272 Gullible

“Hey! Hear me out!

“Let’s all lower our guns and talk with our hands. What do you think?”

A burly black man on the other side suggested.

It looked like he was very confident in his strength.

After all, they had fought with Zhang Guozhu and the others before, so they had a rough idea of the enemy.

It would lead to a far better outcome than shooting each other to death.

The more powerful a person was, the more they cherished their lives.

Zhang Guozhu looked at Wang Ran.

Wang Ran was now the leader of this team, so he had to make the final decision.

Of course, Zhang Guozhu and the other three were feeling hopeful.

The idiots on the other side had missed their only chance to ambush them.

Requesting for a hand-to-hand combat? It was suicide.

“Sure, one at a time, or all together?” Wang Ran asked with a smile.

At such a distance, only he and Tang Tang were bulletproof. The others would inevitably be injured.

This arrangement favored his group.

“Don’t say that we’re dishonorable, come at us all at once.”

The black man gave his five teammates a look, and both parties slowly put their guns on the ground.

At the same time, the black man took a few steps forward.

From the black man’s point of view, at this distance, even if the other party tried to retrieve their guns, he would have enough time to rush up and kill them.

“Tang Tang, they’re coming at you together. Make it quick,” Wang Ran said indifferently.

“Just a pile of trash, it’ll be easy.”

Tang Tang raised her axe and walked to the front.

The black man was stunned.

The other party had asked him if he wanted to fight them one-on-one or fight him all at once, but they had only sent a little girl?

What a joke!

What an insult!

He could easily tear a weak little girl like her into two by grabbing her legs!

The black man took a step forward in disdain and entered Tang Tang’s attack range.

“Come on, little girl, have a swing!”

The black man pointed at his thick neck.

“Well… this is a first”

Tang Tang picked up the axe and swung it at lightning-speed.

The black man didn’t even have time to react.

The black man only saw a white light flash before his eyes, and then his vision began to spin rapidly.

The black man’s head rolled to the ground. It almost resembled a bowling ball.


The black man’s teammates were all shocked.

The black man was a rank-five Awakened One!

He never stood a chance!

This girl was no laughing matter!

They no longer hesitated. They immediately produced vials and injected it into their bodies.

If they relied on such enhancements and their numbers, they may stand a chance.

Soon, the veins on the five people’s bodies popped out.

The vials had given them great power and confidence.

“You’re dead, little girl!”

The five people drew short knives and rushed to surround Tang Tang.

Tang Tang raised her axe with a relaxed expression and slashed horizontally.

The five people were instantly cut into pieces…

Some were cut in half at the waist, some were beheaded, and some were lucky enough to be cut in the legs, but they barely had time to register it.

Tang Tang did not wait that long. She went up and finished them off.

In just a few seconds, they were all dead.


Zhang Guozhu and the others were so shocked that they couldn’t close their mouths.

They knew that Wang Ran was powerful, but they did not expect the little girl beside him to be so powerful as well…

Judging from the battle just now, this little girl might be even stronger than Captain Lin.

This is a little too much…

Zhang Guozhu glanced at Liu Shiyao. Just how strong would Researcher Liu be?

It was no wonder that N-City could hold its own against that massive horde.

“Little girl, it’s alright now. Don’t be afraid.”

Liu Shiyao patted the tribal girl’s back.

“Are all outsiders so powerful?!” the tribal girl asked with a look of admiration.

“Not all…”

Liu Shiyao looked at Wang Ran.

Only those who were close to Wang Ran gained so much strength.

“Ah, I can feed the bugs!”

The tribal girl took out a clay flute and blew on it.

Soon, dozens of black insects flew over from all around the forest.

They stopped on the zombie dog and those foreigners’ dead bodies, and started to feed on them.

Zhang Guozhu trembled as he looked at the black insects.

Wasn’t this…

These were the terrifying bugs!

There were dozens of them…

This young girl was dangerous!

The others could tell from Zhang Guozhu’s reaction that it was the black bug.

“Little girl, are these bugs your pets?” Liu Shiyao asked her.

They had not expected the young girl they met at random to be related to these bugs.

Such fortune was unparalleled.

“These bugs?

“They’re my tribe’s scarabs. They only eat poisonous things.

“But recently, they’ve fallen in love with eating corpses, the kind that can still move after death.

“Just like this big dog,” the tribal girl explained.

Liu Shiyao immediately understood the situation.

These black insects were native to this land. They were never lab grown.

Judging from the fact that they only ate poisonous creatures, it made sense for them to eat zombie viruses.

However, she still needed to figure out why they would cause such fatal damage to zombies.

“Little girl, what’s your name?

“I’m Liu Shiyao. You can call me Sister Shiyao.”

Liu Shiyao began to strike up a conversation.

“I’m Yu,” the girl replied.

“Little girl, can you give me a few of these bugs?”

It seemed that this young girl could control these insects. If Liu Shiyao could negotiate for some of them, it would save a lot of effort.

“No way!

“This is our sacred scarab. No matter how much gold you give me, I won’t exchange it for it, let alone give it away!”

Ah Yu decisively rejected Liu Shiyao’s suggestion.

At that moment, Tang Tang took out a few lollipops from her bag and stuffed them into Ah Yu’s hands.

Ah Yu’s eyes lit up.

“This is… Candy from the big city?” Yu asked, blinking her big eyes.

“Hmm, try it!”

Tang Tang incited from the side.

Yu carefully removed the packaging and put the lollipop in her mouth.

Her face looked like a flower that was slowly blooming.

This feeling was so blissful!

After being immersed in the lollipop’s taste for a while, Ah Yu finally came back to her senses.

“All this, for me?”

Ah Yu couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, you can have them all!

“How many bugs can you give us?” Tang Tang said, holding back her laughter.

As expected, girls of similar ages understood each other the most. Lollipops solved most problems.

Of course, Tang Tang had developed an appetite for the adult’s version of lollipops.

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