Sneak out? Heart-to-heart conversation?

After Lu Xun read Fairy Su's message, he was momentarily perplexed. He also felt a great deal of curiosity and some mild emotion. It was no wonder that the big demoness and Fairy Su could be both enemies and friends. They were walking down the same path, with the big demoness hiding from Xuan Yin, and Fairy Su avoiding the big demoness.

"Sneaking out sounds quite challenging," Lu Xun mumbled with a faint tinge of seriousness in his expression. "It was already difficult before, and now that my wife has left seclusion, how can I sneak out? There's no reason for it."

Lu Xun pondered but couldn't come up with a perfect solution. Unless he could recreate the situation from last time, where the two women had a falling out and he used it as an opportunity to leave while pretending to be offended. However, he knew it was highly unlikely that a similar situatin would occur between the two demonesses. Even a casual remark from the big demoness would send the little one shivering.

The key problem was that even if he managed to sneak out, the big demoness would undoubtedly sense his presence with Fairy Su. She would surely come to his side, making it impossible for him to escape detection. If that happened, there would be no way to leave, and he'd probably spend the rest of his life in bed with the two demonesses taking turns snuggling under the covers.

"Oh well," Lu Xun sighed in resignation, preparing to tell Fairy Su that he couldn't sneak out. But as his hand was about to lower, it hesitated. Fairy Su was undoubtedly full of anticipation and urgency. If he extinguished her expectations by admitting he couldn't leave, it might ruin the delicate connection they had established with great difficulty.

After a moment of thought and a calm analysis, Lu Xun silently allowed his hand to lower and instead wrote a message on the spiritual mirror to express what he wanted to convey.

Meanwhile, Su Jingyi was sitting at her desk, wearing a simple Daoist robe. Compared to the enchanting allure of the big demoness, Fairy Su seemed more ethereal and graceful.

"He probably can't come out, right? The demoness is keeping a close eye on him," Su Jingyi lightly bit her lip and a hint of helplessness crossed her face. She muttered to herself, "I asked for the impossible. I forgot about his current situation."

The hope that had filled her heart gradually cooled, and a faint sense of disappointment enveloped her. She let out a deep sigh and gently supported her chin with her arm. Her eyes stared into the distance, and her cold, resolute beauty was filled with yearning and distress for someone.

Why does he like me? Is it simply because he covets my beauty, or is it something the demoness tasked him with? As she contemplated this, she couldn't help but pick up the spiritual mirror and look at her own reflection. The cold yet breathtaking face in the mirror made Fairy Su feel a slight sense of pride and self-satisfaction, even though she usually didn't care much about her beauty.

In terms of looks, I'm no less than the demoness, and when it comes to figure, I might even have the upper hand. If it's a choice between the two of us, I might not necessarily lose to her. But…

Su Jingyi bit her lip and a hint of irritation and annoyance crossed her face. It was likely that he desired both of us, given his audacity. Honestly, instead of sharing a lover with the demoness, it would be better to share him with Mu Qingshuang, the widow.

Realizing her thoughts, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Fairy Su snapped back to reality from her daydreams and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Why had she been so lost in thought lately? Having even a slight fondness for him was already going too far, and yet she was still thinking about sharing him with Qingshuang.

Just when Fairy Su was scoffing at her own irrationality, the spiritual mirror in her hand lit up again. She gazed at the content on the mirror with a slow, subtle smile on her lips. Her eyes filled with delight.

Lu Xun: Usually, I can't sneak out at all, but for Fairy Su's request, I'll find a way to make it happen. I'll look for my wife now, and I'll let you know the exact location later. Fairy Su, wear a veil when we meet, and we should go to a place with many people. If it's just the two of us alone, my wife will surely notice.

"He's quite thoughtful. Why does it feel like he's an old hand at this?" Su Jingyi lightly pursed her lips and muttered to herself. However, she didn't pay much attention to these details. Instead, she felt a little nervous and unsure. She knew that he was the man of that demoness, but here they were, secretly planning.

At that moment, she suddenly remembered the words she heard that day: "I'll allow you to desire my little thief, but I will never let you succeed."

"Hmph. Miao Feng, I'll show you how I snatch him from your hands," Su Jingyi curled her lips and her face was filled with defiance. She whispered coldly, "If you want to make me love without gaining, I'll make you gain and then lose."

With the idea of facing the demoness head-on, Fairy Su slowly rose from her chair, walked over to the wardrobe, and took out a modest dress. Although she typically wore Daoist robes, there were many luxurious dresses in her wardrobe. They were all very conservative and concealed her body quite effectively.

She casually picked a modest dress, held it up in front of her, then silently placed it back. Instead, she reached for a dress that combined modesty with luxury. Satisfied, she closed the wardrobe, and then proceeded to change.

Meanwhile, Lu Xun slowly made his way back to his residence halfway up the mountain. When he reached the backyard, he was faced with a dilemma: whether to go find the little demoness first or the big one. After much contemplation, he eventually entered the little demoness's room. However, he quickly walked out and turned towards the other room.

"Indeed, they're here," Lu Xun saw the two demonesses sitting together, chatting merrily. He joined them with a cheerful smile, sitting between the two of them. Without hesitation, he reached for the teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, and sipped it nonchalantly, not treating himself as an outsider.

Compared to the big demoness, the little demoness was almost frightened. Her husband's audacity was unbelievable. He had entered her master's room without permission and was now sitting there as if it were the most natural thing in the world. What if it upset her master? It would lead to another round of punishment.

"How could you just enter without permission?" Xuan Yin glared at him, clearly annoyed, and then explained to the big demoness, "Master, he… He might be very eager to see me, so that's why he entered this way. Please don't mind him; he didn't do it on purpose."

Miao Fengxian, who usually didn't care about such matters, suddenly realized the seriousness of the situation. The way this man had entered her room seemed quite natural and showed he was a seasoned offender. Fortunately, Xuan Yin wasn't particularly suspicious about such matters. If it had been the little fox, she might have seen through it immediately.

"No matter. He knows you're here with me, so that's why he acted this way," Miao Fengxian replied nonchalantly, and while speaking, she raised her foot and firmly stepped on his toes.

Xuan Yin nodded obediently and turned to look at her husband, inquiring, "What brings you here?"


"I came to see both of you," Lu Xun set down his teacup, glanced at his charming wife, and then looked at his mature sister. He sighed and said, "I've been here for about two months now. Although I've fully integrated into your lives, it's just that…"

Miao Fengxian was puzzled for a moment, understanding the implied message from the little thief. It seemed he wanted to leave. Xuan Yin, who was more direct than her master, immediately asked, "Are you planning to leave here?"

"No, no," Lu Xun shook his head and muttered, "I just want to go out by myself for a while, to see some of my old friends. Meeting old friends after years apart, we'll wonder if it's a dream; feeling sad, we ask about each other's years."

Hearing Lu Xun's last words, Miao Fengxian was deeply moved in her heart. She lightly frowned and said, "You can go. The sooner you leave, the sooner you'll return."

Xuan Yin was utterly surprised, incredulously looking at her master. Had her husband managed to secure her master's approval with just eloquent words? She bit her lips and quietly said, "Since Master has agreed, you should go quickly. Remember to buy some food for the little fox on your way back."


"My wife, I'm leaving." With a sense of reluctance, Lu Xun bid farewell to Xuan Yin. Taking advantage of her distracted moment, he gazed affectionately at the big demoness, and then slipped out of the room. In this vast room, only the two demonesses were left, facing each other.


"Why did you agree?" After her husband left, Xuan Yin eagerly asked.

Miao Fengxian looked at her and gently said, "The words he spoke reminded me of old friends I've lost in the past. They all left my side, and the times they were away were long, and the times we gathered were short. I can understand your husband's emotions, so I agreed to his request."

As the conversation concluded, the big demoness added, "Read more books. Haven't you been neglecting your studies? Lying in his bed all day."

Xuan Yin was embarrassed, lowered her head and replied sheepishly, "I will study, Master. Please don't mention it."

Within the city of Yangzhou, Su Jingyi wore an elegant and luxurious gown, with a white veil covering her face. She stood alone by the side of a painted boat, her voluptuous figure cleverly concealed by a spell, making it impossible for outsiders to appreciate her grace.

"Why isn't he here yet? I've been waiting for almost half an incense stick's burning time. If he doesn't arrive soon, I… I'll have to leave," Fairy Su murmured, her patience wearing thin. It was her first time officially seeking out the young man, and she had been kept waiting for half an hour already.

"I really want to strangle him," Su Jingyi muttered, her brows furrowing with irritation.

Just as she voiced her frustration, a familiar figure appeared not far away. He was dressed in a satin robe, with a jade sash around his waist, and held a folding fan. Handsome, elegant, and charming, this man was none other than Lu Xun.

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