Su Jingyi looked at her friend, the mature beauty who had been a widow for twenty years, the well-known Lady Cresent Moon, and said calmly, "Qingshuang, if you're lonely and want a man for comfort, please don't drag me into it."

Mu Qingshuang looked at her with a charming smile, gazing at the serious Fairy Su. She said thoughtfully, "You don't need to pretend with me. I understand your thoughts, you've encountered someone you like, haven't you? Someone who makes you conflicted, torn between wanting to be close to him and struggling with internal barriers."

"Nonsense," Su Jingyi rolled her eyes, coldly saying, "Don't assume things and just casually talk about them so unceremoniously. It's impolite!"

"Oh, look at our fairy. Look at her pretending to be serious," Mu Qingshuang didn't believe her words at all, speaking softly, "Jingyi, we've shared a bed before. I know all about your body, even the size of your underwear. So, don't pretend in front of me."

As she finished speaking, Mu Qingshuang earnestly asked, "Tell me, who is he? How old is he now? Is he handsome, charming, strong? Some things shouldn't be kept inside; it can damage you. Why not share it? If possible, we could share the same man."

Bah! You ridiculous widow!

Su Jingyi scowled, glaring at her with anger and embarrassment. She retorted, "Why are you so vulgar? You weren't like this before."

"You're just lonely, aren't you?" Mu Qingshuang shrugged, reached for a plum, and elegantly put it into her own lips, coaxing, "Alright, alright, don't evade the question. Tell me who that man is."

Who is he? How would I know? Su Jingyi pursed her lip, and for a moment, an image flashed in her mind. A strong and well-defined body, especially when he held the demoness' waist with one hand and grabbed her shapely rear with the other, taking sensuality to the extreme.

No, no, no! It can't be like this!

Su Jingyi forcefully bit her lower lip, the slight pain bringing her thoughts back to reality. She silently cursed herself for these unwanted thoughts. How could she possibly entertain the idea of the Miao Fengxian's lover? Even ignoring his annoying flirtatiousness, the fact that he was the demoness' man should be reason enough for her to stay far away from him.

At the same time, the flirtatious widow Mu Qingshuang kept her eyes fixed on Fairy Su. Her complex expression seemed to say it all. She had never expected that Su Jingyi had someone in her life. She didn't know who this man was or what he was like, but he had managed to capture her heart. He must be a cheeky and handsome young man.

Tsk, tsk, she's even going for younger men. But could he handle her? Su Jingyi, like herself, had been lonely for over forty years, and she was, after all, one of the Immortals renowned alongside the millennium-old demoness Miao Fengxian. With her terrifying strength and over forty years of loneliness, he might just get burned to ashes.

"What are you thinking?" Mu Qingshuang asked softly.

"Nothing," Su Jingyi lowered her eyes and replied lightly, "I'll tell you one last time, I don't have a man I like, neither in the past nor in the future. Don't bring it up in front of me, or I'll get angry."

"Not interesting."

"Taking advantage of being a cultivator and a contemporary immortal, you bully me, a weak woman, every day. Don't you have any shame?" Mu Qingshuang rolled her eyes and then looked at her bedroom friend, smiling as she said, "Jingyi, do you want to hear what my ideal man is like?"

"Whether you say it or not." Su Jingyi was curious in her heart, but her words conveyed indifference.

"Actually, I just want a younger, witty, strong, bold, and naughty man," Mu Qingshuang stared at her with deep meaning, "In short, I want a young man who's both handsome and promiscuous. I'll use my amazing figure, no matter the cost, to capture his heart completely and make him sink into me, never to leave my bed."

Young, witty, strong, and bold? A naughty and handsome young man?

The man she liked, why did he sound so similar to Miao Fengxian's lover? Could it be that Qingshuang had already met him? That's impossible. Given the character of the demoness, how could she allow such a thing to happen?

At this moment, Mu Qingshuang carefully observed her friend's expression. She noticed the surprise and disbelief on her face, which delighted her. It seemed she had guessed correctly. Su Jingyi indeed liked bad men, even bad young men. That's why she had remained lonely until now. It was no wonder, considering her surroundings were filled with flattery and adoration; she had to like someone different.

Thinking of this, My Qingshuang's face, which radiated intelligence and elegance, showed a hint of loneliness and helplessness. Even Su Jingyi had started looking for a man. Perhaps she should find one too. However, she didn't even know what kind of man she liked.

"I should go," Su Jingyi stood up and looked at the forlorn widow, saying gently, "Qingshuang, if you encounter any difficulties, remember to come find me."

"Okay," Mu Qingshuang came back to her senses and nodded gently.

Watching her friend fly away, this stunning and flirtatious widow sighed deeply. Her face was filled with loneliness.

Two days passed like this, enduring the bitterness and pain until the third day dawned.

Lu Xun poked his head out of the blanket and looked at the brightly lit window. He carefully lifted the blanket and was about to leave the sinful bed when the scorching hot body behind him pressed close, wrapping around his waist.

"Where are you going?"

The big demoness held him tightly by the waist, inquiring with a soft charm, "Without my permission, you can't get out of bed on your own."

Why did she wake up!

Lu Xun turned around, looking at the mature enchanting demoness in his embrace. If this were in the past, he would be extremely excited, but now he only felt immense pressure.

"Today, we're supposed to go study, right?" He held this alluring demoness tightly and said softly, "Let's not keep her waiting for too long."

"What's this? Feeling sorry for her?" Miao Fengxian raised her delicate eyebrows, looking at Lu Xun. She smiled cunningly and said, "So, she's that important to you? It won't be long before she pushes me and Xuan Yin to the sidelines. When I think about it, her bust is indeed a bit larger than mine. It's only natural for you to be infatuated with her."


"I understand."

With a troubled expression, Lu Xun crawled back into the bed. The big demoness smiled faintly, but her smile gradually froze as an intense sensation coursed through her body.

Meanwhile, in the remote Yomi Mountain Range, Su Jingyi was still wearing her Taoist robe, holding the green sword in her hand. She stood on the edge of a cliff, looking at endless mountains and peaks. She appeared calm on the surface, but deep inside, waves of emotions were stirring.

How did Qingshuang guess it? She shouldn't have seen Lu Xun, so why could she describe him so accurately?

Since her return from the widow's place, Su Jingyi had been pondering this question. First and foremost, she could be certain that the man she described was not Qingshuang's ideal type, and Qingshuang was intentionally teasing her using this description.

"Never mind. She won't get to see him anyway," Su Jingyi sighed, pursing her lips. She looked at the position of the sun, furrowing her brows slightly in annoyance. "Why hasn't he come yet? Could it be that the demoness forcibly kept him again? We agreed on the time."

After some time passed, a silver streak of light appeared on the horizon, and in the blink of an eye, it landed next to Fairy Su.

"You're late," Su Jingyi said coldly, looking at Miao Fengxian. She spoke calmly, "You're an hour late, and this time has to be made up. You should come an hour later to pick him up."

Faced with this request, Miao Fengxian did not voice her anger. After all, she was the one at fault in the first place, so she had to accept this decision. She issued a stern warning, "Don't harbor any greedy thoughts about my little thief. At the slightest sign of trouble, I'll take him back immediately."

"Hmph," Su Jingyi snorted and said indifferently, "Hurry up and leave; don't disturb my teaching."

Miao Fengxian ignored her and instead looked at Lu Xun beside her with a meaningful expression. She said, "Don't forget what I reminded you of at home."

Lu Xun scratched his head and nodded silently.

When the big demoness left on her flying sword, only Lu Xun and Fairy Su remained on the cliff.

Looking at her not far away, he suddenly felt that something was more pronounced. Even though she was still wearing Taoist robes, why did Fairy Su appear so graceful today?


That's not right; although she was still wearing the same style of Taoist robe, it seemed like it was one size smaller.

"Fairy Su, did you change your clothes?" Lu Xun looked at her curiously and asked, "You seem a bit different from a few days ago."

"What's it to you?" Su Jingyi replied coldly, her expression indifferent. She asked, "How are you progressing with those Taoist manuals I gave you?"

"I haven't had a chance to study them yet," Lu Xun replied candidly.

"Haven't studied?" Su Jingyi raised her eyebrows, her tone casual as she questioned, "But you said something different in the spiritual mirror a few days ago."

"Busy," Lu Xun shrugged nonchalantly, answering fearlessly.


"Busy with snuggling with the demoness, I suppose," Su Jingyi's tone showed a hint of displeasure.

"Yes, but not entirely."

Lu Xun suddenly took out a wooden comb and tossed it to Fairy Su beside him. He said softly, "I noticed that you like to tie up your hair, so I made this wooden comb for you. It's made of ebony wood, and I spent a long time polishing it, really a long time!"

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