The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 109: The Quest I Was Waiting For, Part IV

Chapter 109: The Quest I Was Waiting For, Part IV

Translator: HunterW Editor: RED


Japan’s Nayuta Guild knew that they were the weakest out the three guilds. That truth was especially hard to swallow for all of Japan. The Nayuta Guild had to take this chance to come out on top no matter what. The guild had decided to fly straight for the mountain and parachute out instead of landing at the airport.

“Those sons of bitches!” It had seemed that the Nayuta Guild’s dungeon hijacking would succeed. They spent more golden rings than the other guilds to get here and brought 6,000 elite members… but ran into a problem once they arrived at the entrance. A problem that consisted of two teams of fifty devas.

“I am Yan Shou, captain of the Cheng Long Guild’s Recon team 4. By orders of our guild master, we are here to prevent entry to the Tomb. You’ll have to go through us if you wish to enter.”

“I am Jung Inhyuk, captain of the Sunbin Guild’s Vanguard team. By orders of our vice-master, we are also here to prevent entry to the Tomb. You’ll have to go through us as well if you wish to enter.”

Okamoto, the guild master of the Nayuta Guild, looked at the hundred devas that stood in his way and swore. Sure, there were only a hundred of them. His six thousand elite soldiers could mow through them.

“Get these damned hyenas out of….Shit!” Okamoto slammed his Blade of Conviction to the ground and swore. He couldn’t give the order to get rid of the hundred devas in front of him. The two teams were blocking the entrance to the tomb seemed damn friendly.

There was no way he could antagonize both guilds. If it were only one team from one guild standing in front of him, he would have given the order and dealt with whatever repercussions that came after. But that was impossible if he did that to both guilds.

“Since when did they get so friendly?!”

“It seems…someone may have leaked our plans to the Cheng Long and the Sunbin Guilds,” Taise, the Nayuta head of Intelligence, replied.

Okamoto ground his teeth in anger. If that was the case, then it was his own fault and his own shortcomings that allowed the intel to be leaked.

“Ha…fine! How do we deal with this then?”


“If the both guilds are going to ally themselves like that, it won’t be wise to do anything that’ll…”

“Fuck! I know that much. I’m asking how to go around them! I’m not acting this way because I’m afraid of those punks; I care more about what’s behind them!” This whole thing had become one huge headache.


All they could do now was wait. Six hours passed before the main forces of the Cheng Long and the Sunbin Guild appeared.

“Well, well, would you look at that? The infamously lazy Okamoto actually crawled out of his hole and made an appearance. He must really want that Rank 10 Random Chest.”

“I’m sure anyone would act that way for a Rank 10.”

Wai Chung and Song Myungsoo came up to Okamoto, teasing him as they did.

“Haha. Well, that stings. We only found out a bit later than everyone else and decided that this was the fastest way to get here,” Okamoto said with a beaming smile. Not that long ago, he was spitting insults at them that would put sailors to shame.

“Besides, I’ve heard that the Tomb is quite difficult. Don’t you think it would be a fine idea to team up and clear the quest together? We can’t have a non-Asian guild clear it when the dungeon was discovered in Asia.”

“I don’t know. It does sound like a good idea, but is there really a need to team up? What do you think, Myungsoo?”

“The treasure is right there; is there really such a need to include another hand in this?”

“Hahahaha. You’re completely right. There’s barely enough for us, so why would we want to split it even more; especially with a guild that is this weak?”

“Are you seriously insulting me and my guild here?” Okamoto asked in a low voice as his smile quickly disappeared.

“Well, at least you’re quick on the draw.”

“I’m still the guild master of a powerful guild. I need to at least have that.” However, Okamoto’s threat fell on empty ears. Wai Chung and Song Myungsoo talked down at him, just like they had in the past.

The Nayuta Guild members grew furious as they watched their guild master stand there, taking the insults. One man drew his weapon and shouted at the two foreign guild masters in anger. “Do you two wish to see blood today?”

“Blood? Bwahaha. I wonder who will be the first to spill blood. Cheng Long Guild, hear me!”


“Prepare for battle! Your targets are the Nayuta Guild in front of you!”

“Yes sir!”

“Sunbin Guild, hear me!”


“Prepare for battle as well. Your targets are the Nayuta Guild!”

“Yes sir!”

The Nayuta Guild was the ones that were insulted and were rightfully furious, but as soon as the other guilds drew their weapons, that anger vanished. There was no way they could win this fight. The Nayuta guild members who had drawn their weapons sheepishly put them away.

“Must you do this to us?”

“Of course I must. A Rank 10 item is at stake here. That’s why you scampered all the way here.”

Song Myungsoo quietly watched as Okamoto and Wai Chung conversed. The obvious victor here was Wai Chung.

Song Myungsoo hadn’t completely allied himself with the Cheng Long Guild, but also had no intention of allying with the Nayuta Guild. It would be easier to get the quest reward if he let the two fight each other first.

“I’ll ask you one more time. What will you do now?”

Okamoto ground his teeth in anger. “Is the Sunbin Guild truly going to trust the Cheng Long Guild? Are you actually going to trust Wai Chung?”

“The only thing we believe in is our skill.”

Okamoto truly felt lost at Song Myungsoo’s reply. In the end, the both guilds treated him this way because he was weak.

“There will be a day of reckoning; just you wait.”

“That’s quite the dream you have there.”

Left with no other choice, Okamoto led his guild off the mountain. “Don’t ever forget this insult we received today. It’s because we are weak that we can only let this happen. We will get strong, so strong that no one will be able to insult us like this!”

“Yes sir.”

And so, the Nayuta Guild that was first to arrive at the Tomb was also the first to leave.

-Just you wait! I’ll pay you back for this disgrace tenfold!-


Seventeen hours had passed since I entered the Tomb and I had finally arrived at the end of the tenth floor.

“Hmm…they should be at the eighth or ninth floor by now.”

I was taking a break in a safe zone that was set up right in front of the entrance to the eleventh floor. It must have been because it was a quest dungeon, but the final floor didn’t just have a safe room or an elite monster room, but also had plenty of safe zones set up on the occasional floor. The safe zones even had the pool of water that was usually found in safe rooms.

“I think they arrived at the boss room twenty days after they entered the Tomb in the past. They should get here by the day after tomorrow.” It took me fifteen days to get to the tenth floor and I decided to spend a couple days to fully rest up before entering the boss room.

“Alright then. I’ve really got no time to lose now.” This dungeon was set to disappear soon and there was no way I could come back to it.

I picked up my spear and charged in at a horde of Molemen nearby. These monsters were much stronger than the ones on the previous floors and I took care not to overdo it. I couldn’t get too hurt before I challenged the King-Emperor.

“But, the Cheng Long Guild will be here, right?” I asked myself. I never really gave too much thought to Wai Chung when I first met him. We lived in completely different worlds, after all. But ever since he and Luana announced their support for me, I’d been thinking about what he was like in the past as I made my way through the Tomb.

“God, that man was the essence of ambition.” Wai Chung never hesitated about anything if he could get anything out of it. His guild members were nothing different than his tools, tools that existed to fulfill his ambition and greed. Of course, he never publicly showed that side of him, but I knew who he really was. His own friends probably didn’t even trust him.

“No, yeah. The Cheng Long Guild will definitely be here.”

I wondered if they would be accompanied by someone else. This new timeline wasn’t exactly like the past. Hell, I was the first to discover the Tomb, not them.

And so, I spent the next three days hunting, to keep my body limber, in case I would have to fight someone or something before the dungeon boss.

On the twentieth day after I entered the Tomb, I took a bath in the pool and changed into clean clothes, to prepare to meet the ones who were about to arrive.

“Open Stats Menu.”

==[Name: Lee Jiwon

Level: 470 Death Count: 0

Title: Earth’s First Deva

HP: 5,844,700/5,844,700 MP: 212,700/212,700

Strength: 13,100 + 705 Agility: 5,700 Vitality: 8,109

Willpower: 2,067 Intelligence: 1,997

Unassigned Stat Points: 400 + 60

Fatigue: 27

Special Effects: Luck Boost (X+1), immune to all Status effects, Dungeon Seeker 10 points

Physical Attack: 49,182 Physical Defense: 14,604

Magical Attack: 7,541 Magical Defense: 7,932]==

It took me a day to gain one level.

“Hmm…what to do here?” These days, I had been contemplating on whether or not to get my VIT over 10,000.

“I definitely don’t need INT or WIT. AGI is still pretty high enough. Do I really need more VIT?” My base VIT was only at around 6,400. It would take at least 3,600 more points to get it past 10,000.

“Higher VIT is definitely better for a fighter class like me, but I feel like I could get something else when I get my STR over 20,000. 3,600 points is also not a small amount.” That was my issue here. There was a pretty good chance I could get a reward if my STR reached 20k. Doing both would be awesome, but it would take way too long.

“I guess I’ll save the points for now. It’s only a little more than 400 anyway.” I decided to keep the natural points alone and put Shaman Ko’s stats in to STR, like I always had.

As I checked through my Stats Menu and skill cooldowns, I noticed someone coming from the distance.

-They’re here!-

When I first discovered the eleventh entrance, I peeked in to see what was in store. The King-Emperor was damn intimidating. He was over four meters tall and held a two-meter long sword. In the past, the Cheng Long Guild had not released the raid video on the Fallen King-Emperor. I had no idea what the extent of his abilities was.

-He’s still a high-grade dungeon boss monster. I can’t just charge in like a dumb bull. I need to stick to my plan. That was the whole reason I got before anyone else.-

It would go easier if I could party up with whoever would get here and I could show off my abilities. If they rejected me, then I could just do away with them.

If I had brought the Myth Guild with me, I would have created some unnecessary tension between them and the Cheng Long Guild, and the Myth Guild would only get in the way of my true goal.

“Huh?” I saw Wai Chung at the front of the group as they grew closer, but also noticed a few familiar faces.

“What the?”

“There’s someone here?”

“Who is that?”

“There’s actually someone who got here before us? And he’s…alone?” They saw me as soon as I saw them, and they were equally as shocked. However, one of the voices shouted louder than the rest.

“Jiwon oppa!”


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