There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 168: Fairy Su Who Can't Sleep All Night

If it was shocking for Fairy Su to see that annoying demoness cuddling in her lover's arms and passionately kissing him, then when she saw Lu Xun's muscular back and his strong physique, the intense visual impact made her heart race. Even now, whenever she recalled that image, it brought forth indescribable emotions.

This was the first time she had seen a man's body, and the first time was with someone so well-built and solid. While Fairy Su knew that martial artists were definitely much stronger than him, Lu Xun's physique was a kind of perfection that was not overly bulky, far more harmonious than a martial artist's.

"No wonder she likes to…," Su Jingyi lightly pursed her lips, her eyes showing a hint of disarray as she muttered to herself, "Cuddling in such a manner, It must be comfortable, right? Judging by how happy she looks, I bet it's really comfortable."

Just as she said that, Fairy Su's face turned instantly red, and she felt a bit warm. She pouted and mumbled under her breath, "Whether it's comfortable or not has nothing to do with me. Even if it's really comfortable, I won't get involved. Besides, he's a man she's been with. I don't want her leftovers."

After a long time, when Fairy Su returned to her palace, she walked hurriedly to the private hot spring. With gentle movements, she swirled the water on the surface of the pool a few times. Then, she took off her embroidered shoes, revealing her round and fair feet.

Her tender fingers pinched the green ribbon at her waist, and with a gentle pull, the neckline of her robe was on the verge of revealing her figure. Simultaneously, as the green ribbon fell, the robe slipped down her shoulders, revealing an elegant bellyband and a remarkably bold bosom that was even more exaggerated than the big demoness.

She reached behind her head, removed a hairpin, and her jet-black hair flowed down like a waterfall. Then, she skillfully styled it into the appearance of a mature and noble lady. Wearing the silk underpants and bellyband, she slowly parted her legs and stepped into the hot spring.

The clear and gentle hot spring water, after passing over Fairy Su's curvaceous body, filled her with a warm sensation that washed away all her fatigue. She felt incredibly comfortable and couldn't help but let out a long sigh. She leaned against the edge of the pool, closing her eyes to enjoy the warmth. Only her head was exposed above the water.

As her body relaxed, her thoughts couldn't help but wander back to that robust back and the perfectly defined contours of someone's body, with each muscle distinctly visible but not overly prominent.

"Why… Why do I keep thinking about this?" Fairy Su furrowed her brows. Her face was filled with confusion and even a hint of disbelief at her own current state. Could a man really make me feel like this?

Fairy Su lowered herself further into the water, immersing half of her head in it, blowing bubbles. Her mind was a bit chaotic at the moment. The image of that well-built body seemed etched into her mind, and no matter how hard she tried to shake it off, it lingered. What was even more awkward was that the owner of that muscular body was Miao Fengxian's lover.

"Don't panic, don't panic," Fairy Su reassured herself. "It's just emotional turbulence. Once I get through this period, there should be no more intersection with him."

At the same time, the big demoness was also soaking in the warm pool. Compared to Su Jingyi's lonely figure, she was much happier. She snuggled in her lover's arms with a contented expression on her face, and the tenderness in her eyes seemed to record the various interesting moments from before.

"Later, you mustn't be half-hearted and perfunctory like this," Miao Fengxian said with a playful tone, "or else… I'll twist your head off."

She's way too violent!

Lu Xun felt a pang in his heart. This world was already violent enough, and she was still resorting to violence everywhere. However, on second thought, she was a demonic woman, a thousand-year-old demoness that terrified everyone. Her occasional violence seemed quite reasonable.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you silent? Are you dissatisfied with me?" Miao Fengxian raised her head, her gaze fixed firmly on him, a gentle yet threatening tone in her voice as she asked softly.

"No, no, I was just thinking about some past events," Lu Xun hurriedly embraced the domineering demoness in his arms and said with emotion, "I used to despise fate, but now I realize that without the protection of fate, I might not be alive today."

The big demoness twisted in his arms a few times and said with a sigh, "I feel the same way about you. I always thought I would never find love in my lifetime, but fate played a trick on me. Not only did I meet you, but I also found myself in a helpless, headache-inducing, yet unregrettable situation."

"I'm sorry to Xuan Yin, but I had no choice." She gazed at him affectionately and said, "Little thief, do you know that back then, I resisted every night, engaging in a life-and-death struggle with fate."

"Your simple words, your gentle gestures, they always touch my heart deeply." When the big demoness said this, she couldn't help but reach out and pinch his waist, squeezing hard with an annoyed expression, "You really make me mad. If I had known, I would have slashed you to death."

Slashing me again! Lu Xun pouted and said with a mean smile, "Okay, let's not dwell on the past anymore. Let's focus on the future. Sister, rest assured, I will work hard in my cultivation, and when the time comes…."

As he whispered in her ear, the big demoness suddenly went weak. She glared at him fiercely, opened her arms wide, and pressed her wet lips onto his without any reservation.

What's going on? Didn't it just end? Is it starting all over again?

Lu Xun felt a little overwhelmed, but he didn't say anything. He met her with a brave face.

The next morning, after a fun and bitter night, Lu Xun woke up from a brief slumber and looked at the demoness in his arms. Although he didn't know when she would wake up, he didn't dare to disturb her peaceful sleep during this rare moment of rest. In case she regained her spirits, it would be a mortal tragedy.

Why? Why are the women around me always like this? Full of anger, impulsiveness, excitement, and irrationality. The two demonesses, big and small, didn't need much explanation. Their numerous misdeeds on a regular basis perfectly reflected their personalities. The little fox kept talking about giving birth to a bunch of babies, and she was full of jealousy even though she had a small body.

And then there was Fairy Su. Her problems were even more serious. She appeared to be an indifferent and desireless fairy, but in reality, she was full of schemes, a bit cunning, and even had a tendency towards violence, as evidenced by the whip incident yesterday.

Soft, virtuous, well-read, reasonable, and at the same time mature, sexy, well-endowed, and long-legged – are there no women like this in the world? Why is it always these women who come at me with weapons?

Lu Xun pursed his lips, his eyes misty as he gazed at the canopy above. His thoughts raced quickly in his mind, and suddenly he thought of a woman he had never seen but had heard about, a friend of the little fox.

No, no, I can't engage in such treacherous behavior. I can't do what I'm thinking of. But then again, my current behavior isn't much better than treacherous. A mature and charming widow who is also a married woman… Wow, the excitement level is off the charts.

Forget it, let's not stir up trouble. I can't even handle the three demonesses at home. What qualifications do I have to cause trouble outside?

Lu Xun had a good sense of self-awareness. Although widows might be good, some matters couldn't be easily judged with just one word "good." Besides, that widow was also a close friend of the little fox, making the situation even more chaotic. It would only become more complicated.

Just as Lu Xun was lost in thought, he suddenly felt a warmth in his chest. He looked silently at the demoness in his arms and hesitated for a moment. What if he chatted with Fairy Su through the spiritual mirror and was caught in the act by the demoness? This… it would be a disaster.

After some hesitation, Lu Xun cautiously lifted the blanket and quietly got out of bed. He picked up his pants and slipped out. When he reached the backyard, he took out the communication mirror. Sure enough, it was the one given to him by Fairy Su. He looked at the message displayed on it.

Fairy Su: Are you there?


"She couldn't come up with a better opening line?" Lu Xun curled his lips and left his reply on the mirror's surface.

At this moment, Su Jingyi lay on her luxurious bed, wearing a loose and elegant nightgown. The front of the gown was open, revealing a glimpse of fair skin. She appeared lazy with a hint of cold charm.

Su Jingyi yawned, feeling a bit tired after a sleepless night. Although she had entered the seventh realm and no longer needed to eat or sleep, she enjoyed eating and sleeping, much like the little fox.

"Taking your time," Fairy Su waited for a while but didn't receive a reply. She felt a bit impatient.

She casually tossed the spiritual mirror aside and looked at the canopy. Her thoughts began to wander, and her gaze became increasingly hazy. Her blushing face revealed a sense of confusion and bewilderment.

I actually… I spent the whole night thinking about something indecent.

What's going on? Although it was the first time I saw a man's body, especially one so muscular and strong, it shouldn't be like this, right?

"Maybe… Maybe it's because of that infuriating demoness," Fairy Su lightly bit her lip and muttered under her breath, "Blame her, that detestable demoness."

Just then, the spiritual mirror that had been thrown aside suddenly lit up. Fairy Su lazily extended her delicate hand, picked up the mirror, and glanced at its contents.

Lu Xun: I'm accompanying my wife to sleep, don't come bother me.

Fairy Su was instantly furious!

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