There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 180: Such A Young Man Makes Me Feel Tempted

"Twenty years old, handsome and elegant, dashing and robust, witty and humorous, exceptionally talented even in the path of cultivation?"

The mature and beautiful widow couldn't help but widen her eyes in astonishment as she listened to her friend's description. She gazed at Su Jingyi, who was dressed in an elegant Taoist robe, with an expression of disbelief, mixed with a hint of jealousy and envy.

He couldn't be this cold woman's lover right? These were all the qualities she desired in a lover! Everything that Su Jingyi described was exactly what she looked for in a man.

The widow, Mu Qingshuang, frowned, pouted her lips, and said in a skeptical tone, "How can I believe that such a man exists in this world? Handsome, elegant, dashing, robust, witty, humorous—these are all my preferences. If there really is such a man, you wouldn't have a chance, especially with your introverted personality."

Su Jingyi bit her lip, her face full of displeasure, and said, "Are you trying to help me or just make fun of me?"

“I just think you…you might be lying.” Mu Qingshuang pursed her mouth and said seriously: “Twenty-year-old…I believe it. Although you are over forty, your beauty far surpasses those young girls, and the key is that your figure is the best in the world. It’s easy to seduce hot-blooded young men, but…but…”

Su Jingyi gave her friend a blank look and said lightly: “What’s the but? Don’t I deserve to have a man? Indeed…I once said that I wouldn’t look for a man. I felt that all the men in the world were wolves, but he…he is different.”

“Different?” Mu Qingshuang suddenly became interested and asked eagerly: “How is he different?”

“Just…just him.” Su Jingyi pursed her lips and answered hesitantly: “I don’t know what’s different about him, but every time I’m alone, I think of him. At first I thought I was too lonely, but later I found out that it was…I had a crush on him.”

What’s the difference? You’re just too lonely. You met a perfect lover, and then you couldn’t help but fall in love with him.

Mu Qingshuang slightly pouted her mouth, feeling a little dissatisfied, and more of an indescribable impulse. Su Jingyi had started to eat tender grass as an old cow, so shouldn’t she also follow her pace? Find a twenty-year-old lover who is elegant, suave and handsome, strong and sturdy, witty and humorous, and literary. But then again, where can I find one?

“How did you meet him?” Mu Qingshuang asked.

How did I meet him? It’s all thanks to the big demoness, after all, he is her lover.

Su Jingyi pursed her lips and said lightly, “It was just a chance encounter that left an impression on each other, but I didn’t take it seriously. Life is long and a single encounter can’t mean anything. But not long after, we met again. Maybe this is fate.”

A chance encounter? Was it really just a coincidence? Or did you deliberately do it?

Mu Qingshuang looked at her friend carefully and saw that she was calm and composed. She didn’t quite believe what she said, but she couldn’t find any solid evidence. She curled her lips and asked casually, “So you’re going to pursue and give yourself to him?”


"What do you mean by ‘pursuing and giving'?" Su Jingyi raised her head, frowned, and said displeasedly, "We share mutual feelings."

"Oh, oh, so you're mutually attracted," Mu Qingshuang rolled her eyes, saying impatiently, "I think you're infatuated with him, but he doesn't feel the same way. Besides, with your identity, the young man who made you fall in love… Even if he had ten times the courage, he wouldn’t dare to do anything to you.”

His courage is much bigger than you think. He even dared to take down the big demoness, and even when she licked him with her tongue, he didn’t care. He even got more excited.

Su Jingyi said indifferently, “He’s not like the other men you imagine.”

"What's so different about him? They all have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth," Mu Qingshuang said casually, "Could it be that he has some extraordinary qualities?"

As she finished her sentence, Mu Qingshuang arched an eyebrow, a playful smile forming on her face. "Could it be your lover is…?"

Su Jingyi looked at her blankly, puzzled by her friend's ambiguous words. She asked, "What are you trying to say?"

"Have you two been intimate?" Mu Qingshuang inquired.

Su Jingyi shook her head and replied nonchalantly, "We haven't had any physical contact. Although I have some feelings for him, I can still maintain my boundaries."

"You're over forty, what boundaries are you talking about?" Mu Qingshuang said with a sigh, her tone earnest. "Jingyi, if you truly have feelings for him, don't hesitate. Time waits for no one. Seize the opportunity now, and we'll figure out the rest later."

However, despite her friend's advice, Su Jingyi remained indifferent. It wasn't because she thought Mu Qingshuang's advice was unreliable, but because there were too many practical problems to solve. The most frustrating one was that he already had a wife, and that wife happened to be her arch-nemesis and trusted confidante.

There was also the likelihood that Lu Xun wouldn't give up the demoness, so they might end up sharing the same lover. Just thinking about it was exasperating. Instead of sharing with her, it might be better to share with Mu Qingshuang, at least she could overpower her.


"How's your consideration going?" Mu Qingshuang asked.

Su Jingyi came back to her senses and said casually, "Not feasible."

"Not feasible?"

"Why isn't it feasible?" Mu Qingshuang asked, annoyed. "Fine, if it's not feasible, don't come to me later asking for help to win back your lover."

With that said, Mu Qingshuang glanced at Su Jingyi's calm demeanor, as if she didn't need any help, especially considering that once she took off her Taoist robe, all disputes would cease to exist.

Su Jingyi ignored her and poured herself a cup of tea, taking a sip before saying casually, "Regarding my affairs, don't mention them to anyone, especially not to the Zhao sisters."

"Want to hide your man in a golden house?" Mu Qingshuang smiled brightly and said, "Alright, alright, I'll go along with your mysterious ways. But I'd like to meet him and see what kind of young man can make even the renowned contemporary immortal willingly fall for him."

Su Jingyi narrowed her eyes and looked at her coldly, saying flatly, "I won't let you meet him."


"I'm just teasing you. How could I go after your man?" Mu Qingshuang's mature and charming face blushed slightly as she said, "Although I'm already a widow, it doesn't mean I've given up on certain pursuits. My requirements for men are no lower than yours."

Su Jingyi picked up her tea cup, took a sip, and casually added, “He is a bit fickle. To avoid unnecessary conflicts, I won’t let you see him, nor will I let him meet you.”

"You little coquette, your protection of him seems quite tight," Mu Qingshuang smiled sweetly and picked up a plum. She said lightly: “How far have you gone with him?”

Su Jingyi pressed her lips together and replied in a hushed tone, “We haven’t expressed our feelings yet, and we meet very rarely.”

Mu Qingshuang was momentarily puzzled and asked, "I can understand not expressing feelings, but why haven't you met much? With your reputation and strength, shouldn't you be able to see him easily? Could it be that you're too shy to approach him?"

I wish I could see him every day, but who made him have the demoness by his side? Su Jingyi answered expressionlessly: "Between him and me, it's not just simple romantic love; it's mutual appreciation."

Mu Qingshuang looked disdainful, saying irritably, "You're pretending again. In this world, romantic love is usually driven by physical attraction or infatuation. What kind of appreciation can there be? He's attracted to you because of your looks and figure, and your feelings for him are probably due to loneliness."

“Enough. We have known each other for more than 20 years, so don’t try to fool me.” Mu Qingshuang said seriously, “Tell me the truth, what’s going on?”

Su Jingyi was a bit annoyed and said with a slight frown, “My relationship with him is pure love, not as dirty as you said. As for why we meet very rarely, that’s because he bears the peace of the world on his shoulders.”

He…he really bears the peace of the world on his shoulders. I’m not lying at all. Only he can prevent Miao Fengxian from coming out and harming this world.

“Bears the peace of the world on his shoulders?” Mu Qingshuang furrowed her brows and asked with some confusion, “Who is he? How can he have such a responsibility?”

"He's a nobody," Su Jingyi replied calmly. "But he's truly remarkable."

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"If you say so, I have to see him." Mu Qingshuang smiled wickedly and said, “Such a young man makes me feel tempted.”

Su Jingyi ignored her and picked up the teapot again. She poured herself some clear tea and said, “He is very dangerous. If you see him, you will bring yourself a fatal disaster.”

"Is that so?"

"Perhaps you're overflowing with jealousy and have murderous intentions towards me?" Mu Qingshuang teased with a coquettish smile. "Such a petty woman, unwilling to let me even see him and resorting to threats."

Su Jingyi neither confirmed nor denied it. She simply continued sipping her tea.

Mu Qingshuang stared at her intently, and asked with a serious tone, "Jingyi, when do you plan to give yourself away for free?"

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