The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 187: Five Secret Organizations

Chapter 187: Five Secret Organizations

Victor reached the Villa at 3.00 PM, where he met Lily who threw herself at him with some wicked thoughts, thankfully he managed to dodge just in time. But she was getting better at this as if she were reading his mind.

His soul had healed a lot since yesterday, and now he could control himself well enough to spank her without any major problems… But he could not risk anything more.

Lara and El were watching TV in the living room. When Victor entered the room, Lara quickly stood up and bowed to him in a formal salute, then returned to the show that seemed more important than her esteemed elder brother… They were watching a show about a flying superhero with great interest. Are they really interested in flying or just the bulging muscles of that guy? He didn't dare to ask.

“Young master, you are back.” Hilda, who was in the kitchen, quickly greeted him after entering the room.

“Would you like to have lunch?” She asked.

“No. I will take a shower and then leave for the base with Lily, keep an eye on the girls. And Alex would stay here, let him rest and only wake him up in case of emergencies, he was injured yesterday.” Victor said as made an Ok sign to Alex as if telling him I will be counting on you in the brothel next time… That's what Alex felt...

"Young master... Is it OK for Lara to watch TV like this... The family rules..." Hilda suddenly asked, Lily said it was OK, but she had to make sure.

"Did she finish her exercises?" He asked.

"Yes." Hilda nodded, she made sure of that.

“Then it's fine. Just let her sleep early." Victor said while thinking that this was now his opportunity to heal Lara's bloodline exhaustion problem. Maybe he should wait and let that Alchemist Hana brew the Blood Infocing Pill after he gets her back. Although he learned alchemy before, he was a low-ranked one without a class. The Class makes all the difference.

Now there were more important things to attend to.

"Alex… Don’t leave the mansion, I will disguise Lily as you. so make sure to sleep until the morning.” Victor said, making Alex nod before looking at Lily.

“Lily, you go get the car ready… And you are forbidden from approaching my room for the next 15 Minutes.” Victor warned then hurried to take a shower. He stunk.

Lily was a little annoyed but noticed how tired he seemed, so she didn’t bully him any further. She had another target to bully.

“What did you do yesterday?” She asked Alex who was turning to leave. “Did you go to that place again?” Lily asked again.

“No… It was different... We bought a villa then... We just…” Alex hesitated. As if she were feeling guilty for doing something evil.

“You did what?” Lily asked. smelling something fishy. Her young master had the smell of some girl that she didn't recognize.

“I can’t tell you… Ask the young master.” Alex said as she ran away to her room, she also needed a shower.

Ruby was sitting and watching the sunset from the top of the “Base” as they called it. It was just an old factory though.

She glanced at her hand and wondered what the hell happened yesterday… What are players really? This was like a fairytale, from saving her from the brothel to defeating that monster lamia. She was still a little shocked.

“You are here too.” A sound startled her, it was Theta accompanied by Mira.

“Yeah… I don’t want to keep messing with the guys downstairs. Why do I feel like we belong to an evil organization…” Ruby said with a sigh as the girls sat next to her.

“Because we do.” Mira said, “Alpha didn’t tell you, but our young master belongs to one of the families who control the world from the shadows using their powers as players.” she added making Ruby look at her in shock, as Theta who sat to her other side nodded.

“Such a thing exists?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Theta replied from the other side, “The one who kidnapped us belonged to that family too… In fact, the man who took me back then was the young master’s dog cousin... And that fat pig Baron was just a butler in their family.” Theta explained making Ruby freeze a little. Maybe she was not saved, after all, just changed owner.

“Don’t worry, The young master is not bad at all. He is just a little sloppy” Theta said with some annoyance. She had betted some Coins on whether he would be waiting for them outside the dungeon. She lost.

“When would I be able to meet this young master anyway?” Ruby asked.

“Maybe sooner than you think,” Theta replied as noticed a car driving up the mountain. She quickly made a bet… He better not disappoint her this time.

He didn’t. Minutes later a large bell began to sound in the factory or as Victor liked to call it “The Base”. It was to summon everyone to the main yard where a black car was slowly parking.

Ruby hurried with the other curious girls and got in line under Alpha’s commands. They were all watching as the car stopped and a veiled girl hurried from the driver's seat and opened the door and a young man with silky purplish hair stepped down.

Ruby had one thought in mind, he was hot! She saw men, all kinds of men in the brothel, but this young master was different. Her sisters seemed to have similar thoughts.

“I told you,” Theta, who was beside her, whispered smugly as Alpha ordered the girl to bow. They quickly complied including Mira and the twins, this was the protocol. The only ones who didn’t were Margret who was just employed by him, Alpha who didn’t bow to anyone, and Theta who also had great pride after gaining her memory back… Victor didn’t seem to mind.

Oh and Archie who was still stunned by all the pretty girls around was there too. The black circles around his eyes were proof that he was getting some new education, but the dirty look in his eyes proved that he still had a long time to go.

“Relax!” Victor said with a firm voice, making the girls stand up and look at him.

“For most of you, this is the first time seeing me… My name is Victor von Weise, your young master,” He said, as he looked at the girls. Then at Archie. “That applies to you too, did you sign the contract?” Victor asked.

“Young master I…” Archie didn’t continue as Alpha handed the contact to Victor,

“I made him do it.” She said, making Victor node as he glanced at it and then quickly stored it.

“Good, you will now work for me,” Victor said, making Archie nod. He might have paid with his freedom, but becoming a player was worth it... That bastard cousin of his would soon feel his wrath.

“We will speak about what happened in the cave later. Alpha will give me a report about your performance.” He added He didn’t mention anything about players as the Chicks were present here too. And the girls were ordered to speak nothing of this, it was a sort of training for them.

“Now… I will go inside and call you one by one after a while… Mina, Mana, Mira, Alpha, Theta, and Margret follow me inside, I need to talk to you about something.” He said, then strode quickly to the office inside as the girls watched…

“Don’t worry… The young master just wants to inquire about your class... Just answer truthfully if he asked you about anything. And try to impress him.” Theta whispered to Ruby as she ran following Victor.

Ruby nodded as they watched them go inside… Would she be able to be a part of his inner circle someday?

“First of all, I am happy to see you all safe,” Victor said as he sat down with the girls at the main office that the chicks prepared for him. It was pretty lavish.

“This is the file about the girl’s performance,” Alpha quickly gave him a big file with every girl’s reported class and skills. In addition to that, it had their evaluation from her perspective.

“Oh… Not bad… But I have more important things to discuss with you.” Victor said as he quickly leafed through the file.

“What?” Alpha asked as she took her seat beside Theta and crossed her legs.

“I didn’t want to rush things… But the situation is getting messier outside, and I seem to have been creating enemies at an accelerated rate. I keep having this ominous feeling that something very bad will happen very soon. So…” He said as he squeezed Lily’s hand… She also had such a feeling.

The girls frowned a little…

“You are my most trusted allies and followers, that's why I am telling you this.” He added, making Mira feel a little shy but warm inside… She did nothing to deserve his trust. She didn’t know that he spent a lot of time with her in his previous life, and knew many things about her.

“I am going to establish five secret organizations.” He went straight to the point. Making the girls, especially Alpha, look at him with interest. “And I want you and the rest of the girls to be assigned to them depending on their class and gifts.” He added as Lily started brewing him a cup of coffee using a brewer that was placed there by chick 17.

“Like the one, I am creating?” Alpha asked.

“Yes… Yours will be the first organization. It will be called the Fragrant Shadow, An information-collecting organization. It is called that name for a few reasons, the first is that it would be mostly made up of girls... And the second reason is that it would be using the soul wine as its main weapon. It has a peculiar smell… And I already gave someone your contact with that name“ He said making Alpha squint her eyes, “Alpha you will be the head of this. And its target is to collect info, sell into and build a network of spies around the world and all the families.” Victor added.

“Like that Archie?” Alpha asked… She didn’t like the name Fragrant shadow… It felt silent but deadly…. Like something dirty.

“Yes, I want spies everywhere. We must get those guys who were thrown away by their families and use them to our advantage. I want you to be so fearful that no one would dare assault you for fear of their darkest secrets being disclosed. Everyone has a secret.” He explained.

Alpha nodded, “I want that girl, Camellia.” She added.

“Oh! Why?” Victor asked in surprise. That girl didn’t seem interesting at all.

“Her Class is Analyst, she was a great help in the dungeon. And would be a great help cross-examining the date we get.” She explained making Victor look at Lily, she was Camelia’s master.

“You can have her,” Lily said quickly.

“Fine then, that’s settled. Now to the second organization. It would be called the Purple Crow. It is an assassins organization that would be led by Lily… Now. Due to a certain problem, Lily would not be able to manage it for now, so the vice leader Nora would be responsible for it.” Victor glanced at Lily who nodded. Those Von Krone spies were getting annoying lately, not letting her leave the mansion without her young master’s disguise ability. She was wondering how her young master was planning to get rid of them.

“You will have to populate its rank with all kinds of scum, and only the most trusted would be allowed into its secrets… And no one should know who the true master is.” Victor added.

“Don’t worry young master, my sister has already found quite a few bad kids who need education, we have already begun training them,” Lily said.

“Wait… Your sisters left some criminal kids unsupervised and came here?” Victor asked as he turned to Lily.

“Yup, we are training them using the oldest method in the book. We threw them in a cave with limited food, and we will let them fight it off. About 50% should survive.” She added, making the rest of the girls shiver a little. Was her perception of death always this screwed?

“Isn’t that a little cruel?” Mira hesitatingly asked. She knew about the family’s training, her father told her. But still…

“Don’t worry, those kids are bad… The kind that would slit your throat in your sleep to get the phone under your pillow. If they die, they deserve it.” She said, making the girls relax a little.

“Wouldn’t controlling those scumbags be problematic?” Margret asked this time.

“Not if you implement a bomb in their bodies,” Lily replied, making the girls shiver again as they looked at Lily with some fear.

“Don’t look at me like that. It was the young master’s idea… Kai was the one who got me the bomb from the family’s laboratory.” Lily complained.

“Ok, that’s enough about that.” Victor quickly changed the subject. “The third organization would be called Golden Dragon… It will be headed by Aria.” Victor said.

“I want to be a part of this.” Margret quickly interrupted.

“ I didn’t say what it was for yet!” Victor exclaimed.

“Isn’t it a financial organization to build wealth and launder your dirty money?” Margret asked, making Victor nod. True, that’s a part of their mission.

“Then I want that…Using my body to attract snakes in the dungeon is enough fighting for me… I now want to use it to attract real money...” She said with a seductive smile, causing Victor to look at the file on the table, hiding his unsettling soul.

“Fine then… But you must know that Golden Dragon will be separate from my normal business… I will not be backing them directly. And no one must know that they belong to me.” Victor warned.

“I am prepared,” Margret said.

“Do you want to get away from the family?” Mira asked a little surprised, wouldn’t young masters usually use their families' power?

“Yes. The family situation is very turbulent, and my position in the family might change at any moment, so I want to make sure to be able to have my own force before that… And this is better as I really hate the fact that those guys are following my every move through my finances..” He added,

'Wouldn't making Miss Aria or Margret the head of a financial organization sends a clear message that it is yours?’ Mana asked.

“It is a secret organization… Aria and Margret should find some pawn to put in the management position, they would be responsible for the management behind the scenes… And I want the organization to engage in player merchandise trade too. Though at a smaller scale first. ” Victor said.

“If you are trusting me with all that money, I might get greedy and take the company for myself…” Margret quickly said with a cheeky smile.

“Then I would get greedy too and take your body for myself after that.” He said, making her chuckle, and making the girls a little jealous of their open flirting... Especially Lily, who considers Margret her main love rival, not having met Lin yet.

“That gave me an idea…" Victor suddenly said sticking the table with his palm. "Maybe we will do a play where I dump you and you swear for revenge. Or even better, a little act of you stealing my money and dumping me if the family ever punished me!” He added, making her nod. She didn’t like it, but that would solve the problem of her connection to him.

“Then the fourth organization?” Mina asked quickly to stop the flirting between them.

“The Master’s Fist. It would be a criminal organization, responsible for recruiting criminals and smugglers. Its target is to provide hands for any client who pays well. Especially the other organizations we created.” Victor said, “I will leave it in the hand of one of the chicks… Until I get someone more suitable.” He said as he looked at the girls, none of them wanted anything to do with that… Should he scam another girl? “Ouch.” Lily was pinching his arm. She read his dirty thoughts, was his expression this obvious?

“And the fifth?” Lily asked,

“It would be a free players guild,” Victor said with an evil smile, guilds would not appear until after the reckoning, but he plans to make one secretly earlier.

“Like in games? Wouldn’t that go against the player’s counsel’s rules?” Alpha asked as her eyes sparkled, the player's counsel was her enemy.

“There are already a few hidden guilds… We will also keep it a secret for now, just recruit trusted and rough players with no backing. Theta would be responsible for it with your sisters. As no one really knows that you work for me and you might even be able to use this against your family… Alpha would help you find a suitable base.” Victor said, making Theta frown a little, then squeeze her fist and nod. She was feeling useless lately. And it was about time she started working to get what should be hers!

“But how can we get enough money? The stuff you gave us and we stole from the brothel is already spent on the girls, buying this mountain, and expanding this place… We need more untraceable money!” Margret asked.

“We can steal a little more from that guy Troy when we get rid of him, maybe make it as a theft… And I already have a scheme to launder some money, the family might even cut me off a little after that… In a week or two Alpha will accompany me there.” Victor replied mysteriously. “After that, I will give you some projects to start. In a year or two, we should be rich enough to not worry about financing.” He added, making Margret look at him with interest. Wondering what his plans were.

“What about us young masters? Don’t you have some work for us?” Mina asked after some hesitation. He didn’t give them any missions.

“The two of you should just be personal maids… You can also warm my bed. Isn’t that enough?” He asked, making them blush… That was enough.

“I will also task you with taking care of this base and the mansion… Just supervise the work.” He added.

“What about me!” Mira asked this time after getting some courage.

“Other than also being my bed warming maid, I have a plan for you… But it is still too early for it. But I will need you to be a great actress first. The best of the best. Aria should have already shown you the script I sent her.” Victor said.

“She did. But young master… Is it really ok to film something like that? I didn’t know it earlier, but now that I am a player…. Isn’t this new movie about a poor girl becoming a player and then fighting her evil boyfriend who became a demon in a dungeon?” She asked, diverting the talk from the bed warming maid thing… It was still too early for that… They have to hold hands first… And why does he keep avoiding looking straight at her? Was she still dirty from the dungeon? She had already showered twice. Her skin is already looking tender.

“Ahm…Exactly… I want all people who become players to use your movie to explain to others what players are! I even have some nice candidates for the evil Boyfriend. His charisma and luck would make this movie a success!” Victor explained, making Mira and the girls frown, not really getting what he was talking about.

“You will know what I meant at the right time…” He said, “Now… Let’s examine the girls one by one and decide which of you would manage them.” He added. It was time to find what he had got.

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