Chapter 218: Punishment(2)

Sebastian was walking angrily in the forest, trying hard to find a trace of the bead. That’s when he felt it. A beam of light shot in the sky resonating with his bloodline.

He cursed and ran toward it. Too bad it disappeared a moment later, but nevertheless, it gave him a direction to search at. He must find that bead no matter what.

Sebastian was told about it by his sect master. He also saw it in the murals in the sacred ruins guarded by his sect.

The Eternal Bead was supposed to be his sect’s supreme treasure. It was found in the ruin guarded by the golden skeletons of four giants 3 thousand years ago.

At that time, the founder of the sect tried to bind it using the method depicted by the murals on the walls of the ruins he failed miserably. As he couldn’t handle its energy, and his slight contact with it destroyed his entire body.

But he saw it. In the moment of contact, he saw a vision of an art that would make the body eternal, like the flame in the bead. That art became the foundation of the sect, where only Ten chosen from every generation can practice it. Most of them would fail. But few would become immortals.

Back then, one of those who succeeded should have had the chance to bind the bead and become the sect master.

Three disciples succeeded and began to fight for the bead. But due to the internal strife, some of the sect's enemies used the chaos to their advantage and managed to steal the bead. It was lost ever since.

That bead was his sect’s lost treasure, he knew it the moment he saw it.

He believed it more when Evan told him about the Fate sect… He was fated to get this!

Too bad that bastard Evan was greedy and was one step ahead of him. He cost him one of his treasures.

He didn’t know how Evan survived the pendant’s attack, but now he must be injured… And he still had the Bead. He must get it back, no matter what!

Sebastian ran and ran… He ran and ran… He kept searching for it for the whole night, and the night after… He found nothing.

Sebastian knew that it was time for him to ask for some help. This treasure was too precious to fall into others’ hands.

He reached for his ring to activate the emergency talisman… He had no ring… He had no phone… He had no money.

He was in trouble… No, he was in deep trouble. He realized that when he exited the forest and felt very strange as random people on the street started pointing at him. Some of them even began to take photos.

They were calling him spider boy.

After the bead shattered and the green beam shot into the sky, The entire flame merging took 7 minutes to finish. Bit by bit, Alpha stopped shining as she slowly descended onto the ground again after a final burst of energy that made Theta and Nightshade pass out. It was too much for them, but they gained a lot. Especially Nightshade, whose newly acquired horns began to fade away. If she became a player she would be able to use those.

Alpha opened her eyes slowly and looked at the unconscious girls as her bare feet touched the ground. She was making sure they were fine. They will wake up stronger than ever.

Her bloodline had awakened at last. She was the first one to do it in the last 2000 years. Her family fell because they didn’t have an awakened bloodline holder, a true elf blood holder who can use the hidden artifacts.

Her blond hair had turned golden, and her eyes were now sharper with a golden glint. Especially the damaged one. Under her guidance and the energy from the eternal flame, the sky eye artifact became alive, integrating with her as new flesh grew around it.

She felt perfect. She looked perfect. Like an immortal fairy.

Victor watched with a broad smile. She was stunning, about 90% on the Lily scale, too bad she didn’t turn into a loli, but he liked her new look better.

Most importantly was not the looks though, but what was inside, Victor had realized many things as the bead integrated with Alpha’s soul, dumping a lot of info into her and his mind.

Not only did it contain the basic usage of the flame, but also a complete set of Eternal body arts. Not just the tiny parts that Sebastian thought he knew. But the entire art.

Victor didn’t know what that bead was. It didn't have a description of itself. Most likely it was some supreme treasure from another world. No matter what, it was now his. With this, his harem would be eternal!

That's what he thought, looking at Alpha who was getting familier with her reconstructed body.

Alpha, who was completely naked after the flame burnt her clothes, was glaring at Victor too. She watched as he chuckled like an idiot.

“Do you like what you see?” She asked coldly.

“Yes. I wouldn’t mind marrying you now.” He nodded his head, and quickly wiped his drool.

“How about I give you a taste of the goods first?” She asked as she stepped toward him with her jade-like bare feet.

“I wouldn’t mind… But you will have to wait until I awaken my bloodline.” Victor said as he swallowed his saliva, “But I wouldn’t mind using you as a hug pillow for a few nights… Lily will be a little annoyed, but for you, I am willing to beg her.” He added as she stepped forward toward him, standing right in front of him.

“Oh… You are very courageous.” She said, “Would you feel the same if I told you that I am no longer your puppet?” She spat coldly.

Victor frowned, then the expression on his face fell as he stepped back abruptly,

“You removed the blood slave stigma! HOW?” He asked as he watched her take a silk robe from her ring and put it around her crystal body… She no longer wanted to tease him.

“The flame. It is not a part of the system… It had no rules. It just burned my soul when it integrated with it… Your stinky slave stigma was in the way.” She said, too bad that this energy was not something she could summon, it was released when the flame bounded to her soul, like a nuclear bomb, releasing excess energy. It was a one-time operation.

“Then what are you going to do now? We are friends, right? I helped you many times…” He asked as he stepped back again. Widening the space between them.

“Friends? Do you think I am a fool? Don’t try to activate your illusion skill now, my bloodline has awakened, and your illusion is useless.” She said looking at his true body which was moving to the left sneakily.

Victor stopped and glared at her as if he was trying to guess her thoughts… His hands were moving behind his back. Despite being a little foggy, she could see them.

“Don’t be afraid. I will not kill you, you saved my life after all.” She said as she disappeared and then appeared behind him holding his hand that had a poisonous needle in it. She was much stronger and faster than him.

Victor tried to struggle but she punched his stomach making him drop the needle as he flew and hit a tree nearby, and collapsed... She didn't mean to do that, she was stronger than she remembered.

“You said that you will not kill me.” He said as he tried to stand up, “Without my help, you would never be able to hide your bloodline…” He threatened,

“I no longer need your services for that. My awakened bloodline can change its frequency…” She said proudly, she felt relieved that he was not hurt.

“As I said, I will not kill you… But you deserve some punishment for being a pervert,” She added, enjoying her dominant position as she looked down at him. She liked the scared look on his handsome face.

“I will let you work for me… I will even let you keep your powers and your little harem. But I will be the mistress now. You will serve me as a good puppy from now on, and maybe this young mistress will let you lick her foot every once in a while.” She said with a slight blush…Why did she say that… She was intending to castrate him first, but a tiny part of her was reluctant to do that.

“And how exactly are you going to make me do that?” He said in an unyielding tone.

“You have that Contractor skill, don’t you? Why don’t we make a deal for your life? For your smooth white skin’s safety?” She asked as she looked serious again while taking out a whip from her ring making him curse. It brought back some nasty memories.

“If you intend to hit me with that thing, I will not agree. This young master is not a masochist!” He declared as he looked around carefully while pushing his back toward the poor tree behind him. She knew that he was trying to find a way out, but in front of absolute strength, all tricks were useless.

“You will become one after a few rounds… You will learn to like it.” She said with a light blush. She lightly waved her whip, intending to make him taste it first. This was an S-ranked blood-sucking whip. So she didn’t use all of her strength, she didn’t want to leave any scars.

The whip slid fast cutting the air and slicing through Victor’s illusion and hitting the tree behind him. He was not there.

Alpha frowned and looked around, then panicked as she felt all power get drained from her body. She couldn’t turn around. She couldn't move.

Victor slowly appeared at her side and began to undress her again as if he had not had enough of her beauty earlier. He was chuckling like a pervert.

“How?” She asked with difficulty.

“I don’t need my illusion skill to fool you. Didn’t you watch me earlier? When I gave you the bead I marked it with my blood, not yours… I also added a part of my soul to it.” He said with an evil smile. “I don’t need the slave mark to control you anymore, as your soul is now mine.” He said, making her realize that she had just made the biggest mistake in her life. How can a fox-like young master like him make a stupid mistake like that? He had made her willingly accept a curse into her soul… She was doomed.

“Now what?” She asked coldly as she watched his hand caress her silky skin… His hand felt scalding hot.

“You passed my test... But not with a good score, so now... It is time for your punishment…“ He said as he stroked her naked butt making her shiver as she blushed.

“Afraid?” He asked, whispering in her blushing ear.

She didn’t reply but shivered a little.

“Don’t worry, you will learn to like it.” He said, and with that, he began to work toward upgrading his long-neglected spanking skill.

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