There’s Something Wrong With This Account

Chapter 256 - Chapter 256: 256, [You need to let go of your restraint, girl!] (Seeking monthly votes at the end of the month)

Chapter 256: 256, [You need to let go of your restraint, girl!] (Seeking monthly votes at the end of the month)

Translator: 549690339

A person’s cultivation physique is basically determined at birth, unless there are some heavenly treasures, or some great opportunity arises, there might be a possibility of improving one’s physique.

The Marquis now has one more energy channel open, which, in the short term, may not seem significant, since it’s just one extra channel.

But if looked at in the long run, over time, this could potentially help him break through another bottleneck in his cultivation!

And for someone like him, who has average aptitude, it’s an unexpected help in the nick of time!

At this time, although Lu Xun wore a warm smile on his face, giving off a knowing and predictive demeanor, he was slowly forming a question mark in his mind.

“Was it an accident?” he wondered.

Could it be that by some fluke, I helped him open up a channel?

Is the reason he vomited blood and fainted later because his physique improved?

This sounds a bit unrealistic.

But looking at it from a probability point of view, it’s not impossible, just highly unlikely to the point of near-zero.

Still, Lu Xun thought something didn’t feel right.

It’s not that he didn’t consider his teacher, just that it would be even more unlikely if his teacher had bestowed such fortune upon his student.

The reason is simple; both Mao Nanbei and the Third Elder have said that the teacher seldom cares about the affairs within the Demon Sect.

The grand competition of the Outer Sect may be an important event to others, but the teacher never pays attention.

Therefore, the teacher could be ruled out initially.

Lu Xun then reasoned backwards in his heart.

“If it really was the teacher, then it implies the teacher is actually observing the grand competition of the Outer Sect.”

“And yet he never paid any attention to the previous competitions. Why is he so concerned this time?”

“Is it because this time’s competition, compared to the previous ones, is different?”

“So let’s start from the difference, the biggest change in this competition of the Outer Sect is the added group of players!”

“Of course, there’s also my handsome self, hehe.”

“In other words, if it really was the teacher, then it implies…”

That the teacher has always been silently watching those players.”

Of course, this is just an assumption, not to say that it can completely ascertain this conclusion.

Who knows if the teacher was just bored and decided to cast a glance with his divine sense?

Or perhaps he just appears to be indifferent outwardly, while he actually cares deeply inwardly!

Given the teacher’s usual playful demeanor, Lu Xun thought, it might be possible…

Just then, he felt a light tug on his sleeve.

The one who tugged was Ji Li.

Lu Xun and she exchanged a glance, Ji Li made a subtle signal to him, then pointed with her chin at Marquis who was still performing the ritual.

Lu Xun only then realized he had been distracted. He stepped forward to help him up and said, “There’s no need for formalities.”

Seeing that the Marquis wanted to say something else, Lu Xun raised his hand to stop him and said, “The road of Sword Dao is long, I hope you will never forget your original aspiration and keep moving forward.”

Upon hearing this, the Marquis hurriedly replied, “The Marquis will keep your teachings in mind!”

Lu Xun smiled and nodded, offering no further words.

Respectfully watched by the Marquis, he left the courtyard with Ji Li without lingering or asking anymore.

“As for this so-called transformation… regardless of how it came about, it is bound to have some connection with me. So, rounding it off, it’s not that much different from saying I gave him this transformative opportunity!”

Let this be a beautiful misunderstanding.

After leaving the Marquis’s courtyard, Lu Xun escorted Ji Li back to her residence.

Since the Marquis is well now, he should descend the mountain in a few days.

As for this so-called Sword Pond Successor, Lu Xun had never heard of him in his previous life, it remains to be seen if there would be any changes this time.

“Young Elder!”

“Young Elder!”

On their way, the Outer Sect Disciples they met paid their respects to Lu Xun, treating him with utmost reverence.

The silly gamers, on the other hand, were brainstorming ways to catch Lu Xun’s attention, triggering all kinds of silly modes, even to the point of self-harm…

Well, since death wasn’t a thing nor was the pain really felt, a couple of stabs to oneself to catch the attention of Purple Palace wasn’t a bad deal at all!

Lu Xun found this amusing.

However, gamers wouldn’t really do anything too outrageous. In fact, the primary feeling they had now was anxiety, especially the professional gamers amongst them.

The tasks they had accepted from Lu Xun could not be submitted yet, and it remained an unknown who, if anyone, would have the luck to become a Sword-Serving Child of the Purple Palace.

News of Lu Xun’s alteration of the Marquis’ physique had already spread among Demon Sect Players, causing yet another sensation in the forums.

Because the news was just too explosive.

It essentially suggested that the Purple Palace has the ability to reward players with Special Attribute Points!

To the players, isn’t the so-called improvement of physique or aptitude just a case of increasing Special Attribute Points?

Even though only a very small number of players have received Special Attribute Points till now, their unique benefits are well known amongst gamers.

Especially professional gamers who crave Special Attribute Points intensely!

However, the reality is that Lu Xun does not possess this ability, at least not for now.

Remembering clearly, his previously achieved Special Attribute Points were not granted by others. For instance, the “Enveloped in Sword Intent” task he got from his second senior sister was a reward for his “Swordsmanship Aptitude” from the game system.

The only thing that could be seen as an active gift was from the teacher.

Lu Xun remembers clearly. During the New Year, the teacher gave him a calligraphy note with the word “Ugly” which increased his “Array Aptitude”…

Observing the gamers’ imaginative thinking, Lu Xun was a little surprised. Indeed, gamers were becoming absurd in their imaginations, full of wild ideas.

Why did Lu Xun have this feature, then?

Players naturally attributed it to his identity as the “World Protagonist”.

Since the Purple Palace is the World Protagonist in “Heavenly Dust”, isn’t it logical that he has the ability to reward us with some Special Attribute Points?

That makes perfect sense, right!

Some, who were always daydreaming, even wondered, “By following the Purple Palace, would there be a chance to reach “Swordsmanship Aptitude 10″ and also become a Natural Sword Embryo?”

Looking at this kind of post, Lu Xun silently muttered in his heart, “You probably won’t believe this, but I currently only have “Swordsmanship Aptitude 5″.”

After arriving at Ji Li’s place, Ji Li strongly suggested Lu Xun to come in and sit for a while. However, he decisively refused.

This brat seems to be possessed by a crazy notion that any room I stay in will smell better!

Looking at her, Lu Xun smiled: “Look where we are now after our chance encounter. I have become the Young Elder of the Demon Sect, and you have become the top disciple of this generation in the outer sect.”

“Indeed so,” Ji Li replied with a sweet smile. The young girl then started recalling moments from when they first met and then… she went from reminiscing to fuming!

I feel like my chest will explode from anger!

Back then, I was a highly skilled Female Knight, and Lu Xun was an ordinary person.

If I hadn’t been so reserved at that time and had done this and that, or a little more of this and more of that, what an amazing thing that could have been!

Unlike now, where I can’t even win in a fight…

I am fuming!

I loathe myself!

Seeing her puffy little mouth due to anger, Lu Xun thought, her red lips are quite enticing.

Before leaving, he reminded her, “Don’t forget to go to the Demon Sect Treasury and get your award for becoming the top performer.”

“I know! I won’t forget! I am not stupid.” Ji Li retorted.

Little girl, you’re not exactly aware of yourself, are you?

After leaving Ji Li’s place, Lu Xun did not rush to leave the Outer Sect. Instead, he found a quiet spot, opened his mission interface, and submitted the tasks for all the Demon Sect players who had accepted his tasks.

In an instant, a message popped up in front of all the Demon Sect players:

“[Mission: Expectations from the World Protagonist, (Completed)]”.

Finally, the mission is completed!

The professional gamers, who were most concerned about the mission results, started to impatiently open their mission interfaces.

(ps: Sorry for the late update. Now, we have to measure body temperatures when entering and leaving the gate of our community. When I went out last night, they claimed I had a low fever with a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius. I hurried to the hospital where they confirmed I didn’t have a fever. The thermometer was wrong, and it wasted so much of my time!)

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