Chapter 108

The next day, Yu Shu and Shen Youlin both slept late. Yu Shu was able to get up and wash up, while Shen Youlin bundled himself up in the quilt, weakly moaning.

Through the quilt, Yu Shu patted his butt: "Young man, you lack exercise too much."

Shen Youlin moved, moaning even louder, mixed with shyness and shame.

With the door closed, there was no telling whether Yu Shu or him played with who.

Without any warning, Yu Shu asked, "What is your relationship with Jiang Han?"

Shen Youlin answered swiftly: "Childhood sweethearts, thick as thieves."

Not bad at all.

A woman's intuition is often more accurate. That day when Shen Youlin and Jiang Han met, they only exchanged simple greetings before professionally beginning the investigation and evidence collection. But Yu Shu felt something was off about them, they had profound ties indeed.

Yu Shu didn't care about someone like Su Nianwei at all, but Jiang Han was charming enough to even make her bend.


Shen Youlin stuck his head out from the quilt, blinking his black and white distinct eyes at her: "Are you jealous? Isn't your jealousy a little late? Are you growing to love me more and more now?"

To the point of unable to leave me, and I'm a must?

Yu Shu looked away, too lazy to bother with him.

Shen Youlin giggled and climbed out from the quilt, pulling her into his arms: "Jiang Han and I played together for a period when we were young. She almost became a child of our family, and I almost became her little uncle."

Really, just almost.

"What about after?"

"After..." Shen Youlin sighed helplessly, "After my big sister passed away, Jiang Han was adopted by another family. We never saw each other again after that."

Yu Shu didn't know what to say. No wonder Shen Youlin called for "big sister" when he lost control last time. Their relationship must have been very good.

"My condolences," Yu Shu said.

Shen Youlin shook his head. "She didn't die, but it's no different than if she did."

When the Taoist nun took Shen Youfei away back then, she said, "This child cannot remain in the human world. Let her come with me. From now on, act as if the Shen family never had this daughter."

The day Shen Youfei left, Shen Youlin ran after her car for a very long time, but she didn't look back once.

All these years, the Shen family acted as if Shen Youfei didn't exist, at least on the surface. Shen Youfei herself was the same. Last time when the old matriarch was hospitalized, Shen Youfei didn't even come back to visit her.

Shen Youlin continued, "She died along with her lover."

"That man took away her soul, and her concern for all of us as well. In heaven, looking down and mocking us so-called relatives, insignificant in her heart."

Yu Shu didn't know how to comfort him, only hugging his arms tighter.

Shen Youlin held her against his chest. "I used to resent her. After having you, I don't anymore. It's as if I suddenly understand."

If a loved one passes away before one's eyes, what is there left to linger for in this world?

But Yu Shu knew he lied. He still resents her.

The two of them went downstairs very late. The maid reheated the dishes and brought them back to the dining table to prepare lunch before leaving.

The dishes were all prepared by the main house's kitchen and delivered over. Their small villa also had a kitchen. If they wanted to cook something small on a stove or eat ready-made food, they could have the chef come over and make it.

Although the dishes were exquisite and delicious, they weren't very extravagant. Four dishes and a soup, just the right portion for two people to finish.

Yu Shu asked, "Don't we need to go eat with Granny? We didn't even go over for breakfast. Let's go chat with Granny for a bit later."

Shen Youlin scooped the soup into her bowl: "Do you think our family is like some ancient noble manor? No need for morning and evening salutations and waking up early to ask how she is. No so many rules, just go as you please. And Granny herself likes to sleep in late too. She finds it annoying if we bother her for no reason."


"If you find it boring here, I'll take you to the antique market to make a scene and have fun."

"Your family owns an antique market?"

"No... But we have antiques. I meant let's go wander the antique market in the Capital. I go every year, it's super fun."

Yu Shu was intrigued. An antique market, how suitable for finding treasures! With her lucky carp fortune, it'd be embarrassing if she didn't get some treasures.

The location of the old Shen manor wasn't within Capital's city limits. Driving there took too long, so they usually chose helicopters for transport. They'd take off from the manor's airport and land on the rooftop helipad of the Shen Group tower in the city.

When the two of them arrived at the airport, the helicopter and staff were ready, along with ten mighty bodyguards lined up in two rows - two of them female.

"What the heck?" Shen Youlin's Northeastern accent came out, looking at the bodyguards with great distaste.

Wei Bo explained, "This was Old Madam's order to protect your safety, Sir and Ms. Yu."

Shen Youlin looked at Yu Shu. Yu Shu indicated she didn't mind. After all, the recent bombing incident had just happened. Old Madam had the best intentions. It would seem ungrateful for Yu Shu to refuse.

With Yu Shu agreeing, Shen Youlin stopped making a fuss: "Guess it's fine. You did a full background check, right? Don't let all kinds of random riffraff sneak in again."

Wei Bo: "They are all the family's regulars."

Nearing Spring Festival, shoppers came and went on the antique street. Business was more bustling compared to usual days. Qingfeng Hall could fleece a few heavy money trees every day, profiting handsomely. But boss Qian Laomao wasn't happy at all. Holding his hands in his sleeves, brow deeply furrowed, he had a worried look all day.

Year-end had arrived. He didn't know whether the heavenly calamity1 would come or when it would come.

Another delicate and wealthy female customer came into the shop. With one glance, Qian Laomao saw her as a fat sheep - just the bracelet on her wrist was worth over a million yuan.

That female customer scoped out the store, eyes lighting up as she walked over to the antiques and jewelry area. She picked up a diamond necklace to inspect closely.

Qian Laomao discreetly looked her up and down. Rich and good-looking too, wonder which wealthy family was spoiling their young miss.

What a hot figure, front and back! If only he could cop two feels...

Qian Laomao couldn't restrain his wandering thoughts. No need to elaborate on the improper ideas going through his mind. He moved his hands inside his sleeves, the stump of his severed fingers grazing the fabric. The constant reminder of how he lost those two little fingers instantly dispelled any indecent thoughts.

Qian Laomao jerked his chin, shooing the attendant away and personally receiving the customer himself. Grinning widely he said, "Good eye, Miss! This necklace is from the Republican2 era. Just look at the diamond grade, very nice."

The diamonds were real, made from worthless diamond crumbs pieced together. As for it being from the Republican era, well, that was open to interpretation.

Yu Shu was reluctant to part with the necklace, caressing it lovingly. "I really liked the style of this necklace. Just the right amount of old and worn for some flair and mood."

How could it not look good? Purposefully antiqued.

Hearing this, Qian Laomao smiled even more enthusiastically. Rich and ignorant, she was a huge fat sheep.

"Yes, you have great taste! This is a new arrival from this morning. Just as I set it out, you picked it up. What luck!"

"I'm taking it. How much?"

"Unexpectedly, not only beautiful but straightforward!" Qian Laomao laughed, his eyes disappearing into slits. "I think fate brought you here. Just name this price."

Qian Laomao extended two fingers from his sleeve, wiggling them at Yu Shu.

Yu Shu pretended not to understand. "Please just state a number. I don't know the going rate here."

"200 thousand yuan."

Yu Shu agreed readily, "That works. My partner will come to pay later."

"Oh my, which family is so fortunate to gain a celestial maiden like yourself?"

Appearing from out of nowhere, Shen Youlin piped up lazily from behind, "Of course it's your granddaddy here."

Upon hearing this voice, Qian Laomao's legs went weak as cold sweat poured out.

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