Su Jingyi looked at the flying sword, the unique and unmistakable design of which was the same as the one she had taken from her own hands, then gave it to Lu Xun. Consequently, this flying sword had appeared here. This mysterious phenomenon could only mean one thing: the man lying on the ground was her little scoundrel!

Fairy Su stared at the man lying on the ground and her expression was complex and bewildered. She even seemed to find it difficult to believe. The fact was right in front of her, and he was undoubtedly Lu Xun. Only he could possess such a flying sword.

How is Lu Xun connected to Yueyan? What is the relationship between him and her? Is the trump card in Yueyan's words Lu Xun? Does this have anything to do with the demoness? Or could it be that my little scoundrel and Yueyan are in love? They are of similar age, talented and beautiful—could it be that they are in love with each other? If that's true, what should I do?

A myriad of questions flooded Su Jingyi's mind, and various perspectives overwhelmed her, nearly driving her mad. The thing she worried about most was a romantic relationship between Lu Xun and Zhao Yueyan, especially since in Su Jingyi's eyes, Zhao Yueyan was like a daughter to her. If Lu Xun and Zhao Yueyan were in love, everything would be turned upside down.

Just as Su Jingyi was overwhelmed, not knowing what to do, Lu Xun moved slightly. He slowly stood up from the ground, brushed the dust off himself, and muttered under his breath, "How embarrassing. Next time, I'll fly more slowly. There are a thousand raods to take, but safety comes first."

As he finished speaking, Lu Xun raised his head and calmly said, "What do you want with me—"

His words abruptly halted when Lu Xun saw the woman in front of him clearly. He was completely stunned, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief. At the same time, a sense of fear and unease overwhelmed him.

In the desolate wilderness, with no signs of life around, the two of them stared at each other in silence, neither of them speaking a word. Finally, Fairy Su spoke, questioning with clenched teeth, "Why did you come here?"

"Well, I…"

Faced with Su Jingyi's questions, Lu Xun didn't know how to respond for a moment. He frowned and lowered his head cautiously, then replied, "Aunt Su, I… I missed you, so I came running."

"Be serious!"

Su Jingyi was not buying into his act now. She scowled and said menacingly, "Did you give Yueyan that spiritual mirror? What is the relationship between you and her? Are you in love with each other? To what extent has it gone? Did you take advantage of the opportunity and sleep with her?"

Faced with this string of questions, Lu Xun felt a little dizzy, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He answered quietly, "Aunt Su, don't worry. I'll explain everything later. We're in the middle of nowhere, and it's too easy for my crafty wife to catch us. I'll go to the inn and book a top-notch room. When the time comes, you can come over."

With those words, Lu Xun slipped away on his flying sword, leaving Su Jingyi standing alone. She watched his hurried escape and felt a whirlwind of confusion and worry.

"If you two are in love, what should I do?" Su Jingyi clenched her lips, her eyes filled with fear and anxiety about the future. Sharing a man with the demoness was already a limit for her, but if she had to share him with Yueyan, how could she bear it?

"It shouldn't be the case."

"If I'm not mistaken, the trump card in Yueyan's words must be the demoness. As for why it's Lu Xun who's here, it's probably because the demoness is too lazy and made my little scoundrel do the errand for her. Yes, that must be it! It must be!"

Su Jingyi, based on her analysis and judgment, kept reassuring herself and, at the same time, a new problem emerged in her thoughts. She was filled with strong worry.

Miao Fengxian helping Yueyan ascend to the throne was understandable, most likely for the two fragments of the Heavenly Dao Diagram in the Zhao Royal Family's possession. But Yueyan's move was impulsive. How could she cooperate with the demoness? Isn't this seeking a tiger's hide?

Su Jingyi bit her lip and mumbled to herself, "Setting aside the matter of the demoness for now, I must resolve the issue with my little scoundrel. I need to understand his relationship with Yueyan. If there's no better option… I… I can only make him choose me."

Yueyan, you are still young, while I, Teacher Su, am over forty. I have finally met a man I like. You… do you have any objections?

At the same time, Lu Xun, who was frantically escaping, felt like he was on the verge of collapse. The situation had developed in an inexplicable direction. He had come to see Princess Zhao Yueyan and ended up facing his Aunt Su. What should have been a pleasant surprise had turned into a day of shocks.

"This is bad."

"I feel like I'm being sucked into a whirlpool again." Lu Xun frowned and muttered to himself, "The relationship between Aunt Su and Princess Yueyan seems pretty good. Moreover, Princess Yueyan's supporter on the path to seizing power is Sister Miao, who is a nemesis of Aunt Su. Now, Aunt Su suspects that Princess Yueyan and I are in a romantic relationship."

"Ah, it's really painful!" Lu Xun sighed and said bitterly, "Why is my life full of chaotic situations everywhere?"

He found a very high-end inn in the capital. When he entered the inn's lobby, the waiter greeted him enthusiastically and asked, "Sir, are you here for a meal or to stay?"

"Staying. Give me a top-quality guest room," Lu Xun said indifferently.

"Of course!"

The waiter led Lu Xun to the second floor and, after receiving his payment, looked at the lonely Lu Xun and cautiously asked, "Sir, are you here alone?"

"Oh? What, interrogate me about my background and then rob me in the night?" Lu Xun shrugged, speaking nonchalantly.

"You really have a sense of humor, sir. Such things can't happen under the emperor's rule. I'm just asking. If you're alone and feeling lonely at night, we can arrange for some young ladies to keep you company. Of course, that's at an extra cost," the waiter replied, grinning.

In the past, Lu Xun might have considered trying that, but now he had lost the courage, as he knew that trying might lead to his demise at the hands of both the demoness and the fairy.

"There's no need for that," Lu Xun said and silently closed the door.

He sat at the table, and poured himself a cup of tea. He drank it in large gulps, then sat there with his handsome face solemn.

If this situation went wrong, it might become a powder keg, igniting the hatred between Miao Fengxian and Fairy Su. I'll be caught in the middle, and there will be no peace for me.

"Maybe I should first figure out Aunt Su and Zhao Yueyan's relationship and then make a plan," Lu Xun murmured softly.

As he contemplated, the words of the ancient strategist Zhuge Liang echoed in his mind, making him deeply feel the difficulties of life. Rivers eventually flowed into the sea, but life's aspirations often remained unfulfilled, leaving people with regrets.


"Even a brilliant person like Zhuge Liang can lament the bitterness of life. How can someone like me, a commoner, expect a smooth journey?"

In reality, everything that had happened was his fault. He could only say that he was reaping what he had sown.

If he were given a chance to start over, he'd probably make the same mistakes again. After all, some fairies and demonesses were irresistibly attractive, no matter how many times he might have to repeat such experiences. Destiny had such an inescapable allure.

While Lu Xun was lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard a knock on the door, bringing his wandering mind back to reality. He slowly stood up, opened the door, and saw Aunt Su in her simple dress with a white veil. She appeared to have used some kind of spell, as her exceptional figure had turned plain.

"Aunt Su."

Through the veil, he vaguely saw her gloomy expression. Lu Xun greeted with a grin, "I've been waiting for you and nearly missed you to death."

Su Jingyi paid him no attention and walked straight into the room, and looking at her disinterested expression, Lu Xun could only smile wryly. He quietly closed the door, then sat beside her, attentively picked up the teapot, and poured a cup of tea for Fairy Su.

Su Jingyi lifted the teacup, took a small sip, and then placed it down. She fixed her sharp gaze on him and calmly said, "Speak."


"How about you start, Aunt Su?" Lu Xun gently suggested.

Su Jingyi coldly inquired, "What is the relationship between you and Zhao Yueyan? Do you love each other? Have you been intimate with her? Besides Yueyan, do you have any relationship with Qiuyu?"

"Qiuyu? Who's that?" Lu Xun asked, puzzled.

Su Jingyi frowned, scrutinizing the young man before her. She let out a sigh of relief, her tone still icy as she said, "Since you don't know her, it's better. Answer the first three questions."

"Oh," Lu Xun replied, pursing his lips, and answered earnestly, "I have no relationship with Zhao Yueyan. We're not in love, and we haven't been intimate."


"You're not lying to me?" Su Jingyi softly said. "If you dare lie to me, I won't be gentle with you."

Lu Xun smiled and reached for Aunt Su's delicate hand, gripping it tightly in his own palm. He also squeezed it a few times, gently saying, "Although she's attractive and beautiful, in my eyes, she doesn't compare to you even by one-tenth."

"Is that so?"

Su Jingyi stared at him expressionlessly, "Give me the mirror that connects you to Yueyan. Let me test whether your words are true."

Ah, this…

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