Chapter 52

The head maidservant knocks lightly on the door.

Yan Daifu has come to change the sect leader's bandages. He doesn't like other people to watch and Zhao Jiangui is forced to wait outside the door.

Xiao Lin and the head maidservant wait in the corridor, Zhao Jiangui's thoughts come and go, he can't help asking his two people one phrase, "These few days can I go down the mountain?"

The head maidservant hesitates, "This... Zhao Gongzi had better ask Jiaozhu."

Zhao Jiangui nods, he thinks that after all he isn't a member of the Demon Sect, the head maidservant probably is worried he'll go down the mountain and run away, or is passing on news to the Haoran Alliance.

Xiao Lin asks curiously, "Zhao Daxia, what do you want to do down the mountain?"

Zhao Jiangui hesitates faintly, "I... To go buy a few things."

The head maidservant says, "Whatever Zhao Gongzi lacks, I'll have people go buy then."

Zhao Jiangui's eyebrows knit into a frown, "...Never mind."

Yan Daifu has already finished changing the bandages, he and Ji Han almost don't have any interaction. His loathsome face comes out from the door, coldly sweeping a glance at the head maidservant, making her and Xiao Lin go to dispose of and clean up the bloodied gauze he changed.

The two enter the room, Zhao Jiangui also wants to enter with them.

When he arrives beside Yan Daifu, Yan Daifu however suddenly softly says something like this.

"I think you don't like him at all."

Zhao Jiangui's steps pause.

"You towards's merely due to a guilty conscience." Yan Daifu says, "And he towards you, it's also only a guilty conscience together with responsibility, that's all."

Zhao Jiangui gazes at him coldly, "What do you mean?"

Yan Daifu smiles faintly, "You two are actually quite interesting."

Zhao Jiangui originally just didn't like this person, now the indescribable hatred in his heart grows a bit.

Xiao Lin has already run out the door beckoning Zhao Jiangui, "Zhao Daxia, Jiaozhu requests you come in."

Zhao Jiangui shoots a glance at Yan Daifu, determined to no longer acknowledge him, turns to go into the room.

Ji Han waits for the head maidservant and Xiao Lin to withdraw, suddenly opens his mouth to say to him, "I heard it all."

Zhao Jiangui, "..."

People with deep internal strength,* their eyes and ears must naturally be much sharper than those of an ordinary person.

Ji Han says, "He's a strange person, but his medical skills are indeed impeccable."

Zhao Jiangui asks, "He also is a member of your sect?"

Ji Han shakes his head, "He has never entered the sect. When yifu was seriously ill, the sect members brought him from the medicinal Xian Gu to come treat him, regrettably he said his treatment could not cure him.... In any case, he still didn't save yifu's life."

Zhao Jiangui rushes to say, "I shouldn't have asked this."

Ji Han sighs a breath.

"I heard Xiao Lin say you want to go wander down the mountain." Ji Han says gently, "I won't hinder you, however the sect's elders certainly will be worried, perhaps I need to send a few people to accompany you to go together."

Zhao Jiangui nods.

Ji Han says, "Really because of your gongfu, the people sent with you also don't have any use, if you want to go, there is no one able to block you."

Zhao Jiangui doesn't speak.

He really just simply wants to go wander that's all. Why does it suddenly just seem he wants to leave.

Fortunately two word books have already given him mastery over the subject.

Ji Han's lips seem to still want to say something more.

Zhao Jiangui grabs his hand.

Zhao Jiangui, "Rest assured, I will certainly return on time."

Ji Han, "..."

Zhao Jiangui, "I promised you, every day I'll come to assist you in taking your medicine."

Ji Han, "No need..."

Zhao Jiangui, "I absolutely will not abandon you alone."

Ji Han moves stiffly wanting to extract his hand, "You're too sickening..."

Zhao Jiangui says, "These are words from the bottom of my heart."

He continues to grip Ji Han's hand tightly.

Ji Han is still struggling with great effort, "I don't want to listen to you say words from the bottom of your heart."

Zhao Jiangui, "Perhaps you love hearing something thoughtless and insincere?"

Ji Han, "No, I don't want to hear it."

Zhao Jiangui thinks a little, says, "All of the people down the mountain aren't as good-looking as you."

Ji Han, "..."

Zhao Jiangui says, "Even if they gave me ten chests of gold, I still would never run away."

Ji Han, "..."

Zhao Jiangui suddenly says adoringly, "Longing for a single heart, not parting even when our hair is white.*"

Ji Han, "...Shut up."

However he has already allowed his own hand to be held like that by Zhao Jiangui's.

Zhao Jiangui says, "I've already gotten it."


*"愿得一人心,白首不相离" - This is a line attributed to the Han Dynasty poet Zhuo Wenjun, the poem is called "白头吟/Báitóu Yín" (Song of White Hair). It's very hard to keep the artistic/romantic phrasing of it in English and after looking at several different translations, I've sort of merged them for this here.

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