Chapter 103

Shen Youlin acted as the boss's wife at the annual meeting, completely ignoring Yin Minbi as if she was an arrogant imperial concubine looking down on the loyal minister who had made things difficult for her before she rose to power.

The annual meeting was lively. Although the company had only been established for a few months, the employees were extremely loyal. The company was even rated as one of the happiest companies on the Internet.

Yu Shu found an opportunity to slip away for some fresh air out on the balcony. The hotel balcony was decorated with a few pots of chrysanthemums. The plants were feeble and swayed constantly in the cold wind, but they had a graceful beauty and the flowers were still vibrant.

Yin Minbi found Yu Shu taking a break out on the balcony. They clinked glasses. "Boss, happy new year. Thanks for the generous year-end bonus."

"Happy new year," Yu Shu blinked. "Keep up the good work next year and get me a bigger villa."

They laughed and drained their glasses.

"Nice necklace."

Yu Shu touched the emerald diamond necklace around her neck. "A gift from Shen Youlin."

Yin Minbi smiled meaningfully. "Watch out for a warning from the dungeon."

"Huh?" Yu Shu quickly caught her implication. "How much do you know about Shen Youlin's situation?"

"I know some things, but not much. Yu Yan said when Shen Youlin was young, he was locked up for a long time. After that incident, Mr. and Mrs. Yu took him to Rong City to be raised and he underwent a long period of psychological treatment and mental intervention."

"How long is a long time?" Yu Shu asked with a frown.

Yin Minbi shook her head. "Yu Yan didn't go into details. I majored in emotional psychology as a second major in college. When Yu Yan found out, he asked me to take a look at Shen Youlin. His condition wasn't very good at the time and he was very resistant to professional psychologists."

Not very good condition? What does that mean?

"You know, some victims can turn into perpetrators under certain conditions. Shen Youlin was showing slight violent tendencies at the time, and his desire to control was growing stronger and stronger. Necklaces, padlocks and other accessories worn around the neck would make him uncontrollably produce sadistic thoughts."

Yu Shu felt like her heart was being gripped tightly by a hand. She couldn't breathe.

Yin Minbi went on, "Yu Yan worried too much. Shen Youlin didn't need any treatment or intervention at all. He had caged the beast within himself very well."

"He's strong," said Yu Shu.

No, people who are strong are so pitiful. If possible, if someone could rely on them, who would choose to be strong and shoulder everything themselves?

Yu Shu lowered her eyes and gazed blankly at the swaying chrysanthemums in the cold wind.

"What are you talking about?!" Shen Youlin suddenly appeared behind them, tilting his head to look at both of them.

Your little cutie has arrived out of the blue jpeg.

Yin Minbi smiled. "I was telling her about the love and hate between you and me. The first time we met, you thought I was Yu Yan's girlfriend and wanted to play a trick on me, but it backfired."

"Tsk tsk," Shen Youlin sucked in a breath of cold air. "Watch how you phrase that. There's no love or hate between me and you! There's only hate and enmity!"

Yin Minbi neither agreed nor denied.

Shen Youlin ignored her and pulled Yu Shu inside. "I won't play with her. She's just a beehive of darkness with too many black thoughts!"

While everyone was in Rong City, Yu Shu called her sisters out for a meal. Those with families brought them along too. She formally introduced Shen Youlin to her friends and it was like a year-end reunion dinner.

Everyone had a fruitful year. Some found love, some found career success, some found both love and success.

Since Lin Fangyu couldn't drink, Yu Shu became the target for teasing. Shen Youlin drank on her behalf and by midway through the meal, he was already drunk, leaning against Yu Shu giggling incessantly.

"Oh my, looking at all you couples makes me feel so sour," Zhiyang He held her heart in a gesture of distress, frowning emotionally.

Zhiyang wrapped an arm firmly around her like a protective elder brother. "But you have your sisters. They don't."

Zhiyang snuggled into her embrace. "Well, that's true."

Lin Fangyu wanted to secretly try the hotel's special rice wine, but Bai Xuan'an noticed and stopped her in time. Lin Fangyu threw a little tantrum and even started crying. Bai Xuan'an kept patiently comforting her in a low voice.

Yu Shu and the others were happy to watch the drama. Zhiyang even secretly started recording video on her phone. Who wouldn't be melodramatic when in love?

Although Lin Fangyu was from a small county town, her family circumstances exceeded even well-off urban families. Her father had four brothers and they were true blood brothers, supporting each other when they were young as they grew their businesses, all of which did well.

Their family had strong yang and weak yin. Her father and four brothers didn't have a single daughter. In her generation, there was only her and one female cousin. Lin Fangyu was also the youngest, doted on by the whole family.

Yu Shu heard that the first time Bai Xuan'an went to the Lin family, Lin Fangyu's uncles and male cousins gave him quite a beating.

As a compromise, Bai Xuan'an added a sweet fermented rice ball dessert to the meal he cooked for Lin Fangyu, which finally made her stop crying and laugh when she realized everyone was watching.

Yu Shu teased her, "It's alright, we're all family. We've seen it all before."

Zhiyang put away her phone. "Right, I'll make an extra long compilation of your most embarrassing moments for your 80th birthday party."

Xu Kai, Ou Doudou’s husband, half-jokingly said to Bai Xuan'an, "Brother, see, this is why you can't indulge women. They just get more and more out of control."

Zhiyang gave a cold laugh and took a sip of wine. She never liked Xu Kai.

Drunk, Shen Youlin refused. He leaned against Yu Shu saying, "Women are meant to be doted on. The more you dote, the better."

Zhiyang raised her glass to liven things up. "Hear, hear. Cheers!"

"Pour some juice for Fangyu."


"Happy New Year!"


After the meal, Ou Doudou and Xu Kai started quarreling as soon as they got into the taxi.

"What was that you said back there? Women can't be doted on? Didn't you see everyone laughing at me?!"

Xu Kai was instantly annoyed. "What did I do?! I was just joking around. You're being unreasonable." "Is that any way to joke around? Look at the three men at the table. You're the only one without money or skill! And you still have such a big ego!"

"Are you saying I don't have money?! You knew I didn't have money from day one! Who doesn't have skills? I was this close to a promotion until you insisted on coming to Rong City!"

"Was it wrong to come to Rong City? To stop your mother from meddling all day at home?! I gave up a round the world trip to take care of you!"

"Did I ask you not to go? I told you to go at the time. You chose not to. And now you blame me?"

"Go with what money? How could I comfortably go without a penny to my name?"

Xu Kai gave a cold laugh. "Isn't Yu Shu rich? Use her money! Don't pretend you didn't want to come to Rong City to ride on her coattails. And what happened? She doesn't even bother with you! Yet you don't have the nerve to ask her for help, so you're left dangling in limbo..."

Ou Doudou felt he had pointed out her innermost thoughts. She slapped him across the face. " bastard!"

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