Chapter 220: Negotiations

Victor and the girls followed the maid through a series of corridors leading to a very grand door where the she stopped and bowed respectfully.

“The young master is waiting for you inside.” She said with a blush. This young master Victor was super handsome up close.

Victor smiled and nodded gesturing for her to leave after spanking her butt. She didn’t dare to complain... She didn’t want to either.

Victor chuckled and looked at Margret and Hana, “Wait for me here… I will not be late.” He ordered before entering the room.

Margret was annoyed, but she figured it out. He wanted to talk about things that Hana should not hear, and she was left out to watch over her. But why didn’t he let them go to the hotel without him? She didn’t know,

“Young master Victor, we meet again! Gary quickly welcomed him as he passed through the door, “This is my grandfather…” he added introducing Harvey, who looked much better after disappearing somewhere with that book for 23 minutes… Victor could easily see that.

“Master Harvey, the patriarch of the Von Geldstadt family. This junior is honored to meet you, sir,” Victor bowed down respectfully, interrupting Gary.

“Oh… Not bad, you know your elders… Sit down…” Harvey said with a nod as he inspected Victor who sat down quietly.

“Young master Victor, why did you want to meet me?” Gary asked nervously, hoping that Victor would not anger his grandfather, as he still owe for his help with April yesterday.

“You should just call me Victor… elder brother Victor would work too. You promised.” Victor interjected, making Gary look nervously at his grandfather who chuckled.

“Brother Victor… Do you need anything?” Gary asked again,

“How is April…. Did you do it last night?” Victor asked as he made a very dirty gesture with his fingers,

“April is fine…. We are fine…” Gary blushed, “Do you need anything else?” He asked again as his grandfather squinted his eyes making him nervous.

“Yes and No… I have something for you.” Victor said as he finished inspecting the room making sure it was isolated.

He slowly took out a recording device and passed it to Gary who frowned and then started it after glancing at his grandfather.

It was a young man’s voice that sounded familiar. He was talking about working for the Dark Chamber and planning revenge against his family. Of course, any mention of a certain jewel was edited out.

Harvey, who was smiling like a fox until that moment, suddenly frowned as he listened. He recognized the voice, It was his exiled loser grandchild Clint… He also clenched his fist when he heard the name, Dark Chamber.

“Where did you get this?” Harvey quickly asked the moment the recording ended, startling Gary, who didn’t really get it.

“At Dave Davis’s house… Your grandson was killed by him… So I eliminated him and his family.” Victor said, making Harvey’s eyes look sharper… Gary gasped.

“You removed the witnesses.” Harvey corrected… “How did you make him say these things?” He asked as Gary watched in shock. How can Victor talk this confidently with his grandfather? Was that his cousin Clint? Was he dead?

“An Artifact that makes people speak the truth, it only works on the weak though...” Victor lied,

“Oh…” Harvey didn’t ask any further, every family has its secrets. “You want us not to seek revenge?” He asked,

“You will not, he is exiled… Not a part of your family.” Victor corrected. “You will not start a war over an insect.”

“Then why are you sharing this?” Harvey asked., squinting his sharp eyes again. He was right, Victor was a fox like him.

“Two reasons… I don’t want any idiot to come knocking on my door for revenge… And This was only a sample for the other things I have.” Victor said,

“Oh…” Harvey said, then took out an old flip phone. He made a call.

“Tell me about Clint.” He said then waited for a moment… “Don’t do a thing, and also make Tobias step down.” He said before hanging up.

“No problems now. What more do you have?” Harvey asked,

Victor chuckled and took out another recording device… This time it was a conversion between two men… Harvey realized that they were at the auction hall as he could hear the sound of the auctioneer in the background… They were about to poison everyone!

They also mentioned one name in particular that made Gary, who was a little surprised, stand up in anger.


That b*tch wanted to sabotage his auction!

Harvey gestured for him to sit down as he eyed Victor, who smiled and took out the poison jar.

“They were in the room below mine, I took them out… They were planning to release this.” Victor said,

Harvey frowned looking at the Jar. He didn’t recognize the poison but knew that Victor was not lying. He took out his phone again…. “Get me the info on VIP room 35… And send Charlotte’s recent date log to the inquisition hall… Also, put a copy on my desk.” He said… Then listened to the other side's report while eyeing Victor.

“I see.” He said after a few minutes then looked at Victor with complex eyes as he hang up.

“That room had only one guest.” He said,

Victor took out the Mirror, which was not covered with a blocking talisman.

“He was talking to the other side using this,” Victor said, Making Harvey almost stand up. He realized the Mirror of Zelator… They got one ten years ago when they caught a spy… Dark Chamber. He didn’t expect them to be this active.

“How did you sneak there and kill him?” Harvey asked, he was keeping an eye on Victor.

“One of my girls did it… “ Victor said, making Harvey look at the door and then at Victor again. He only had two girls here… where was that young one? No one reported that she left the Auction house. Did she have a skill that can pass through walls? He would send his men to investigate later.

“I see… Why are you helping us?” He asked casually, hiding his thoughts.

“This is just a goodwill gesture… The real deal is now.” Victor said as he chuckled, making Gary flinch as his grandfather stopped sitting leisurely and switched to his business mode. Sitting like a king as he eyed Victor. It had been a long time since he saw his grandfather act like this.

“Speak,” Harvey said,

“I want the control of your entire spy network in my family… Don’t worry I will not kill them, I will use them.” Victor said,

“Oh… You have a big appetite… What do you have to offer?” Harvey didn’t refuse.

“The cure for your poisoning… If I am not wrong, you got it with my grandmother at the same time.” Victor said, making Harvey open his eyes wide as Gary gasped. Maybe he should not be here after all. He couldn't unhear these dirty secrets after all.

“You know about that?” Harvey asked with surprise, he was poisoned 20 years ago when he was on a date with Ann. Someone poisoned his condom… Such an evil plan! Poisoning them both at the same time and causing him to have very serious problems as a man.

He still does not know who did it, and if Victor existed at that time, he would have suspected him.

“I have my methods.” Victor didn’t elaborate. “I was the one who cured my grandmother. I have a White Lotus Pill” Victor said, making Harvey freeze and look in shock at Victor… He already took every antidote in the system store but it didn’t work, and as far as he knew, Victor was a merchant too. Where would he get that Pill form?

The White Lotus Pill was the perfect antidote for slow-acting poisons. Too bad it only appeared in the system store three times in history. It was expensive, but its price in COINs was insignificant in comparison to its rarity.

“Do you have it?” Harvey asked as he swallowed. He realized that he had already lost this negotiation.

“Can you afford it?” Victor asked,

“Giving you our network in your family is a little too much.” He said The Von Weise family was disintegrating. Giving up his network was like giving up his slice of the pie… A very big pie.

“You are putting a price on your life.” Victor corrected him, making him grunt. True, he would have killed all of those spies in a blink of an eye if he knew that would cure him. But he was reluctant to be played like this by a teenager.

“I… I will need something else from you then… To balance things out.” Harvey said after pondering... He can't lose this!

“What?” Victor asked,

“Two conditions…. “ Harvey replied as an evil smile slowly appeared on his face.


In the dark forest, a group of disciples were starting to complain.

“Elder… When would that pervert come out? We have already been waiting for an hour.” a disciple said,

“How should I know?” The elder cursed at him, “We just have to wait, that feather belonged to a celestial being. It can allow our sect to gain more players….” He said,

“Does that mean I can become a player too?” Another disciple asked,

“No, you Idiot!… You are a semi-player, you can’t become a player. But your younger brothers’ would get this chance.” He scolded. His sect only had Twenty players. Making it a degree 5 sect. If he could get that fire feather and sacrifice it to the awakening artifact, the sect might get a chance to make a new batch of players, making it a degree 4 sect.

“Elder, what if that guy had many guards? Isn't he from some big family?” Another disciple asked,

“Don’t worry, I already checked, he only had two teenage girls with him, We have four players here and 10 semi-players, so it would be easy to beat them and retrieve the feather.” The elder said, “Just make sure to wear your masks properly and don’t kill anyone.” He warned.

This was not his first time doing this, and he knew where the red lines were. As long as no one died, the major families, usually let their heirs deal with their own troubles.

"Understood," His disciple answered, not entirely convinced.

The elder nodded and smiled in anticipation as he watched the highway. After today, the Flying Myth sect will soar again!

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