There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 235: I Want to Be Your Woman Right Now

Lying in the blanket, Lu Xun looked fixedly at the mature and beautiful widow beside the bed. As she untied the silk ribbon around her waist, the tightly wrapped skirt suddenly lost its restraint. The sides of her garment opened abruptly, revealing an elegant bodice lifted high, exuding a provocative allure.

Ah, is this the elegant widow I know? Is this the mature woman who is both tender and graceful? How did she suddenly become so unrestrained?

At the same time, Mu Qingshuang was already blushing, her heart beating violently, pierced by a strong sense of shame. However, there was no turning back, and since it had come to this, there was no picking up the belt. She could only go forward and take down the young man completely. Moreover, she couldn't afford to wait any longer; who knows if there will be such an opportunity again.

The dress slid down from her bare shoulders, revealing a full and curvy figure in an instant. Facing this scene, Lu Xun's eyes were about to pop out.

Compared to the big demoness and Fairy Su, Mu Qingshuang belonged somewhere in between, approaching a perfect proportion. Her chest was slightly larger than the big demoness but smaller than Fairy Su. Her curves were slightly more pronounced than Fairy Su's, while just a tad more modest than the big demoness.

The beautiful widow gently lifted the blanket and gracefully entered, squeezing two people onto the not-so-large bed. In the quietness of the small embroidered bed, the atmosphere became so still that one could hear each other's breaths.

After forty years of solitude, Mu Qingshuang was now almost ecstatic but accompanied by a sense of anxiousness. She didn't know if this was right or wrong, but now that they've shared the bed, regret would serve no purpose.

She bit her lips lightly, slowly extended her fair hand, and the smooth back of her hand gently rubbed against his hand. Gradually gaining courage, she tightly held onto her beloved's hand.

Oh my, this is even more enticing than the big demoness and Fairy Su!

Lu Xun couldn't help muttering in his heart, finding it a bit difficult to resist the unrestrained seduction of the charming widow. However, he didn't want to embrace the beautiful widow so quickly; he wanted to wait and see how far she could go with her seduction.

Time slowly passed.

From excitement, Mu Qingshuang's emotions turned into confusion and urgency. Stealthily glancing at him, she noticed he wasn't asleep, which made her more impatient. After all this, why wasn't he taking the initiative?

Did he expect her to make the first move again? Actually, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

After some simple contemplation and analysis, Mu Qingshuang lifted one of her jade legs and placed it over his, attempting to entice him. She then repeated the same move, rubbing against him, appearing sophisticated but somewhat clumsy. Unfortunately, Lu Xun, who was intentionally teasing her, remained unmoved, as calm as still water, with no intention of touching her.

And so it went.

The two remained in a deadlock for half a stick of incense. Mu Qingshuang was on the verge of collapse after enduring this time. Angrily and shamefully, she couldn't help but question, "Lu Lang, what exactly do you want? I've already done this much, can't you take some initiative?"

Lu Xun chuckled and unexpectedly grabbed her arm, forcefully pulling her into a hug. Finally, Mu Qingshuang, who had been waiting, dove in, lifting one of her legs, placing it around him, and also wrapping her arms tightly around him.

"Naughty Lu Lang!"

"You'll only act when I ask, won't you?" Mu Qingshuang scolded, "You're driving me crazy."

Lu Xun looked at the beautiful widow curled up in his arms, feeling a surge of amusement. He couldn't help but lean into her ear and gently say, "I was just teasing you to see how you would react. I didn't expect my dear Shuang'er to be so eager."

"Hateful. Who's... who's eager?"

Mu Qingshuang lightly bit her lip, blushing, and dared not lift her head. She could only bury herself deep in his embrace, "Don't make false accusations. I'm not eager at all."

"Okay, okay."

Lu Xun nodded and played with a strand of hair, softly asking, "Shuang'er, how can you easily take out a hundred thousand taels? How much money do you really have?"

"Countless." Mu Qingshuang twisted in his arms, adjusting to the most comfortable position. She gently said, "Of course, this isn't money I earned. It's inherited from others. Initially, their family caused a lot of trouble, wanting to take away most of the family property, including this mansion. But it didn't happen in the end."


Lu Xun curiously asked, "Why didn't it happen?"

"Although the other party came with great momentum, I'm not someone to be trifled with." Mu Qingshuang said with a hint of pride, "I have a friend in the court who is unrivaled. She helped me settle everything, including allowing me to live peacefully for over twenty years. Of course, Lu Lang, don't be jealous. My good friend is a woman."

"I see." Lu Xun didn't inquire further. At this moment, his hand that was stroking her hair had gradually moved down.

"That friend of mine, I can't..."

Mu Qingshuang, who was speaking, suddenly stopped abruptly. Her body couldn't help but tremble, and a breath from the depths of her soul escaped her crimson lips.

At this moment, Mu Qingshuang's brain short-circuited, turning into a blank state. Her face was burning, her senses foggy, her heart pounding intensely. Her thoughts were completely detached from her body, leaving only the most basic control over breathing, and even that became a bit difficult.

How did my beloved suddenly become so... bold? Is this still my shy young lover? But I really like his naughty appearance.

Softly humming, Mu Qingshuang snuggled into his arms and shyly asked, "Lu Lang, why are you suddenly so eager?"

"Do you like it?" Lu Xun asked mischievously.


"How am I supposed to answer this?" Mu Qingshuang squirmed and said, "If I say I don't like it, will you stop?"

"Of course, I'll definitely consider your feelings." Lu Xun earnestly replied, "Okay, I got it. I'll let go."

Just as he said that...


"Wait!" Mu Qingshuang bit her lip, stammering, "I, I kind of like it."

While speaking, she cautiously raised her head and, seeing his wicked smile, immediately realized that she had been teased. She felt a surge of embarrassment and panic.

"You! You!"

Mu Qingshuang clenched her fists and blushed, pounding his chest in annoyance, "You're bullying me!"

The pretty widow who had never practiced martial arts faced the strong and sturdy Lu Xun, and her counterattacks were like tickling. It could even be considered a form of coquetry.

Suddenly, Lu Xun reached for her chin, gently lifting her head within the bedding. They looked at each other, close enough to see every detail.

The ambiguous atmosphere slowly intensified. Mu Qingshuang's eyes gradually blurred, and involuntarily, she closed them. At the same time, she wrapped her arms around his neck. In an instant, her moist and soft lips were gently covered.

Compared to the first time, Mu Qingshuang was a bit more skilled at this moment, but she still felt somewhat powerless. She was at a disadvantage after just a moment.

"Lu Lang."

Mu Qingshuang moved her lips away, trying to snuggle into his arms. Shyly, she said, "I really like you. Do you like me?"

"I do, I do."

Though unsure of why she suddenly asked, Lu Xun answered honestly. He embraced her full, delicate figure and gently said, "You're so beautiful, of course, I like you."

"Besides being beautiful, what else do you like?" Mu Qingshuang asked softly.


This question seems simple at first glance, as if describing a list of her virtues would be enough. But often, seemingly straightforward answers would leave the other person dissatisfied, feeling that they were being too perfunctory.

"Why I like you, I've asked myself this question many, many times." Lu Xun held her and softly mumbled, "I still haven't figured out the answer to the question, but... but I only know that when I see you, it's like I can forget many unhappy things."

This answer had no definite answer, yet it made Mu Qingshuang feel his deep affection for her. At this moment, she couldn't take it anymore, and the possessiveness deep within her began to stir.

However... the final loss of control was just a tiny step away.

Mu Qingshuang nestled in his arms without speaking, experiencing an unprecedented sensation. It was a mix of infatuation and shyness, waiting for his next move, although she wasn't sure what she was waiting for.

Most would stop here, but Lu Xun wouldn't disappoint a woman he liked. Looking at the mature and charming widow, silent and blushing, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and whisper, "Shuang'er, perhaps it's abrupt, but sometimes things are often simple like this. Once you meet someone, it feels like the love of a lifetime in a moment."

As the words fell,

Slowly approaching her ear, he said in a low, deep voice, "Shuang'er, I love you."

Correct answer!

This is what I wanted to hear from him!

Mu Qingshuang lifted her head, her eyes hazy with excitement as she looked at him. She bit his chin gently, then continued to plant kisses on his handsome face, finally landing on his lips.

"Lu Lang."

The charming widow looked at him infatuatedly, her lips slightly parted. Coquettishly, she said, "I can't wait any longer. I want to be your woman right now."


"But it's broad daylight."

Lu Xun wanted to say something more, but she gently covered his mouth.

"No matter. It's dark in the quilt."

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