262 Ada’s Little Scheme

“Allow the zombies to have a full meal first, then move the rest of the corpses five kilometers away from the city and burn them.

“When the fire dies out, I’ll get someone to clean up the residue.

“Of course, there are some Mutated Zombie corpses among them. Don’t let them go to waste. If you want to eat them, by all means,” Wang Ran ordered them.

If these corpses were left to rot, it would likely bring about a plague, affecting the soil, water, and air.

Burying the bodies was too much trouble, so it was better to burn them.

“After you’re done, take the zombies and station them outside the wall.

“There’s some work I need them to do later.

“By the way, after dealing with the bodies, you Mutated Zombies can leave if you want to. I won’t stop you.

“Of course, if you stay, I won’t mistreat you,” Wang Ran glanced around and said indifferently.

The Mutated Zombies looked at each other.

They never thought that Wang Ran would actually let them go.

Were they not his slaves, now?

However, Wang Ran’s promise that he would not mistreat them made them reconsider.

Wang Ran’s strength had practically screamed itself to them. More importantly, he had two Zombie Monarchs by his side…

Moreover, they seemed to be very obedient to Wang Ran.

Perhaps, they became Zombie Monarchs by relying on Wang Ran.

Some Mutated Zombies were growing excited.

Who wouldn’t want to become stronger after becoming a zombie?

If they left, they would wander about like vagrants. It seemed more promising to remain with this human.

“Boss, I’m willing to stay here!”

“Me too!”

“I’m also willing!”

These Mutated Zombies expressed their opinions, one after another.

Wang Ran nodded. He never liked to force people into anything. It was best if everyone was willing.

Although he didn’t like to force people against their will, he liked to kill those who made the wrong choice.

“Thirteen, come here.”

Wang Ran waved his hand.

Thirteen, who was covered in blood, ran over.

Earlier, he had a great time fighting on the wall and even killed a red-eyed zombie.

“I’ll leave these people to you to manage.

“Contact Xiaoyu if things go out of control,” Wang Ran ordered him.

“Don’t worry, Boss. I’ll kill anyone who doesn’t listen.”

Thirteen looked at the Mutated Zombies.

After following Wang Ran for some time, Thirteen’s methods were becoming more in line with Wang Ran’s.

The Mutated Zombies trembled.

It was terrifying…

‘We’ll be obedient, alright…’

“Let’s go. Let’s have a good rest,”

“Xiaoyu, take Tu’s corpse and feed it to Xiao Jin and the others.”

Wang Ran stretched lazily.

As for the red, gold, and silver-eyed corpses, he was fine leaving them here.

Thirteen and the other Mutated Zombies split it up as they pleased, and Wang Ran was too lazy to interfere.

Tu’s body was too valuable to be wasted.

Wang Ran was surrounded by women on his left and on his right, and the group returned triumphantly…

On Eastlake Island, Ada, Xiao Jin, and the gorilla were playing with rocks by the cliff.

“Damn it, everyone went out to fight, but I’m still here in class.

“Classes are boring. I don’t want to study advanced mathematics or biology.”

Ada threw a rock far away.

She and all the girls in the orphanage were ordered to stay here.

Liu Shiyao and Zhou Meng were in charge of taking care of them and giving them lessons.

Ada really didn’t like such boring lessons. They were too simple…

“Hmph, hmph. Hmph…”

The gorilla gestured in the air.

“You’re saying that if I don’t go to class obediently, Big Brother will spank my butt when he comes back?

“You don’t know how Big Brother spanks butts… It’s really fun!”

Ada’s eyes brightened, but then she became dejected.

Ever since her body had shrunk a little, Wang Ran had been keeping a certain distance from her.

She wouldn’t have the chance to experience the previous treatment again.

“Hmph, hmph. Hmph…”

The gorilla gestured again.

“Are you saying that I should intentionally causing trouble so that Big Brother will punish me?” Ada asked.

The gorilla nodded.

“Ah Wu!”

Xiao Jin also called out in agreement.

“But, other than beating Xiao Jin up, I can’t think of any other way to cause trouble…”

Ada cupped her face and sighed.

Xiao Jin’s body trembled!


‘I’m a loyal dog. I have long stood firm by your side. How can you do this?!’

“Hmph, hmph. Hmph…”

The gorilla gestured again.

“You’re saying that I should put some medicine in Big Brother’s food to make his stomach hurt?

“That’s a good idea!

“Anyway, Big Brother’s body is strong, so he definitely won’t die from eating. His stomach pain should be gone very quickly.

“Let’s go to the pharmacy and take a look!”

Ada rode Xiao Jin and sneaked into the warehouse where the medicine was stored.

The warehouse was mostly filled with the Chinese medicine that Zhou Meng had brought back, as well as some medicine that Wu Jianguo had collected when he went out to look for supplies.

“What would make his stomach hurt…?”

“Big Brother has been drinking this Chinese medicine every day, but the smell and color of the Chinese medicine is very distinct, so it’s easy to tell.

“No, no, Chinese medicine won’t work.

“Hey, this is good!

“We have that blue Gatorade in our warehouse. Big Brother loves it.

“This little pill is also blue. He won’t be able to tell!

“Although I don’t know what this little pill is for, it will definitely cause stomach pain if you take too much medicine… I guess.”

Ada nodded in satisfaction.

It’s this!


“How many should I put… it says three to five pills. If I put too little, it’ll be useless.

“Should I put in 10?”

Ada muttered.


The gorilla waved its hand, indicating that 10 was not enough.

Xiao Jin also nodded in agreement with the gorilla’s point of view.

“Then… How about 50?”

“We’ll be discovered if it’s too many!”

Ada secretly took out 50 small blue pills, ground them into powder on the spot, and stored them in a small bottle.

Then, Ada brought the blue powder to the warehouse and took out an ice-cold blue Gatorade.

After making sure that no one was around, Ada poured some Gatorade and the blue powder into the bottle. She added some water and covered the bottle.

After shaking it for a while, the blue powder perfectly fused with Gatorade…

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