Lu Xun suddenly lifted half of the bedding and stared in shock at Mu Qingshuang beneath his eyelids. With great fear, he asked, "Shuang'er, are you... Are you sisters with Su Jingyi?"

Faced with her young lover's sudden astonishment, Mu Qingshuang was momentarily stunned. Then, feeling a chilly sensation, she couldn't help but open her arms and gently wrap them around his neck, pulling him into her embrace. Shyly, she asked, "What's wrong? Is it not acceptable?"

Oh no!

How did it turn out like this? It's over, it's over, I'm going to die now.

Lu Xun was speechless, feeling like the sky was about to collapse. Never did he expect the world to be so small. The beautiful mature widow turned out to be Su Jingyi's friend. The already convoluted relationship has become even more chaotic. The conflict between the demonesses and Su Jingyi had already given him a headache, and now, with the possibility of a conflict between the widow and Su Jingyi, how would he live in the future?

"Lu Lang?"

"Why are you trembling all over?" Mu Qingshuang frowned, looking at her young lover in her arms with a puzzled expression. Especially since he seemed to have lost interest, she curiously asked, "You were so aggressive earlier, why do you look so wilted now?"

"I, I..." Lu Xun was at a loss for words for a moment, struggling to explain. He sighed and said, "I'm a bit surprised that you and Su Jingyi are sisters."

Mu Qingshuang smiled gently, lifted one of her slender legs, placed it on his waist, gently rubbing against him, "I've known Jingyi for more than twenty years. We treat each other like real sisters. She has helped me with many things. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have had such a peaceful life these past twenty years."

As she spoke, Mu Qingshuang reached out to caress Lu Xun's chest, feeling his strength and firmness, "Are you afraid of her? Afraid of her reputation? In fact, it's okay. You are already my husband, so you are her brother-in-law. There's no need to fear her."

Not only am I her brother-in-law, but I'm also your brother-in-law!

Lu Xun pursed his lips, lifted his head to look at the beautiful widow, and cautiously asked, "Shuang'er, do you often meet with her?"


"She often comes to my place to chat with me for a day." Mu Qingshuang spoke calmly. "Recently, she has been coming quite frequently because... because of..."

Speaking of this, hesitating for a moment, she said in a low voice, "Lu Lang, for the next thing, you must keep it a secret, don't let it leak out. Because this matter is a bit shocking. If it is known by outsiders, it will definitely cause a lot of noise and even turmoil in the court."

"Oh, don't worry. I can keep a secret." Lu Xun nodded seriously in response.

Mu Qingshuang playfully rolled her eyes at him and said, "Jingyi, Jingyi has a man now, and her lover is about the same age as you. Initially, when she spoke to me about it, they hadn't gotten together yet. Every time she came to me, she sighed and complained, and I gave her various advice. Later, under my guidance, she and her lover finally got together, just like us."

As she spoke, Mu Qingshuang excitedly hugged Lu Xun tightly, her body squirming even more.

Compared to the suddenly emotional widow, Lu Xun couldn't help but find it amusing. No wonder Fairy Su suddenly came to him one day, seemingly with the intent of pressuring him. He hadn't expected it was the widow who was orchestrating things behind the scenes.


"Later, she also helped me plan." Mu Qingshuang blushed, whimpering, "Since I met you, I told Jingyi about it, and she helped me come up with various ideas. Haven't you noticed that my dress today is tighter? That's because when Jingyi seduced her lover at the beginning, she deliberately wore a smaller Dao robe. I used her trick on you."

No wonder it felt familiar! Lu Xun opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. He couldn't tell the widow that her sister's lover was him.


"She often comes to you. Maybe I should go back now?" Lu Xun cautiously said, "In case she comes and sees the two of us like this, I'm afraid... afraid of causing trouble."

"What trouble could there be?" Mu Qingshuang lifted her head slightly, speaking unkindly, "What does it matter to her if I share a bed with my husband and enjoy myself? Why would she care?"

Lu Xun pursed his lips, afraid to say more. In the midst of his apprehension, a scene he had fantasized about countless times flashed in his mind.

—Sorry, maybe I came at the wrong time.

—No, you came at the right time.

If it really turned out that way, that would be great.

"Lu Lang."

"You don't need to be so flustered. Although she is a renowned immortal, she is also a good person." Mu Qingshuang teased him by gently rubbing against him with her ample body, coquettishly saying, "Regarding our matters, she can be considered half a matchmaker, so she won't harm you."

Is there a possibility that you two are matchmaking for each other?

Caught in the whirlpool, Lu Xun smiled awkwardly. His heart was in chaos, and he hadn't anticipated that they were sisters. This was more than poking a hornet's nest; it was plunging into an abyss.

What to do?

This situation might be beyond even divine intervention.

"Suddenly remembered something," Mu Qingshuang said coyly, "Just yesterday, I chatted with Jingyi for a long time and found numerous similarities between you and her lover. Same age, full of knowledge, and even both handsome, elegant, and crucially, equally strong."


Lu Xun dared not make a sound, afraid of giving himself away.

"At that moment, I even suspected that Jingyi and I were talking about the same man." Mu Qingshuang smiled, saying playfully, "But Jingyi's lover is a lustful man, while my lover is a righteous gentleman, and, and..."

Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and mumbled, "I can't tell you about this."

Lu Xun didn't dare to ask more, but after careful thought, he roughly guessed what the widow wanted to conceal. Most likely, it was about their respective rivals in love. Of course, they probably kept the specifics hidden, or else he'd have been in trouble.

Thinking about this, Lu Xun felt somewhat uneasy.


"You must never tell the little fox." Lu Xun said cautiously, "It won't be good."

"Rest assured, I understand." Mu Qingshuang smiled, "I will definitely not tell her."

With that said, Mu Qingshuang's sultry figure began to rub against him again, softly pleading, "Lu Lang, I need a little..."

This passionate and lonely widow couldn't be satisfied in just an hour, especially since she had taken quite a few elixirs. Although she hadn't practiced cultivation, her body's quality was different from ordinary people. Newly married, she sought pleasure again.

However, Lu Xun, who was restless and uneasy, lost all focus. He was still immersed in his uneasy thoughts. Faced with the various embarrassments before him, he felt completely at a loss.

"Lu Lang?"

"What's wrong with you?"

Mu Qingshuang noticed that he was acting strangely. She propped herself up from his arms, looking at him with a puzzled expression, facing the slightly fearful young lover.

"That, I suddenly feel a bit powerless. Can we do it next time?" Lu Xun awkwardly replied, "I'll make sure to satisfy you next time."

"Next time?"

"No, I want it this time!" The charming widow pouted, saying unrelentingly, "We rarely meet, and you are still so perfunctory. Is it because I'm too eager that you feel entitled to act recklessly?"

A little annoyed, her temper flared.

Seeing this, Lu Xun hurriedly tried to calm her down, but the widow intended to oppose him. Helpless, he had to use a bit of force, and unexpectedly, the widow became even more spirited. She fought against him with various punches and kicks, resisting fiercely. However, she was no match for Lu Xun. After a struggle, Mu Qingshuang hugged him tightly, looking at him with seductive eyes.

"Lu Lang."

"I want to have your child!"

Another hour passed.

Lu Xun carefully lifted the blanket, taking advantage of Mu Qingshuang's exhaustion, preparing to slip away quietly. It's not that he was heartless, but he was worried that at this moment, Aunt Su might suddenly visit, and that would be the end of the world.

"Lu Lang, where are you going?"

A tender voice came from behind, followed by a tight embrace.

"Lu Lang."

"Stay a bit longer for dinner."

Mu Qingshuang blushed as she hugged him, feeling his sturdy back, and softly said, "We don't know when the next time will be, so I want to spend a little more time with you now."


Lu Xun clenched his teeth and whispered, "I'm afraid if the immortal comes looking for you and sees this scene, it might be a bit awkward."

"She won't come."

"She usually comes in the morning. It's already late, so you can rest assured." Mu Qingshuang said leisurely, "Lu Lang, let's lie down for a while longer. We can get up later."

Saying this, she forcibly pulled him back into the bed.

Then, her plump body leaned over again, happily nestled in his arms, caressing his body,"Lu Lang, there's something I want to discuss with you."


"What is it?" Lu Xun asked.

"Jingyi's lover is quite outstanding, making me a bit unhappy. I want to arrange for you to meet him." Mu Qingshuang raised her head, staring at him intently, and said seriously, "When the time comes, you must surpass Jingyi's young man. Lu Lang, do you have the confidence?"

For a moment, Lu Xun felt like he was going crazy.

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