Chapter 105

Yu Shu spent fifteen hours a day studying, and had kept up this pace for a week.

She used the original desk in the study, and added a new computer desk for Shen Youlin to use. She was preparing for postgraduate exams, while Shen Youlin clacked away daily on the keyboard, though it was unclear what he was writing.

The kettle was empty, so Yu Shu got up to go to the kitchen. As she glanced over, Shen Youlin quickly switched windows with a keyboard shortcut.

Yu Shu's brows ticked up slightly. "So secretive. Are you looking at adult websites?"


"Then what are you looking at?"

"It's a secret!" Shen Youlin stood firm. "I'm a grown man. Can't I have some privacy?!"


Seeing that he had been well-behaved lately, Yu Shu decided to let it slide. She took the kettle to the kitchen.

It was normal for a growing boy to have some personal secrets.

A bratty kid will always have a bratty core. That afternoon, Shen Youlin couldn't sit still. He hugged Yu Shu's waist, wheedling to go for a drive together.

He had taken a liking to the car Shen Yuxiao had given him. If he didn't take it out for a spin every day, he felt pent up.

Without looking up from her book, Yu Shu flipped a page and marked it as she read. "Go yourself."

"Come with me! Look how nice the weather is today, the sunlight's so warm~ And you haven't gone out in a week. Keep this up and you'll turn into a mushroom!"

When the wheedling failed, he turned to whining threats. Grinding his teeth, he said, "Going or not? If not, I'll pester you all day. I won't even let you sleep tonight!"

"Fine, fine, I give up. You're impossible," Yu Shu conceded in the end. "One or two hours, no more. Be back soon."

"Let's go~ I'll take my darling car and give you a drive!"

"Hmph. You used to call me darling."

Shen Youlin laughed out loud. "You're my darling big wife. The car is my darling little wife. My little wife and I both listen to my big wife~"

A trophy wife valued higher than a small goal, a beauty among beauties. Every time they drove her through town she drew looks. So Shen Youlin liked taking her to deserted places where they could really open her up.

Passing a small, undeveloped woods, Shen Youlin sighed regretfully. "What a shame. My little wife's a looker but useless! Should've brought an off-roader today. Could've turned in there—" He nodded at the woods. "—pulled you into the backseat..."

Shen Youlin tittered, his face belying his unsavory thoughts.

Still looking at her phone, Yu Shu was nonchalant. "We can try next time."

"Fuck! You hear what I just said?!" Shen Youlin couldn't believe his ears.

Yu Shu's finger slid across her screen. "I heard. Just some woods car sex play?"

Shen Youlin swore silently. His attempt at seduction had failed; if anything, he was the one seduced. He had a reaction down south.

Not daring to tease further, Shen Youlin drove properly. Yu Shu went back to her novel. There were multiple daily updates of tens of thousands of words on "Wealthy Super Evolution," delighting fans. She started following it again.

Most importantly, the lone hero of over 200 chapters had found love! Love at first sight in the first chapter, sworn as a couple in the second, exploring biological imperatives in the third. Then the main couple started their merciless domination.

Hmm. The lines in this book were oddly familiar.

Yu Shu gifted 5,000 RMB to regain first place on the gift leaderboard. Putting her phone away, she stared, unblinking, at Shen Youlin.

He shivered under her gaze. "Wha...what is it?"

He had been so well-behaved lately—no breaking things, beating people up, not even pulling Dou E's dog fur.

Yu Shu was about to say something when a wave of dizziness and churning stomach hit her, leaving her too nauseated to speak.

Seeing her face go pale, Shen Youlin panicked. He quickly pulled over and stopped the car, watching Yu Shu cover her mouth and get out. He anxiously followed.

"What's wrong?! Are you okay?"

Wracked by nausea, Yu Shu jogged to a roadside bin and dry heaved over it, bringing up only sour liquid.

"Fuck fuck fuck! You don't get carsick! You can't be...! Am I that fast? That accurate?!"

Too miserable to even roll her eyes, Yu Shu groaned, "Oh, shut it!"

Shen Youlin babbled on, "Feeling better? Let's go to the hospital—"

He was cut off by a deafening boom. In that instant Shen Youlin tackled her down, shielding her body.

Shards of the sports car flew over their heads, smashing into nearby rocks. The explosion nearly shattered their eardrums. Seconds or ages later, they came to their senses and looked at the car—

The sports car was blasted to smithereens, just burning wreckage remaining on site.

Shen Youlin helped Yu Shu to her feet. "Are you hurt?"

Still rattled, Yu Shu shook her head. She was uninjured, and the nausea had vanished in a flash.

If not for her sudden illness that made her get out, they would have been blown up with the car.

Reassured she was unharmed, Shen Youlin pulled her into his embrace to rest a while. He called emergency services to report the incident, then surveyed their surroundings as he hung up. In this remote area, every bush and blade of grass seemed suspicious. His mind was in turmoil.

What if there was a follow-up attack?

Staying here or leaving on foot—neither option was safe now.

Shen Youlin took Yu Shu to hide in a concealed spot that let them observe their surroundings while shielding them from view.

In case of a sniper out there. At least he could block a couple shots. He thought morbidly. Just in case, he also called up Liu Renjia to bring people ASAP. This was too big for Liu Renjia to smooth over, so he immediately reported it to Shen Chaowen.

"It's okay now, darling," Shen Youlin said softly, patting Yu Shu's back as she still trembled in fear.

Anyone would be terrified by this ordeal.

"I'm fine, just cold," said Yu Shu.

Shen Youlin smiled and wrapped his overcoat around her. "My little shrimp dumpling~"

Where Yu Shu couldn't see, Shen Youlin's eyes were icy daggers.

Shen family members and the police arrived at the same time at the scene.

Both Shen Chaowen and Shen Yuxiao came. Seeing the wreckage, Shen Yuxiao broke out in a cold sweat.

Among the officers, Yu Shu spotted a familiar face—it was Jiang Han.

"Long time no see," Jiang Han said, his complex gaze fixed on Shen Youlin.

Shen Youlin gave a helpless shrug. "Too long. But this really isn't the time to catch up."

Childhood friends reunited, but only in the aftermath of a brush with death.

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