This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 136: Did You Finish It?

Chapter 136: Did You Finish It?

Fionia Lavaltor slowly sheathed her sword.

Then she turned around, no longer looking at the loser.

At that moment.


The hair tie that held Fionias hair snapped, causing her long locks to cascade down in a picturesque manner, resembling a painting.

However, when her gaze met Ians, she seemed slightly taken aback but quickly composed herself, smoothing the sweat-drenched strands of her hair.

Unaware of this small interaction, the nobles surrounding Fionia began showering her with praise and admiration.

Indeed, as expected of a Lavaltor!

The lady possesses impressive skills, following in Sir Fiosens footsteps.

Indeed, Lavaltor truly lives up to the reputation of Kaisteins guardian knight family.

Duke Lavaltor beamed with pride at the sight, and Sir Fiosen shared the sentiment.

She is my sister, indeed.

No, she is my daughter.

As the father-son pair began their unreasonable bickering amid everyones clapping.

Ridiculous Dontmake me laugh.

Haverion, who had fallen, gritted his teeth and began to stand up.

Far from holy, his expression was more like that of a fierce beast, with bloodshot eyes and a flushed face.

Everyone was startled and shouted.

No way Is that his true appearance?

It looks similar to the berserkers that ruined the victory ceremony.

Indeed, that despicable person was involved

Feeling no need to hide anymore, Haverion was emitting murderous intent toward Fionia.

It was then.

Do you think I would acknowledge such an absurd match?!


I will definitely kill you!

Fionia had no time to be surprised.

This was because Haverion, in a berserker state, charged toward her.

The guard knights were startled by Haverions charge and shouted.


However, the distance between them was too great.

Most of the guard knights were positioned outside the arena, far away from the match, leaving Fionia with no immediate help.

Amidst the chaos, Fiosen cried out in confusion.

Fionia, dodge!!

But the distance between Fionia and Haverion was too close.

Haverion recklessly risked his own life as he sprinted towards her, fueled by the determination to end hers. Fionia swiftly raised her sword.

Its too late to dodge it.

But before she could raise her sword, Haverion was already charging toward her.

Ill kill you, bitch! Ill kill that fucking youngest too!


Fionia was taken aback by the murderous intent.

Lower your head!


Ians voice was heard.

And at that voice, Fionia ducked her head as if possessed.

Then, over her head.


A spear descended from above, resembling a ray of light, and pierced through Haverions body. The impact was not the end of it.


The spear impaled Haverion, effectively pinning him to the ground like a skewer. He grimaced in agony, writhing in pain.


Haverion desperately attempted to remove the spear using both of his arms. The unexpected turn of events left everyone astonished as they turned around, trying to identify the individual responsible for throwing the spear.


Is it the Seventh Prince?

But it wasnt Ian who had thrown the spear.

It was Galon, standing next to him, who had thrown it.

But they didnt know that Galon had taken the spear from a soldier next to Ian.

It was that moment.

What are you all doing!


Isnt the sinner unable to accept defeat?

Ians eyes flashed.

Even with the blood-soaked bandages fluttering, he stood arrogantly.

People couldnt believe it at the sight.

Even though it was Galon who had thrown the spear

Wasnt he on the brink of death just moments ago?

Wasnt he being carried away while vomiting blood?

But Ian paid no heed to the peoples reactions.

Are you going to leave Lady Lavaltor like this? Is this how you knights behave?


It was only at that moment that the crowd finally noticed Lady Lavaltor.

Just a moment ago, she had been on the brink of death, courtesy of Haverions berserk state, and now she lay on the ground, visibly distressed.

The sight of the beautiful lady in such a vulnerable state ignited a sense of protectiveness among the young noble knights.

Save the lady!

Dont let that wretched man harm the lady!

And through this spectacle, the nobles true intentions were revealed. The eyes of both the father and son of Lavaltor flashed.

How dare he to my daughter

How dare he to my sister

Soon, as Fiosen hurried towards them, Duke Lavaltor turned his attention to Fionia.

Are you alright? Are you injured anywhere?

Im fine.

No, that doesnt appear to be the case.

Truly, I was just taken aback.

That was the truth.

In fact, she had only ever met the upright knights of the Lavaltor family.

She had never encountered someone who would refuse to admit defeat after losing a duel.

Let alone someone with such deep malice.

Has Prince Ian been dealing with these kinds of people?

It was then.

Father! Fionia has been injured here!

How dare he scratched my daughter.

It was a scratch from the fall, but the dukes and Fiosens cold eyes turned to Haverion.

At that moment, the nobles passed by the three of them.

Take down Haverion!

Hes not a cardinal! Hes just a villain who uses hexes!

Take down that guy and show Kaistein justice!

The nobles quickly surrounded Haverion.

He was unable to move properly due to the spear thrown by Galon.

He was an easy target.

If I kill this guy, I can gain Duke Lavaltors favor.

Yeah, after all, the lady is merely engaged, not married. Engagements can be broken. What if she falls for my charm?

Perhaps the duke will consider me as his son-in-law instead of the Seventh Prince

Various futile thoughts filled the minds of the nobles as they rushed towards Haverion, each driven by their own personal gains.

In this moment, no one saw him as a prince of Kaistein.

All they perceived was a monster, a threat to Kaistein itself.

Arrest him!

And the moment the swords plunged into Haverions body.

Is this all youve got?


You think you can stop me with just this?

Haverions eyes were filled with madness. It was a strange sight, as if crimson flames were burning in his eyes.

Even if I die I will definitely kill you and all the Kaistein people.


Ignoring the swords embedded in his body, Haverion began to run.

The power of berserk turned him into an unstoppable force.

Only severing his throat would bring him to a halt.



I cant control my body!

The nobles, who had stabbed Haverion with their swords, were now being dragged along with him.

Since the effect was stronger when Haverion himself was the one who had used the power, rather than someone else using it on him.

The guard knights and soldiers tried their best to help them, but

Wh-what kind of power is this?

We cant stop him! We need more peopleaargh!

Haverions body was completely different from just a moment ago.

The more divine power he channeled, the more his berserk state surpassed the physical capabilities of the knights.

The royal guards shouted in desperation.

Aim for his head! Aim for the head just like in the victory ceremony

B-but hes a cardinal and a candidate for the throne. Is it really okay?

Do you expect us to just stand by and watch?

But if we attack, other noble families might


The guard knights and soldiers were at a loss for what to do.

Witnessing this, Duke Lavaltor furrowed his brow.

Truly pathetic.

He stood up. It seemed like he was going to step in himself at the pitiful sight.

And that was when


Fiosen grabbed hold of his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

The dukes eyebrows rose in surprise at his sons unexpected action.

What are you doing?

But the surprises didnt end there.


On the other side, Fionia grabbed his other arm.

She now wore a bright smile, a stark contrast to the pale expression she had worn just moments ago.

Its okay, Father.


Duke Lavaltor looked at his two children, his confusion evident.


A massive light filled the audience hall.

People, including Duke Lavaltor, covered their eyes in surprise.

Wh-what What is this light?

Look over there! Thats a hammer!

What? A hammer?

It was indeed a gigantic hammer, though it seemed too divine to be merely called a hammer.

It appeared as a sacred object, in complete opposition to Haverion, who emanated a murderous aura and malice as a cardinal.

It didnt take long for people to notice the person holding the hammer, and the nobles couldnt help but cry out in astonishment.

No way Is that the Seventh Prince?

The Seventh Prince has used Patience!

As expected of the Seven Virtues.

Their reactions were understandable.

Ian wielded a legendary power that had only been depicted in ancient books.

However, Ian didnt use Patience simply to show off.

He brandished the blood-soaked bandages and swung the hammer with both hands.


The massive hammer struck Haverion with pinpoint accuracy.

Despite the presence of other nobles nearby, the attack seemed to single out Haverion alone.

The shocked nobles let out screams of disbelief.

D-did he defeat him?

The Seventh Prince has defeated him!

It was at that moment when everyone was astonished and cheering for Ian.

Ian opened his eyes narrowly because he heard unpleasant words in his ears.

Defeated him? Saying such things is the most dangerous thing to do.

He raised the hammer once again.

And then


He started to pummel Haverion, who was seemingly dead.


For a moment, the First Princess was shocked and speechless.

This guy What on earth did he get into?

The sight of Ian mercilessly smashing Haverion was jarring

He had clearly been on the brink of death just moments ago.

But why is he completely fine?

No way, was he pretending to be in pain all this time?

Such thoughts naturally crossed her mind.

Even from a rational standpoint, it seemed as though Ian had been feigning his condition. However, it was precisely at that moment


The hammer that had been striking Haverion slowly began to disappear.

As if that wasnt enough


Ian collapsed on the spot.

The First Princess, casting aside all her previous doubts, rushed to his side.

Youngest! Are you alright?

Instead of responding, Ian deliberately spat out blood.


The First Princess anxiously held onto Ian.

Stay with me!

As she shook him, Ian managed to weakly open his eyes.


Yes, its me. What happened to you?

Patience Its the power of the Seven Virtues


The First Princess instantly understood Ians meaning.

No way, you were able to stand up despite the pain because of Patience!

Ian nodded, confirming her deduction.

It was as if, without Patience, he wouldnt have been able to get up.

His strained face and the blood flowing from his lips didnt seem like a lie at all.

At that moment, the nobles of the First Princesss faction rushed over.

Who would have thought that Patience held such power?

Im surprised. Its undoubtedly the power of Patience. I cant believe he could stand up despite being sick.

Even if the power of the Seven Virtues, Patience, is strong, isnt it possible that he wasnt truly in pain from the beginning?

Upon hearing this, a flash of anger crossed the First Princesss eyes.

What does that matter right now?!


Everyone is not in their right mind at the moment! The loser couldnt accept the outcome and even launched an attack. While my injured younger brother is standing up to resolve the situation, what have all of you been doing?


The nobles, who had harbored suspicions about Ian just moments ago, lowered their heads in embarrassment.

They had rushed in with the intention of gaining favor, only to suffer defeat.

Shame momentarily flickered across their faces.

While supporting Ian, the First Princess directed her words to the king.

Your Majesty! Are you truly going to sit idly by and do nothing?

It was only then that King Eloin rose from his seat.

Haverions guilt has been made clear. The judge must clearly write down the incident just before and announce it to the people.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Although the duel is over, the royal guard failed to protect Lady Fionia. The royal guards failure is our responsibility as the royal family. I will provide Duke Lavaltor with appropriate compensation.

Understood, Your Majesty.

Duke Lavaltor turned his head, stating that he did not need such compensation.

King Eloin, as he had expected, did the same.

Clear the room. I will abdicate until the Holy Empire holds Haverion accountable for his crime.

Yet, at that very moment.

So, what kind of compensation will you offer to the Seventh Prince? I am speaking on behalf of the victim in this incident, a voice interjected.


The First Princess shot the king a glare.

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