Chapter 66

Zhao Jiangui accompanies Ji Han into the study to finish dealing with business. It's already evening.

Since returning from the practice room, the two just haven't opened their mouths to speak. Zhao Jiangui has always been thinking of the issue of the Haoran Alliance in his mind. Already he doesn't know which side he ought to stand on in the middle of this struggle, merely that he also wants to protect Ji Han's life no matter what. After this thing, no matter how Ji Han blames him, he's admitted it.

The head maidservant carries in dishes, Zhao Jiangui then stays with Ji Han to eat. Because Ji Han is still injured he's on a particular diet, eating pure congee and cabbage. He looks at that white congee silently for some time, suddenly puts down his chopsticks, and says with a suffering face, "I don't want to eat this."

"This is alright." Zhao Jiangui says, he picks up a vegetable with his chopsticks on Ji Han's behalf, putting it into his bowl, "You have to eat some of it, too."

Ji Han says miserably, "I want to eat egg noodles."

Zhao Jiangui, "..."

He really doesn't understand why Ji Han is so attached to egg noodles. He's a perfectly good sect leader, it's just fine that he's actually not inclined towards exotic foods or luxuries, but why is he so obsessed with egg noodles.

Ji Han continues, "Just today, I want to eat egg noodles."

Zhao JIangui is silent a moment, calls in the head maidservant, has her first go ask Yan Daifu.

Yan Daifu's residence is a bit of a distance from here, Zhao Jiangui can't help but inquire towards Ji Han, "You really like egg noodles?"

Ji Han says to him, "When I was young if I was worn out from training, then Yifu wouldn't allow me to eat dinner. But I was also terribly hungry, so Momo* would secretly cook egg noodles for me."

Zhao Jiangui exclaims, "Your yifu was rather too strict."

Ji Han says, "But if not for him, I absolutely wouldn't have the accomplishments I do today."

Zhao Jiangui refuses to comment.

Still for a moment, Zhao Jiangui continues to ask, "Who is that momo you spoke of?"

Ji Han tightly purses his lips, unwilling to say any more.

Zhao Jiangui is also forced to shut his mouth.

The head maidservant returns. Yan Daifu appears to think that eating a bowl of egg noodles won't be detrimental to the condition of Ji Han injuries at all. The head maidservant wants to go straight to look for the cook, but Ji Han calls for her.

Ji Han, "I can go myself."

Finished speaking, he then drags Zhao Jiangui to the kitchen with him.

Zhao Jiangui really didn't expect Ji Han to actually cook for himself personally.

He quite skillfully prepares two bowls of egg noodles, also requesting that Zhao Jiangui sit down and eat with him. Inevitably, Zhao Jiangui recalls that night he saw the scene of Ji Han eating egg noodles in the kitchen. He actually can't say whether those noodles were made by him personally, too.

He can't help letting out the inquiry, Ji Han then says, "In fact, I'm only able to make noodles. This is what Momo taught me."

He continues to ask Zhao Jiangui, "Would you drink two cups with me?"

Zhao Jiangui can't help recalling getting drunk the first time.

Ji Han, "We won't drink a lot, just two cups."

Zhao Jiangui hesitates slightly, "Your injuries..."

Ji Han curls his lip, "Then you drink wine, I'll drink tea."

Zhao Jiangui knits his brows, "You drink water."

Ji Han, "..."

An attendant carries in fine liquor, Zhao Jiangui pours one cup full, also pouring a cup of warm water for Ji Han.

Ji Han takes a sip of the warm water, saying sarcastically, "Good wine."

Zhao Jiangui is puzzled, "Why do you all like drinking alcohol. This liquor clearly still tastes a little unpleasant."

Ji Han says, "Alcohol can rid one of their worries, or at least let one forget about them."

Zhao Jiangui gazes at him, completely feeling that Ji Han's speech has some other indication.

However, Ji Han is unwilling to say whatever else.

Perhaps the worries in his heart are even more than getting drunk easily. A few cups of wine into his belly, and Zhao Jiangui already feels a bit dizzy.

Ji Han asks him, "Can you still remember what day it is today?"

Zhao Jiangui thinks and thinks, shakes his head.

Ji Han says, "Today is Mid-Autumn."

Zhao Jiangui inevitably is somewhat stunned.

Although he didn't remember the day, there are certainly people in the Demon Sect who would have remembered. Yet he doesn't know why,the atmosphere in the sect was cold and cheerless. It totally didn't feel like the manner of a festival.

He wants to ask Ji Han, but Ji Han rushes a step to speak, "I heard they'll be setting off fireworks in the town tonight."

Zhao Jiangui asks, "Do you want to go watch? I can accompany..."

Ji Han suddenly glares at him, saying, "I said, you're not allowed down the mountain again."

Zhao Jiangui, "..."

Ji Han continues, "You can also see the fireworks from the roof."


*嬷嬷/mómo - An elderly woman, wet nurse, or nun. I believe it's the first definition in this case. This can also be māma, but I think it's supposed to be momo and it's less confusing that way since it doesn't mean his mother.

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