Chapter 129: Just Wait

The bustling capital of Kaistein, where the victory ceremony was being held, echoed with the chaos of people’s screams and the sounds of fighting.

Ian, the main character of the ceremony, was stabbed and fell.

But in the midst of this turmoil, Ian’s words brought an abrupt hush to the square.

“Haverion Kaistein. I will punish you for tarnishing the name of Kaistein.”

‘What did I hear?’

‘Did I hear that right? Is he really going to execute the Fifth Prince?’

The person he was going to execute was Haverion, the fifth prince of this kingdom and the cardinal of the Holy Empire.

It seemed implausible that he, known for his gentle nature, could commit such a heinous act. Yet, there was an indisputable weight to Ian’s words.

A man followed his command, slowly drawing his sword.


It was Duke Lavaltor.

He was the most respected person in the kingdom and definitely not a man who would joke around with such matters.

Duke Lavaltor was really about to cut Haverion’s neck.

At that moment, the First Princess stepped forward.

“Stop! Duke Lavaltor, regardless of who you are, you cannot act so recklessly.”

Despite the First Princess’s plea, Duke Lavaltor remained resolute.

“Please get out of the way.”


His eyes were fixed solely on Ian, awaiting confirmation to proceed.

Ian did not stop him.

“What are you doing? Continue at once.”

Duke Lavaltor raised his sword high with those eyes.

The First Princess, unable to bear it any longer, stood between Duke Lavaltor and Haverion.

“Stop this, will you? What the hell is this?!”

The First Princess spoke with a serious expression.

“The people of Kaistein are shedding blood as we speak, and yet you are about to behead your brother. Are you truly in your right mind?”

But Ian answered coldly with his pale face.

“He is the mastermind behind this incident.”

“What? That’s nonsense! How can the person who has been busy treating people be the culprit?”

The First Princess shouted that it was absurd.

“You may be the hero in the victory ceremony, but you do not have the right to kill your brother. I don’t know what deal you made with Duke Lavaltor, but you must stop here.”

She stared at Ian with very distrustful eyes.

She even thought that perhaps Ian’s plan was to kill Haverion, the Fifth Prince, who had helped her.

But Ian chuckled.

“Is Duke Lavaltor the kind of person who can be swayed by a mere deal?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s all authorized by the king.”


The First Princess’s eyes shook.

‘His Majesty gave permission?’

How did the king know this would happen and give Ian such authority? Did he even transfer the command authority to Duke Lavaltor?

No, it wasn’t just that.

‘The Blood Lion Knights and the Guardian. Moreover, even Lavaltor’s Blue Wolf moved.’

Ian couldn’t have orchestrated such a grand scheme alone.

They were individuals who followed solely the king’s orders.

‘It doesn’t make sense. What on earth is happening now?’

The First Princess looked confused.

Seeing that, Ian, struggling to stand up, answered calmly.

“I took precautions just in case. If someone is envious of me, they will seize this opportunity.”


“It’s not just about targeting you and me. He’s the one who stained the capital with blood. Are you willing to forgive such a person?”

Ian’s words brought the First Princess back to her senses.

“Regardless of the king’s will, he is still the Fifth Prince. You can’t execute a member of the royal family without evidence.”

It was especially so in this increasingly chaotic situation.

There were procedures for everything.

Setting a precedent by executing a member of the royal family in such a manner was highly problematic.

“Are you serious?”


The First Princess replied firmly.

She couldn’t accept such actions without clear evidence.

This was exactly what Ian had anticipated.

‘Sister, you follow the justification and procedures regardless of how disadvantageous it is to you.’

It was only natural that she had control over her followers.

It hadn’t changed even now.

Most of those who followed the First Princess were from prestigious noble families.

If there was no clear justification, they might turn their backs on Ian.

But that was why he deliberately provoked the First Princess.

‘The moment my sister stands by my side, it’s over for the Fifth Prince.’

As long as he had solid evidence, she would become Ian’s biggest strength more than anyone else.

So, Ian pointed behind the First Princess.

“Right. You said you needed evidence, didn’t you? They’re coming over there. That’s the evidence.”


And the First Princess could see them.

All the Blood Lion Knights and the Blue Wolf came, along with the Guardian.

“We’ve seized them.”

Captured in their hands were the berserkers and heresy inquisitors, their limbs restrained.

They had attempted to blend in the crowd, concealing their distinct priestly robes.



As the Blue Wolf tore their clothes, the distinctive tattoos of the heresy inquisitors were revealed.

“Th-that tattoo, it can’t be!”

It was like a portrait of people offering worship to God.

That wasn’t all.

“Come to think of it, isn’t that person over there… the one who was with Lord Haverion?”

“You’re right! He is certainly present at the audience hall.”

This revelation left people astonished.

Even those who served Haverion had been apprehended by the Blue Wolf.

The First Princess was equally surprised.

‘Could it be that the culprit was really him?’

But there was no time for her to ask Haverion anything.

This was because the leader of Blue Wolf opened his mouth with a growl.

“Indeed. As expected, they were hiding among the people and creating chaos. Some of our soldiers were injured because of them.”

Of course, the heresy inquisitors spoke up as if it was unfair.

“We were only there to heal the injured.”

“It’s unfair! These people suddenly attacked us when we were just minding our own business.”

However, Hite, the leader of Blue Wolf, seemed dumbfounded.

“So, you’re saying that you lot, instead of providing treatment, were hiding among the citizens to attack us?”

“W-well, we were surprised by the sudden attack…”

“So people who were surprised did surprisingly well at attacking using divine power!”

“Well, it’s like a habit from our long training…”

They were truly unreasonable people.

But perhaps that was to be expected.

The heresy inquisitors were among the most devout in the Holy Empire.

They surely considered Haverion’s orders as if they were instructions from God.

But then, someone entered their vision.


“Th-that person is…!”

The air chilled as one person stepped forward.

It was the Guardian.

An overwhelming aura, still thick in killing intent after the recent battle, oozed out of his body, shrinking away anyone daring to come close to him.

The heresy inquisitors were no exception.

Despite their unwavering faith, they trembled in fear under the Guardian’s intense wrath and crushing presence.

Only Ian smiled at him.

“You’ve worked hard, Sir Guardian.”

At that moment, a glint flashed in the Guardian’s eyes.

“You don’t look too well, Prince.”

“It just happened to turn out that way.”

Ian’s face was clearly pale as if he were about to drop dead at any second.

But the Guardian’s eyes slowly scanned him.


It was as if the Guardian could see right through him.

Ian didn’t give any indication, but he recognized the look in the Guardian’s eyes.

‘As expected, he noticed it right away.’

It was an unexpected situation, and even the First Princess had been fooled by his act.

However, the Guardian could tell at once, yet he closed his eyes as if he would go along with his intentions.

So, Ian moved his body, still with a pale complexion.

“Prince! You shouldn’t move yet!”

“Oh no… more blood is oozing out of the wound. Please, rest!”

The healers next to him panicked after seeing his condition, but Ian didn’t stop.

“Sir Guardian… how about the citizens?”

Naturally, other people’s expressions changed due to the seriousness in his eyes.

‘I certainly heard that he was stabbed. But how…’

‘He takes care of his people before his own life.’

‘It is truly worthy of His Highness being entrusted with full authority over this matter.’

Seemingly sensing Ian’s concerns over the citizens in his eyes, the Guardian discarded his previous easygoing demeanor and answered seriously.

“Fortunately, there are no fatalities despite many injuries. This is thanks to the warning you gave in advance, Your Highness.”

“Is that so? That’s a relief.”

Ian was sincerely relieved.

Of course, it was genuine.

Furthermore, it would be troublesome if Haverion were to die.

Even if he were to kill him here, it would only make matters worse, given the circumstances.

‘He still has his use.’

Moreover, someone else would take care of the bloodshed.

His role was simple—to create the situation.

‘Fortunately, no one died. And all the actors have gathered.’

In the first place, asking the duke to execute Haverion was merely an act.

And so, as if he had been waiting for this moment.


Ian fainted on the spot.

To others, it seemed as if Ian, who had been holding on with sheer willpower despite a severe injury, suddenly collapsed after all tension loosened.

Everyone, including the First Princess, rushed toward Ian at the sight.


“Prince Ian!”

“Your Highness, please open your eyes!”

Only Haverion stood rooted on his spot, looking at him with a pale face as if he had realized his future.


When Ian fell, Kaistein was in complete chaos.

It was no wonder that happened.

“Prince Ian tried to save us…”

“So the rumor of that wicked Fifth Prince trying to assassinate Prince Ian is true!”

“How dare he point his sword at Prince Ian!”

At present, Ian’s popularity was at its peak.

His being a hero for saving the country was one thing, but words circulating that he was worried about the Kaistein citizens before he fell unconscious also played a role.

That wasn’t all.

“The prince also wishes for this.”

“If we had any issues, he said to use it for ourselves.”

Thanks to him, the injured received extensive treatment, the broken buildings were repaired, and stability was restored to the point where it was hard to believe that they had just experienced a terror attack.

It was no wonder the citizens sang praises of his name to high heaven.

“In fact, the prince couldn’t even get up…”

“How can he be so generous to us?”

“Send good things to the palace. The prince needs to get up as soon as possible.”

No, it wasn’t just praises.

They started sending their precious belongings to Ian.

Some even prayed for Ian’s recovery.

However, Haverion, the mastermind behind everything, didn’t look good.


“Get in there!”

The prison guards pushed him with great force.

Kaistein, which had been kind to everyone before the incident, was now filled with a hostile atmosphere at the mention of the culprit.

Some of the guards even refused his treatment.

“Is that really him??”

“Who knows what sort of vicious thoughts he has behind his kind facade, right?”

The guards looked at him as if he were a criminal.

The sight reminded Haverion of what happened when he left this place.

But the more important thing was something else.

‘How does he know how to subdue the berserkers?’

Mania was a secret that only a select few in the Holy Empire knew about.

He couldn’t even guess how Ian knew the way to deal with it and ascertain that it was him.

Nevertheless, Haverion did not give up.

“Please convey a message to His Majesty.”

“Nonsense! Who do you think you are to see His Majesty?! Just stay put until you go up the execution ground!”

“That’s harsh.”


Haverion spoke with a cold expression.

“No matter what crime I may have committed, I am the fifth prince of Kaistein. Is it acceptable to show such disrespect to royalty?”


The guards all fell silent.

If Haverion asserted himself as royalty, there would be no way around it.

No, their lives would be in danger.

Right then.

“In the first place, you gave up those privileges and went to the Holy Empire, didn’t you?”

Haverion flinched at the cold voice directed at him.

He couldn’t help it.


“Don’t call me sister. As long as you give up the throne, you are no longer a member of the royal family of Kaistein. Although I treated you like a brother out of affection, that, too, is over now.”


Haverion clenched his teeth at the First Princess’s words.

Certainly, he was able to become a cardinal because he gave up the royal family of Kaistein.

But even so.

‘I can’t believe you treated me so poorly for trying to save you. If only you weren’t the woman I cared for…’

Of course, Haverion did not show it.

Instead, he spoke with his usual gentle smile.

“So, if I seek the throne again, will I become royalty?”


“Then I can be released from here, correct?”


At that moment, a chilly wind blew through the prison.

The First Princess and Haverion shot icy stares at each other.

At the same time, Ian was lying in the royal chamber, the most esteemed room for the royal family.

Duke Lavaltor was watching him with cold eyes.

The Guardian might have just shrugged off Ian’s current appearance with a laugh, but…

“How long will you keep up this act?”

He was pressuring Ian as if he couldn’t stand it.

He already knew that Ian wasn’t injured in the first place and was pretending to be gravely wounded.

Nevertheless, Ian smiled at him.

“Just wait. It’s only a matter of time.”

His eyes gleamed more brightly than ever.

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