Language barrier?

Can't communicate?

For Chu Guang, this was not a problem at all.

As a tool, Xia Yan only needed to master a few simple basic words to meet the players' needs for game functions.

For example, the simplest buying and selling could be learned without complicated vocabulary.

As for the players who didn't understand what she says, what should he do?


After all, even if it was a completely real immersive virtual reality online game, it was impossible for every NPC to have a completely real intelligence.

This was reasonable.

Therefore, Chu Guang did not ask Xia Yan to learn the language from the other world but only required her to master a few basic words and fixed sentence patterns.

However, what he didn't expect was that even if he already lessened his requirements, this woman's performance was still not satisfactory.

"... For customers who come to the store, you should say, 'Hello, I am the proprietress of the weapon shop, Xia Yan, what can I do for you?' When you hear 'I want to buy something,' point to the menu and answer 'See for yourself.' When you hear 'I want to maintain my gun,' you reach out and answer 'Give me?'"

'What is this all about?'

Squeezing the note in her hand, Xia Yan looked sad. She looked at Chu Guang sitting in the chair for help.

Although each word was marked with pronunciation, she still couldn't adapt to the strange pronunciation.

Even if it was really similar to the Federation of People language.

Noting that Xia Yan was looking at him, Chu Guang looked away from the computer screen and turned to look at her.

"You remember everything now?"

Xia Yan: "Not yet..."

Chu Guang: "Then why are you looking at me? Keep reading it."

Xia Yan: "..."

For a moment, she suddenly felt that the job of giving birth to children might be easier, and yet, she didn't know why this person was not interested in her at all.

'Am I ugly?'

'It can't be.'

Even if she was already squeezing her hair depressedly, Xia Yan was still very confident of her appearance; her captain used to pursue her for a while.

But she didn't like him.

Cannon fodder's life was too difficult, and she had to face death threats every day. Her dream was to be able to marry someone from the inner city of Boulder City and live the life of a rich wife from then on.

As a matter of fact, this was not completely impossible.

What if one day she received a mission to escort a big man, maybe the story of a beauty saving the hero in the novel would happen?

It was just a pity that, let alone escorting big shots, weak teams like them couldn't even do the tasks on the second-ring line. They could only be sent to open "blind boxes" in such wilderness.

As for now...

The dream life was even further away from her.

Who would want a cripple?

And she was a cripple who was captured by barbarians...

Just when Xia Yan felt sad for her ill-fated life, there was a soft cough next to her.

"You should stop showing your thoughts on your face."


Xia Yan looked confused.

Sure enough, she wasn't reading the note.

Seeing her subconscious reaction, Chu Guang sitting on the chair was speechless.

After sighing, he paused for a moment and said indifferently,

"I will test you once in two hours."

"If there is still no progress, perhaps the Brown Farm next door will be more suitable for you."

"It just so happens that I can also make a fortune."


It was winter, and Brown Farm did not need slaves. Instead, at the end of the month, they would dispose of a batch of old or weak slaves that couldn't do work.

They would not want a disabled mercenary.

That was even more impossible if appearance was taken into consideration. Even the town mayor on Bett Street could afford to buy a beautiful clone, so how much would a female disable mercenary be worth?

This was a wasteland.

Chu Guang didn't really want to sell her...

He just wanted to frighten her and give her a little motivation.

Even if this woman was so stupid that she couldn't memorize these pages, he wouldn't sell her as a slave.

The worst he could do was throw her out.

In fact, during the period of contact, Chu Guang found that this person was also quite interesting. It was useless to speak nicely to her but as long as he threatened her slightly, she would memorize the note obediently.'But why?'

Chu Guang shook his head and continued on his computer. Just now he discovered that his steam account was still available, so he decided to just pass the time...

Early the next morning.

Chu Guang, who woke up after a nap, opened the player list. He unlocked the login permissions of the players in batches and took the online players to the surface.

"Dear administrator, what about the lady yesterday?" Standing next to the administrator, Ample Time asked respectfully.

"Are you talking about Xia Yan? Her injury is a bit serious and she needs to rest for a few days. I communicated with her last night. She has decided to join us. When her injury is recovered, she will be responsible for the weapon maintenance work at the outpost."

Of course, Chu Guang didn't say that she had tried to memorize the note all the way to two or three o'clock last night, and she was eventually carried to the next room by him. At the moment, she was probably sleeping soundly.

After listening to the administrator's answer, Ample Time's eyes lit up instantly.

'New information!'

'The name of the new NPC is Xia Yan!'

'The identity should be a weapon shop owner or similar profession!'

After silently writing down these two things, Ample Time planned to wait until he went offline and updated all this information into its own posts.

Of course, Chu Guang already guessed what he was thinking, otherwise, he wouldn't have talked to him in such detail.

Continuing to perform his job as an NPC, Chu Guang took the players to the open space of the nursing home and made a simple mobilization speech and then asked them to do their own thing.

After two days of playing, the newly joined players have basically adapted to the rhythm of this game and don't need him to command at all.

Seeing the fire and black smoke rising outside the construction site, and the players climbing up and down around the scaffolding and humming, Chu Guang suddenly felt like an old farmer who was raising ducks.

Each day's job required that he drive the ducks out of the cage and let them have fun by themselves outside; when it got dark, he would gather them and drive them back into the cage, and then count the day's harvest and the coins the ducks had gained.

Of course, this analogy was not completely correct.

After all, most of the tools for work were procured by the players themselves, and he was the one who hunted most of the meat in the jerky that they ate...

Thinking about it this way, it seemed that he still made a lot of effort.


Chu Guang was standing in front of the construction site, watching for a while now, when he started thinking about what he should do today, but Night ten had already taken the initiative to find a task for him.

"Dear administrator!" Night Ten called, who was obviously eager to try something new. And with a respectful expression, he said, "Shall we go hunting today? When will we leave?"

Chu Guang was taken aback for a moment and nodded.


My goodness.

The players nowadays were really hard working. They even began to give NPC tasks.

But Chu Guang didn't say anything.

After all, he did plan to go out for a stroll just now and come back with some game.

Taking Night Ten back to the shelter, Chu Guang put on the tactical belt that was taken off the mercenary, clipped the pistol he picked up on it and secured two magazines of 5mm pistol ammunition.

His main weapon was still the 9mm iron barrel rifle and the steel pipe.

Although there were also submachine guns and shotguns, it was very wasteful to use them for hunting.

More than utilizing firepower to suppress prey, Chu Guang preferred using high-quality rifled 9mm iron-barreled rifles to kill the prey in a single shot at mid-range.

Or at least inhibit its movement then approach and kill it with the steel pipe.

This not only saved precious ammunition but also preserved the fur of the prey more efficiently.

After all, every additional bullet hole or cut would reduce the quality of the fur by 10%.

"You take this with you."

Chu Guang handed a pistol and a crossbow to Night Ten along with an animal skin quiver containing fifteen crossbow arrows.

"Can I use that shotgun?"

Night Ten looked at the pistol then at the shotgun leaning against the corner and finally, at Chu Guang, with a pitiful look.

However, Chu Guang didn't have any plans to compromise, and said indifferently,

"We are hunting animals, not mutant humans."

"You should familiarize yourself with these two weapons before talking about others."


Chu Guang took Night Ten to go hunting.

The players at the outpost worked as diligently as they did yesterday: moving bricks, mixing cement, and plastering, none of them were idle.

Thanks to the 30 tools that the administrator exchanged from Brown Farm, the work efficiency of the players had greatly improved, and especially the players who were building the walls.

The wall construction site of the outpost was advancing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not just the construction site.

Ample Time and Old White, who were thinking about the primitive method of steelmaking, have made new progress in their work after acquiring the tongs and the hammer for ironing.

From the cars in the parking lot, they dismantled a frame, hood, suspension, and even an engine shell from inside. After two hundred years of wind and rain, they could no longer find a complete structure. For them, waste products were natural open-pit deposits.

They smashed the rusty brittle metal and threw them into the kiln, still using charcoal as a reducing agent and manually blowing winds into the kiln. This time they finally succeeded in turning the rubbish into hot molten iron.


"It's done!"

Old White and Ample Time clenched their fists excitedly.

They have been waiting for this moment for three full days!

The molten iron fired in this way would become pig iron with high carbon content after cooling. By repeated heating and cooling, the carbon content would be reduced to between 2% and 1.5% and the most basic steel could be obtained.

As for adding chromium-nickel and other metals to make alloys, it was a bit too difficult for them. Proper steelmaking required professional equipment, or even at least an electric kiln.

In fact, let alone steelmaking, just being able to boil molten iron out of industrial waste was already quite an amazing thing for them with simple production facilities!

"What should we forge?" Old White asked Ample Time excitedly. "Axe? Knife? Or something else?"

Ample Time also looked happy, and he said, after a few seconds of thinking,

"Let's make the cauldron or an iron pan first!"

"Eating stew dishes every day, I almost want to vomit!"

Although yesterday's mashed potatoes were not bad, Brother Scrambled Egg said that the soy sauce was running out. So tonight, they would most likely have pine nut fish soup.

That thing was not fresh at all, and a single mouthful of it packed a strong fishy taste.

"Haha, great idea! With an iron pan, our food quality would definitely improve a lot!"

The two quickly reached an agreement and began to use the little yellow mud left over from the burning bricks, and they proceeded to figure out how to make an iron pan mold.

On the other side, in front of the woodworking cabin.

Brother Mosquito, who was sitting at the door with a small bench, was concentrating on the manual work he was doing.

He was holding a trash can that he picked up from somewhere; he sealed it with a wooden board and made holes on the wooden board using a stainless steel tube.

But this wasn't over yet.

He was obviously not satisfied with the inclined sprinkler.

Brother Mosquito went on and used rosin to seal the joints. The shell of the trash can was equipped with a wooden handle that could be hand-held. A plastic bottle was used as a compressor similar to the one the watering can they had. Then the hose was folded into an S shape and was attached to the back of the trash can.


After he finished, Brother Mosquito looked at the object in his hand with a happy expression on his face.

This was a manually pressurized flamethrower!

As long as he poured wood tar into the bin and then inserted a fuse, within a five-meter of radius, this thing could theoretically become a nightmare for anyone or mutants——

Of course, with the condition that it did not explode and kill the user.

In terms of the appearance, the design concept of this thing was somewhat cyberpunk, but Brother Mosquito did not think this problem was big, after all, he could always improve it in the future.

Maybe I should call it "Hellfire 0.1"!

Just when Brother Mosquito was thinking about where he should test it, he saw Gale carrying a plastic bucket walking towards him.

This guy went fishing early in the morning and would usually return in the afternoon, so Mosquito didn't expect to see him coming back so early today.

"Hey, why did you come back so early today?" The mosquito smiled and teased when he looked at Gale who was coming by. "Did your trap break again?"

"It has nothing to do with traps," Gale threw the plastic bucket in his hand to the ground. "Look what I found."

"What did you find—" Mosquito was stunned when he saw the contents of the bucket.

Those were some white stones.

There were some yellow and light brown impurities mixed in it.

The stiffness on his face instantly turned into ecstasy.

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