There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 223: Is He Trying To Have Us All At Once?

(Read Chapters 1-222 here)

A silver streak appeared on the horizon and, in the blink of an eye, landed by the hot spring at the foot of the mountain. Following closely, the little demoness emerged from the dust, with a trace of excitement and anticipation on her face. However, when she saw her master soaking in the hot spring, she was left dumbfounded, feeling somewhat unsure.

"M-Master," Xuan Yin looked at her master and said with embarrassment, "It's you."

Miao Fengxian rolled her eyes, a little annoyed, "Why do you look so disappointed? Am I that unwelcome? Should I fetch your husband for you?"

"No, no, Master, please don't misunderstand," Xuan Yin hurriedly explained. "I-I..."

However, when she attempted to explain, she realized she had no words; she kept stuttering and struggling to string words together.

"Alright, you little girl," Miao Fengxian chuckled impatiently. "I was just joking earlier. Your husband went out, and I think he'll be back later. No need to rush. You'll get a taste of him tonight."

Hearing this, the little demoness felt delighted and, looking at her master's slightly angry expression, she playfully bit her lip and said in a sweet voice, "Master, it's been a long time since we've bathed in the hot spring together. Should I come over now and keep you company?"

What! Accompany... accompany me? Isn't that revealing too much? Your husband is still in my pool! Miao Fengxian pretended to be disgusted and said, "Go away, I don't want to soak with you. Go to your own pool. By the way, tell me about your sister Wei Xue. How's she doing lately?"

"Oh," noticing that her master declined, the little demoness didn't take it to heart. She walked to her designated hot spring, pinched a green ribbon at her waist, and gave it a gentle pull. The skirt's hem was slightly opened, the garment held up her midriff, and she lightly tapped the water surface with her jade-like feet, causing ripples.

The warm, inviting water enveloped her body, instantly relaxing her entire being and washing away all fatigue. Xuan Yin felt an incomparable sense of comfort.

"Sister Wei Xue really misses you and also Xuan Shi," the little demoness leaned on the edge of the warm pool, watching her master not far away, speaking in a soft and endearing tone, "Sister Wei Xue is planning to come to the Central Plains in a while. She wants to meet you, catch up, see her favorite little fox, and also... and also take a look at my husband."

Miao Fengxian was slightly startled, and her heart suddenly felt a bit nervous. The mature beauty from the Western Regions was no less appealing than herself and Xuan Yin. If the little thief saw her, he'd probably start jumping around again, surely developing a craving for her.

Thinking of this, she lightly pursed her lips and said nonchalantly, "Aren't you afraid he'll get lustful for Wei Xue?"

"Women from the Western Regions differ slightly in appearance from those in the Central Plains. I think Lu Xun probably won't accept her that easily," Xuan Yin muttered quietly in response.

What a naive little demoness!

He can accept the serpentine you and me. How could he not accept a mature beauty from the Western Regions?

The big demoness gave her a glance and said lightly, "Better safe than sorry. Moreover, he can accept your forked tongue and your half-snake appearance. Based on that courage, do you think Lu Xun would resist a mature beauty from the Western Regions?"

Facing her master's words, the little demoness thought briefly, analyzed calmly, and shook her head, saying earnestly, "Sister Wei Xue will only stay for a few days. Even if she impresses my husband with her beauty, it's unlikely that anything will happen in such a short time. Besides, I'll be keeping an eye on them."

The big demoness bit her lip lightly, secretly musing, there's a term called 'love at first sight.' A few days are enough for the deed to be done. Moreover, it isn't really about gradually falling in love, he has a pure Yang body, which can make women feel very affectionate towards him. And that beauty from the Western Regions has been single for a long time; seeing such a handsome young man from the Central Plains, it might be... it might be.

As she was lost in thought, the big demoness suddenly shivered. A faint sigh escaped from her red lips, tinged with a bit of sweetness and confusion.


The little demoness heard it and stared curiously at her master, who was slightly red and appeared to be embarrassed. She inquired, "Master, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? Do you need help?"

"No, no, I'm fine," the big demoness breathed out slightly heavily, her blushing face, whether from the hot spring or another reason, forcing a strained smile. "Soaking in the hot spring is quite comfortable."

Xuan Yin was puzzled and asked, "Haven't you been in the hot spring all along?"


"It suddenly became very comfortable," Miao Fengxian bit her own lips, gazing at Xuan Yin, who was leaning by the hot spring, "Your Sister Wei Xue is older than you, and as far as I know, she's never been married. Besides, she rarely sets foot in the Central Plains. If she sees your handsome husband and becomes interested, then what will... what will you do?"

The question contained another layer of meaning, seemingly reminding the little demoness while also seeking an answer for herself.

"What can I do?"

"Then I can only let it be," Xuan Yin said lightly.

What! She's so casual about this? Miao Fengxian was full of surprise, a face filled with disbelief and confusion. She asked incredulously, "Is that really what you think?"

The little demoness burst into laughter and said, "Master, I was just talking nonsense. How could I really think that way?"

Miao Fengxian clenched her lips, and the faint hope that had ignited within her dimmed once again. Her mouth opened slightly, about to say something, but a strange sound came out instead.


For a moment, Miao Fengxian was flushed all over, her eyes carrying a hint of shame and bewilderment.

You're teasing me now, but you'll pay for it later, you little thief!


"What's wrong with you?" The little demoness became more puzzled and asked, "Are you really okay? I feel're acting a bit strange."

"No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I'm worried," Xuan Yin asked, her eyebrows furrowed with concern.

As they continued talking, Miao Fengxian's slender hand quietly reached into the water, found his arm, and gave it a hard twist.


Miao Fengxian let out a strange voice again, instantly feeling a sense of panic, along with shock and anger.

She knew that she must appear strange to Xuan Yin right now, and she felt somewhat powerless. She couldn't just pull the little thief out of the water and scold him harshly, as that would expose everything. Xuan Yin would inevitably turn against her, and the whole family would fall into chaos.

Damn it!

That damned little thief! Wretched little rascal!

Miao Fengxian was frustrated, but she had no solution. She had just given him a gentle twist, and he was already teasing her even more. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but sense a faint excitement beneath her frustration.

Ugh, not again? I hate this!

Miao Fengxian struggled to suppress her emotions, while the little demoness Xuan Yin, on the other hand, looked very worried. She kept a close eye on her master, who looked as if she were restraining something.

Could it be... Could it be that master is in heat? This is how I look when longing for my husband. When I missed Lu Xun, I had this same expression.


"Are you yearning for love?" Xuan Yin asked cautiously.


The big demoness raised her head and hesitantly replied, "Don't... don't jump to conclusions. I'm just..."

Her words came to a halt as she clamped her thighs together tightly.

"Maybe we've been in the hot spring for too long." Miao Fengxian gently pursed her lips and murmured, "Xuan Yin, you must be about ready too, right? Shouldn't we go back together?"

Although Xuan Yin wanted to stay a little longer, she could only nod silently when she heard her master's suggestion. After all, returning earlier would also be nice, cuddling up in his bed and waiting for him to come back. When her beloved lifts the covers and sees her, he'll be pleasantly surprised.

The two demonesses got up, and compared to Xuan Yin's straightforward rise, it seemed like Miao Fengxian was still savoring something.

"Xuan Yin."

"Come over here and help me," The big demoness took a few steps, blushing deeply as she said to Xuan Yin, "I've been in the hot spring for too long and my legs feel a bit weak."

The little demoness hurried to her side, supporting her master gently, "Master, how long have you been in there for your legs to feel so weak?"

The big demoness chuckled in embarrassment and replied, "I've grown older. It's not like it used to be."

"You're talking nonsense!"

"In my eyes, Master, you'll always be young and beautiful," the little demoness quickly reassured.


"No need to flatter me."

Miao Fengxian smiled and said sweetly, "I know my own situation."

The little demoness bit her lip, speaking tenderly, "It's not flattery; it's my honest words. Even though you're over a thousand years old, that doesn't mean much. Our lifespans are naturally long. Besides, I feel... Lu Xun might quite fancy you.'

Suddenly, Miao Fengxian's heart trembled, a mix of nervousness and unease. Suppressing her inner fear, she said irritably, "Nonsense! Be careful, or I'll get angry."


"Master, please let me explain," the little demoness held her arms tightly and spoke, "One night, I suddenly said to him, 'Husband, imagine me as my master, and..."

As the words reached here, she slowly moved closer to Miao Fengxian's ear, speaking in a hushed tone, "The result was, more than ever before, he... he wanted.... if you know what I mean."

"So, it can be seen that..."

"He truly finds you tempting," the little demoness whispered.

Miao Fengxian widened her eyes, and from the corner of her eye, she glanced at her, furiously saying, "You two are going too far, actually... actually humiliating me like this. And the little fox? Did Lu Xun ever imagine you as the little fox?"

"He tried that too."

"He found her even more tempting," the little demoness replied.

With that, Xuan Yin didn't notice Miao Fengxian's expression and asked thoughtfully, "Master, is he trying to have us all at once?"

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