Su Jingyi strolled to the pavilion and sat across from the charming widow, Mu Qingshuang, looking at her melancholic demeanor without much surprise. Ever since she found out about her relationship with a man, this widow had transformed into her current state. She spent her days daydreaming about a man but was too afraid to take any action.

Su Jingyi lifted the teapot with delicate hands and poured herself a cup of tea. She took a small sip and slowly placed the cup down before saying, "Still fantasizing? You spend your days in idle daydreams, not going out, just waiting for someone to fall from the sky. Do you think that's realistic?"

Who says men can't fall from the sky? The man I like literally fell from the sky. Mu Qingshuang glanced at her friend and almost said something but held it back, whispering, "Jingyi, I have a question for you. Do you think all men in this world are lechers?"

I'm not sure about other men, but my little scoundrel is indeed a lustful one. Su Jingyi pursed her lips, replied thoughtfully, "Not all men in this world are like that. There's a tiny fraction who remain faithful. Why do you suddenly ask such a question?'

"It's nothing, just a curious question," Mu Qingshuang pouted, secretly thinking, It looks like the young man I like is one of those virtuous ones. While it's an admirable trait, I wish he'd be a bit more lecherous. Otherwise, I might just have to throw myself at him.

Su Jingyi gazed steadily at her friend, who seemed troubled and helpless, asking with curiosity, "What's bothering you? You seem preoccupied. Is there something on your mind?"

Mu Qingshuang snapped back to attention, pursed her lips, and said in a coy manner, "What else can I do? I stay at home all day, eat, drink, and sleep. I just sit there daydreaming. It's not like you, who can sneak into your lover's arms and enjoy his embrace."

Su Jingyi rolled her eyes, saying impatiently, "Your words sound quite bitter. If you're so eager, be a little bolder. The world is so big; there's bound to be a man you like."

The charming widow hesitated for a moment, then quickly moved closer to Su Jingyi and asked cautiously, "Jingyi, how did you seduce your lover?"

"We fell in love with each other naturally; there was no need for seduction," Su Jingyi replied calmly, but felt embarrassed internally. She picked up her teacup, taking small sips as she attempted to hide her unease. In reality, when she thought about it carefully, she had indeed seduced him. She deliberately wore her most attractive dresses for him and even put on a slightly smaller robe to emphasize her figure.

Seeing her close friend and noting the frequent sips of her tea, Mu Qingshuang suddenly understood. She couldn't help but let a slight smile curl on her lips. She playfully nudged Su Jingyi with her elbow and muttered, "Alright, no more pretending. We've known each other for so long, don't I know you? Quickly spill, how you really seduced your lover."

"I, um…" Su Jingyi blushed with embarrassment and said, "Actually, I didn't seduce him much. My little scoundrel is quite bold and audacious, the type who can't resist an attractive woman. So, I just used a little trick, like wearing slightly smaller robes to emphasize my figure in front of him."

No! Why didn't I think of that?

Mu Qingshuang felt ten thousand regrets in her heart. At the time, she had that ‘love at first sight' feeling, but now, thinking back, she realized how effective those tactics could be. She looked at her dear friend with a smile and said, "You hide it well in everyday life, but you truly reveal your skills at the crucial moments."

Su Jingyi glared at her and said angrily, "If you keep saying strange things, I'm leaving right now."

"I was just teasing you."

Mu Qingshuang lifted the teapot and asked gently, "Do you and your lover spend a lot of time together daily?"


"I've noticed you're acting quite strange today," Su Jingyi said, lifting her teacup and staring directly at her friend. She continued in a calm tone, "First, you asked me how I seduced him, and now you're inquiring about our daily activities. While you've always liked to inquire about my life, today it feels different."

"It seems… it's not about inquiring about my life, but seeking an answer." After taking a small sip of her tea, Su Jingyi put her teacup down and mumbled, "Did I guess your thoughts correctly?"


"Guessed what?" Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and answered leisurely , "I already told you. I was just asking randomly. Don't jump to conclusions."

Su Jingyi squinted her eyes, showing a hint of contemplation in her expression. It was evident that she hadn't told the whole truth. She wondered why her friend had asked so many strange questions. What was her motive? Was it simply curiosity? No, it was probing for answers.

An answer related to men? Could it be that she had met a man she liked?

Su Jingyi raised an eyebrow slightly, discreetly observing her from the corner of her eye. She was becoming increasingly convinced of her speculation. However, in this matter, she couldn't bring it up directly, as Mu Qingshuang was likely to deny it. She would have to proceed slowly.


"I recently acquired some high-quality makeup and blush. Would you like some?" Su Jingyi whispered.

Mu Qingshuang snapped out of her thoughts and asked casually, "You should need it more, shouldn't you? If you don't enhance your appearance, how will you seduce your man into bed?"

"No, I don't need it."

Su Jingyi said calmly, "I'll give it to you. He prefers my natural look."

"Alright then."

"I'll reluctantly accept it. It might come in handy," Mu Qingshuang said, feigning reluctance.

At this point, Su Jingyi was even more certain that the widow, Qingshuang, had found a man she liked. Previously, she never needed anyone else's makeup or blush because she simply had no use for them, given her reclusive lifestyle. But now, she had suddenly ‘reluctantly accepted' it. This unusual behavior could only mean one thing: she wanted to entice a man, a man she liked.


"Do you think men are sometimes strange?" Su Jingyi asked in a hushed tone. "For example, my lover, when I first met him, he seemed quite upright and had the demeanor of a gentleman. But after a certain point, his true colors started showing, and he's quite the pervert."

Mu Qingshuang suddenly became interested. Jingyi's description seemed somewhat similar to her own situation. Lu Xun currently presented himself as a gentleman, and when she was heavily intoxicated, it should have made it easy for him to take advantage, yet he called her maidservant instead.

"How serious was your man back then?" Mu Qingshuang asked.

"He seemed very serious, but it was all a façade," Su Jingyi replied calmly.

A facade? Did that mean he was pretending all along? But it seemed too convincing of an act. Mu Qingshuang lightly bit her lip and asked softly, "How can you tell if someone is genuinely serious or just pretending to be serious?"

A faint, imperceptible smile flickered across Su Jingyi's face as she answered, "It's difficult to tell. If I could tell, I wouldn't have ended up in this situation, sharing him with someone else. What do you think?"

"Maybe," Mu Qingshuang replied, slightly disappointed, "Men are naturally good at pretending."

As the conversation continued, Mu Qingshuang paused for a moment and asked cautiously, "Jingyi, do you think men in this world prefer curvy and voluptuous women more, or those with no discernible figure?"

"They each have their own preferences. But my man, he likes… likes…" Su Jingyi lowered her eyes, her cheeks slightly blushing. "He likes mature and full-figured women."

Mu Qingshuang looked at her meaningfully and said with a cheerful smile, "If I were a man, I'd also prefer your type."

As she finished speaking, she mused softly, "I think… there's probably no man in this world who doesn't like voluptuous and charming women, right?"


"What about your age? You could practically be his mother. How does he feel about that?" Mu Qingshuang asked again.

Su Jingyi responded casually, "The age difference isn't a big concern, and besides, I'm only about twenty years older than him. In this world, there are couples with age differences of over a thousand years, and I've encountered such cases before."


Over a thousand years of an age difference?

I thought that the two hundred years between Lu Xun and the little fox was already unimaginable, but I didn't expect there to be differences of over a thousand years.

Mu Qingshuang felt a sense of astonishment and disbelief, and at the same time, she no longer had age-related concerns.

Meanwhile, based on the information she had gathered, Su Jingyi roughly deduced the kind of man Mu Qingshuang liked—a significantly younger gentleman.

"Qingshuang." Su Jingyi carefully observed the widow and said with a sly smile, "Do you already have an answer in your heart?"

"Huh?" Mu Qingshuang furrowed her brows and stubbornly said, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Hmph, still pretending!" Su Jingyi said irritably, "Do you really think I'm a fool? I can't even guess what's on your mind?"

"Tell me."

"What's really going on?" Su Jingyi asked nonchalantly.


"I don't know what you're talking about, no matter what you say! What do you want to make me say?" Mu Qingshuang remained stubborn.

"If you won't say, then fine!" Su Jingyi said casually, "After I return, I'll find that emperor, have him find you another family, and get you married."

Mu Qingshuang was furious and glared at her, but Su Jingyi remained unfazed, meeting her angry gaze without backing down.

In the end, the widow conceded. She lowered her head and said in a disgruntled tone, "I… I also found a younger man."

"A young, handsome, charming, strong, and talented young man."

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