The World Is Mine For The Taking

Chapter 28 - 5 - Raising A Flag (2)

Chapter 28: Chapter 5 - Raising A Flag (2)

Market City was the go-to spot for women like me with a keen interest in fashion. On days with a bit of free time, like the weekly school break, I, Titania, navigated the bustling city where a plethora of products adorned the streets.

...And yes, I was flying solo.

I did extend invitations to some of my classmates for a shopping escapade during the break. I told them, "Consider yourselves lucky to spend your break with someone like me tomorrow."

However, they just flashed wry smiles and politely declined. Frankly, I couldn't fathom why they would pass up this once-in-a-lifetime chance to shop with me.

After strolling for a while, I reached my go-to spot for leisure—a store that indulged my sweet tooth. Sure, the treats were just sugar-coated bread, a far cry from the sweets back in my homeland, but they still hit the spot.

Approaching the entrance, I pushed the door open, and the welcoming bell chimed as I stepped inside. The door closed behind me automatically, shutting out the outside world. Yet, to my annoyance, none of the customers spared me a glance. Seriously? No applause for my entrance? Weren't they grateful for my presence? I crossed my arms beneath my chests and pouted.

Frustrated by the lack of the warm welcome I deserved, I grew impatient and headed straight to the counter to place my order.

The cashier, a woman with ample assets, flashed a smile upon seeing me approach.

"What can I get you, ma'am?" she asked.

"Sugary bread and cow milk," I stated.

"Sugary bread and... cow milk," she repeated, jotting it down on a memo pad. "Got it." With a warm smile, she added, "I'm grateful that you're gracing us with your presence again."

She knew me well, given my frequent visits during breaks. It was only natural for her to treat me accordingly. I raised my chin high, arms still crossed beneath my chests, and replied, "Glad you recognize that."

Having placed my order, I sought out a secluded table. Finding one bathed in solitude, I settled in, awaiting the arrival of my delectable treats. While the anticipation lingered, I retrieved my smartphone from my pocket and delved into my contacts. Only one person there—Leon. A fleeting urge to hit the call button and summon him crossed my mind, but each time I contemplated it, my finger hesitated just inches away from that button. Strangely, my face heated up, and my heart raced at the mere thought. What was going on? Was I catching a fever or something? Hmm...

As I mulled over the mysterious stirrings within me, the familiar chime of the welcoming bell announced the arrival of someone new. Initially, I dismissed it, uninterested in diverting my attention. Yet, the collective hum of excitement around me demanded notice.

"Oh, man, look at that. Isn't that the daughter of the Duke of Sierra?"

"I-It's really her!"

"Check out those legs!"

"She's like a living doll..."

"She's a goddess. No mere mortal could boast such a face."

What?! I'm right here, in all my glory, and yet, not a soul acknowledges my existence. Instead, they gush over someone who can't hold a candle to my magnificence? These people are nothing short of ungrateful!

Turning around to identify the individual stealing the spotlight from me, I had to begrudgingly admit that the woman who entered exuded grace. She sported sharp, purple eyes and brown hair fashioned into twin tails, held in place by purple ribbons. While her breasts were on the modest side, there was no denying her overall allure. Still, she stood no chance against me! I'm way more seductive, and I've got the curves to prove it! So, why were these people acknowledging her more than me? I was undeniably prettier, right? Plus, I held the title of princess, whereas she was just a duke's daughter. Clearly, these people need their eyes checked, and they're downright ungrateful.

Pouting once more, I surveyed the onlookers in the establishment, all captivated by the woman's entrance.

After a brief interval, a new figure entered the scene—a man around the same age as the woman.

"You're late," she scolded, her tone tinged with a hint of displeasure.

"Sorry, sorry. The coachman driving my carriage got entangled in some mess on the way here, delaying my arrival beyond our agreed-upon time."

"Trouble?" the woman queried, raising a skeptical brow.

"Yeah, but nothing too serious. Don't worry about it. Anyway, shall we proceed?"

"I've already taken the liberty of ordering our food. Your only task now is to locate our seats."

"Okay. I'll lead the way then."

As I observed them more closely, a spark of recognition lit up within me. Ah, yes. These two also attended Milham's Academy, and they were currently in their second year. In other words, they were my upperclassmen. The woman, Charlotte Sierra, held the coveted top spot in the Silver Class, while the man, Daemon Serscz, resided as the twentieth in the Gold Class.

Were they on a date today? The vibes suggested as much, but judging by the aura Charlotte exuded, it didn't seem like a joyous occasion. At least, I could surmise that they weren't exactly on a romantic outing.

But who cared, really? It wasn't any of my business who was dating whom. The people around me, however, were clearly invested. The spotlight now graced these two, leaving me lingering in the background. I should be in the spotlight. Why weren't they shining it on me? These people were utterly ungrateful!

While I sat on my seat, pouting sulkily with my arms crossed under my chests, the food I ordered finally arrived. freewebnøvel.coɱ

"Here's your order, ma'am," said a guy in what looked like a waiter's getup. I glanced up at him.

"You should count yourself fortunate to have earned the privilege of delivering my food," I quipped. However, as I focused on his features, my eyes widened in disbelief. The person standing before me was none other than... "Leon?!"

"Huh? Oh, Princess Titania. Surprise to find you here."

"W-Well, it is a break after all. B-But how about you? Why are you here? And why are you wearing that?"

"Huh? Isn't it clear? I'm working here," he said, placing my order on the table.

"T-That's news to me."

"Well, yeah. Just started today, after all."

He shot me a smile, and I swear, if he kept flashing that grin, my heart would burst right out of my chest. Come on, Leon, cut it out. I had no clue why my heart was acting up like this, and to top it off, I was feeling all hot and bothered. Maybe I caught a fever...?

"Anyway, since I still have work today, I'll, uh, catch you later," he said, heading back to his duties to fetch another round of orders. I had a feeling I'd be lingering here longer than I initially intended.


I tried to conceal the shock that washed over me upon seeing Titania—key word, tried. It was genuinely surprising to stumble upon that woman here. Well, hopefully, she wouldn't interfere with my objectives here. Oh well, that's what I hoped, at least.

I poured the steaming hot tea from the kettle into the waiting cups, my eyes wandering to the other two Milham Academy students engaged in conversation at one of the tables.

The woman was my target, none other than Charlotte Sierra, the daughter of the Duke of Sierra. She was a stunning beauty, possessing a face and figure that could easily rival that of a model. Yet, my interest in her went beyond her looks. It was her skill, Perfect Spiritual Energy Manipulation, that had drawn me to her. The name pretty much said it all – the ability to flawlessly manipulate spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy, or aura as it's commonly known, is something inherent to a person. In my world, it's akin to Chakra, or qi, and the like.

Aura, at its core, shared common threads with mana manipulation. However, it diverged from the ostentatious displays of magical invocation, remaining concealed to the naked eye. It stood as a potent technique, unleashing explosive enhancements to physical power and defense. The process involves enveloping the entire body or a specific body part in spiritual energy, forming a dense mantle. Unlike specific training regimens, individuals naturally grasp its usage the more they train their bodies.

However, I had no clue how to use it. Was it because I wasn't originally from this world, hindering me from grasping it naturally? That seemed plausible. Regardless, understanding how to manipulate aura was crucial for me. It had the potential to amplify my power to extraordinary levels. That's why I needed to claim Charlotte. I needed to dominate her. I needed that skill.

Yet, a couple of obstacles stood in my way. First and foremost, that bastard lingering around her – Daemon, a second-year in the gold class. He was hell-bent on getting into her pants. Then there was a prince and a professor, both vying for her attention. Charlotte found herself in a reverse harem situation, with three attractive men trying to win her over. Presently, she seemed more inclined towards the professor, growing more comfortable with him than the other two. However, her heart wasn't fully committed, keeping her single and unattached. That meant I still had a shot. I planned to divert her focus from those three to just me. I was determined to make Charlotte mine.

Balancing a plate with two teacups, I approached Charlotte and that bastard Daemon. With a sly grin, I delivered, "Here's your orders, ma'am and sir."

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