicious. What happened to make you all so happy?”

Ye Ping glared: “Grown up stuff, kids shouldn’t ask.”

Yu Yang argued: “I’m 1.8 meters tall! Almost eighteen!”

“Little brat~” Yu Shu pinched his still chubby, baby fat filled face.

“You got strawberry juice all over my face!!!”

They had an appointment with Dr. Zheng on Monday morning. Ye Ping was worried about being late and wasting the doctor’s valuable time. Yu Shu immediately decided to go to Rong City the day before and find a hotel near the hospital to stay at.

Yu Shu booked a family suite. Seeing the 698 yuan per night price, Ye Ping felt distressed and kept pounding her chest.

This hotel was the most economical one Yu Shu could find after extensive comparisons. She didn’t dare let her mom know she had stayed at a hotel that cost 120,000 yuan per month.

After getting settled, it was time for dinner. Yu Shu had researched online and made reservations at a very popular restaurant nearby.

There was a long line outside the restaurant. You could tell the taste was good just by the popularity.

Along with the popularity was the price. Ye Ping frowned as she looked at the menu: “This is too expensive! We can just casually eat some noodle soup from a roadside stall.”

Yu Shu pretended not to hear and started ordering: “One signature roasted fish, one specialty braised beef hot pot, don’t make it too spicy. One veggie soup, can you recommend one? Also one stir fried seasonal veggies. For drinks get that featured corn juice. Mom and dad, see anything else you want to eat?”

Ye Ping glared. Yu Shu closed the menu: “Alright, I know, you want to eat me.”

The hypocritical Ye Ping was immersed in pleasure and couldn’t help moaning out after 20 minutes.

She was really enjoying the food now.

After eating and paying, there was a prize wheel next to the cashier. It was part of the restaurant's 3rd anniversary celebration. Each table had a chance to get a discount from 9.9% to free meal by spinning the wheel.

Yu Shu rubbed her hands and casually spun the wheel. It spun rapidly at first, then slowed down. The needle slowly approached the small section indicating free meal, eventually stopping right on the words “free meal”.

Yu Shu: “............”

After a moment of silence, thunderous applause and cheers erupted.

“Congrats, congrats! You’re our first customer to get a free meal!”

Leaving the restaurant, the family of three was fully fed and extremely satisfied as they walked back to the hotel.

Yu Shu felt her face and her smile instantly collapsed - she touched an emerging pimple!

The little person inside her immediately turned into a screaming chicken, and the broad-minded one started crying in all directions.

She didn’t want to get pimples!

Beauty salon, beauty salon, which beauty salon could save her, beauty salon - across the street!

There was one right across the street, a large chain that Yu Shu had a VIP gold card for.

Yu Shu pointed dramatically at the beauty salon sign: “Mommy~ I’ll treat you to a SPA~”

“I think you’re looking to die. Why spend money on useless things, burning money like crazy......”

Yu Feng went back to the hotel first. Yu Shu dragged Ye Ping to the beauty salon through half coaxing and half nagging.

30 minutes later, the hypocritical Ye Ping was lying on the beauty bed, moaning in unbearable yet comfortable pleasure.

She was really enjoying herself again.

When paying, Yu Shu used her own membership card. No matter how Ye Ping asked about the price, she refused to say.

Ye Ping glanced: “Now you really know how to spend money huh?”

Yu Shu patted her own fair red, uniquely pink face and arrogantly said: “Able to earn, willing to spend.”

Ye Ping rolled her eyes and turned her face away without speaking again.

The doctor looked at the X-rays, carefully examined the condition of Yu Feng's calf muscles, and discussed treatment plans with them: “Full recovery to normal levels is definitely impossible, but as long as you cooperate with treatment, living normally without a cane in the future, I can guarantee that. There is some atrophy in the calf muscles. Do physiotherapy for a while and see the recovery condition before deciding on surgery to correct the crooked bones.”

Yu Shu: “We’ll listen to you on everything.”

After confirming the treatment plan, Yu Shu took Yu Feng to the physiotherapy room with the receipt. You can just pay online by binding the ID number now. Yu Shu paid on her phone and handed Yu Feng to the physiotherapy doctor: “Dad, mom and I are going to abandon you to go shopping. Finish your therapy and take a taxi back. Order takeout yourself for lunch. No going out to play cards. Don’t stare at beautiful ladies on the road either.”

“Where are you two going?”

“Hehe, there’s a furniture exhibition in the west of the city!”

Ye Ping and Yu Shu shopped in completely different ways. Yu Shu bought whatever she liked. In the past there was the prerequisite of “reasonable price”, but after getting rich she gradually cared less about price. Ye Ping would look at sofas from the first floor to the fifth floor of a store, check out every seller with sofas, then filter down a selection, and eliminate them one by one to decide on the final winner.

After shopping for a whole day, Yu Shu was so tired she couldn’t breathe. Ye Ping still had endless energy and showed no signs of slowing down.

“Can’t go on, mom - ” Yu Shu wailed, “My feet are about to fall off.”

“Look at you, some young person with no stamina.”

“Mom amazing, daughter useless.”

After much pleading from Yu Shu, Ye Ping reluctantly agreed to continue tomorrow.

They had bought most of the furniture, so they’d go back today to think about what else they needed, then come back tomorrow to look.

After consuming over a certain amount, they could participate in a lucky draw. First prize was a gold brick weighing 500 grams.

When Yu Shu saw the first prize locked in the glass cabinet, her left eyelid kept twitching.

Given Yu Shu’s abundant luck recently, Ye Ping pushed her with a slap to the prize box.

Yu Shu reached in and grabbed the first plastic ball she touched. But she didn’t hold on tight enough and it slipped out of her hand. Yu Shu grabbed another one.

When handing the plastic ball to the staff, Yu Shu’s heart was pounding like crazy and she even held her breath.

What to do? She had become greedy.

The staff opened the plastic ball, took out the slip to check, then called the manager to confirm again.

Yu Shu raised her eyebrows. A thought of “I knew it” lingered in her mind.

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