260 Tactics

“All of you, stop!

“Do you want to die?”

Tu roared.

The surrounding zombies froze for a moment, then quickly pounced at Tu again.

However, a few red-eyed zombies regained their senses.

“Lord Tu, what happened to me just now?”

They quickly stood in front of Tu and dismembered the zombies that were rushing over.

“it’s some mind-control technology! It has got to be!

“We can’t focus our attacks on them!

“We’ll talk after we retreat!” Tu said as he retreated with a few red-eyed zombies.

When they retreated one kilometer away, they suddenly realized that the surrounding zombies had stopped attacking them.

Tu soon understood that this ability had a range.


“Have the zombies attack at different points. Don’t stream into one point.”

Tu quickly gave the order.

Although a concentrated attack could quickly pile up the corpses, the other side had some mind-control ability, which would speed up the loss of manpower on their side.

The red-eyed zombies received their orders and led their own teams to split up.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies were divided into five teams, and each team was at least two kilometers apart.

After resting, the zombies started to attack again.

The sea of zombies continued to rush towards the wall tirelessly.

Wang Ran stood on the top of the wall. Everything was still going according to plan.

“Momo, get on the plane.

“We’ll fly back and forth over the crowd, and you can keep them from mounting any effective offense.

“Xiaoyu, take the girls and guard a spot.

Jianguo, you and the rest of the people will guard one spot.

“Leave the last spot to me.”

Wang Ran quickly made arrangements.

Everyone immediately got into action, and each of the five points had defenders of their own.

The zombies continued attacking.

Ordinary zombies still couldn’t climb up, so they could only step on corpses and add their bodies to the pile.

As soon as the Mutated Zombies climbed up the wall, they would be met with a powerful counterattack from above.

This went on for more than ten minutes.

Other than Wang Ran’s position, the other positions were airtight.

As Wang Ran was guarding a place by himself, they tried to overwhelm him with numbers.

In the beginning, the Mutated Zombies would still attack Wang Ran.

However, after losing dozens of them, the zombies learned their lesson.

After they crossed the wall, they rushed forward, trying to get as far away from Wang Ran as possible.


Behind them were dozens of rifles and sniper rifles.

The weaker Awakened Ones were still highly effective with gunpower.

Since Wang ran was only guarding against the red-eyed zombies, most of the zombies he missed were silver-eyed and golden-eyed ones.

They were not bulletproof. They were not even resistant against such high caliber rounds.

Tu, who stood atop a streetlamp to watch the battle, felt his heart sinking.

If this continued, even if they could break through the wall, there would only be tens of thousands of zombies left.

The advantage in numbers would be gone.

‘I can’t let this continue…’

“Retreat! Retreat for now!”

Tu barked orders at his red-eyed zombies.

Except for the two spots guarded by Lin Momo, most of the zombies retreated to a kilometer away from the wall.

Tu had someone do a rough count.

There were only about 400,000 zombies left.

Most of the zombies had been trampled to death…

What made his heart ache even more was that the death rate of the Mutated Zombies was far greater than that of the ordinary zombies.

At least 70% of his Mutated Zombies had died in the charge just now.

Normal zombies couldn’t climb up. They would only end up being trampled to death.

The Mutated Zombies relied on their own abilities to scale the wall, where they were faced with terrifying opponents who were eager to fight.

“Lord Tu, what do we do?” asked a red-eyed zombie who just barely escaped from the wall.

He had just met Wu Jianguo.

Initially, he had forced the man back, but Wu Jianguo fought back with wild, reckless abandon. In the middle of the fight, he had advanced in rank.

The zombie had been forced to retreat

“We can’t continue like this.

“How about this? All the Mutated Zombies, follow me and charge at their leader. He stands a lone.

“I don’t believe that we can’t kill a human with so many people.

“As long as we kill the leader, the others will fall apart.

“Their ability to control zombies can be interrupted, as long as I’m here. Don’t worry.

“Keep the ordinary zombies at the other four points. Keep the other humans busy.

“I’d hazard a guess that we only need five minutes to kill that human!”

The human’s hammer was undeniably terrifying, but if Tu focused the mightiest of his forces on him, they should be able to overwhelm him.

This was the only way to take down this city!

The other zombies looked tired and helpless, but since Tu had spoken, they could only obey him.

Tu rushed to Wang Ran’s point with his elite zombies in tow.

The ordinary zombies continued to rush toward the fence wall.

“Not good! They’re going to ambush Boss!”

Jin Bao immediately caught on.

They were too f*cking ruthless!

Wang Ran was alone, it was dangerous!

“Don’t be rash!

“If we leave our posts, our defense will fall apart!

“Boss hasn’t said a word. Let’s focus on our battles!”

Wu Jianguo reminded him.

After following Wang Ran for some time, Wu Jianguo understood his boss to some level.

“That’s true…”

Jin Bao nodded and looked ahead.

The corpses of the ordinary zombies had already reached half of the wall. They had to guard the top of the wall.

The girls remained focused. They trusted Wang Ran unconditionally and were not worried at all.

Wang Ran looked at the Mutated Zombies that were closing in on him, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

If it was ten thousand zombies, Wang Ran knew that he was doomed.

However, if it was dozens of Mutated Zombies…

He could could have some fun.

Wang Ran held the sledgehammer in his hand and fell from the sky, landing heavily on the ground.

Wang Ran’s presence made the Mutated Zombies that were rushing over tremble.

There were so many of them, but he had actually rushed down?

Was he not afraid at all?

“Human, if you’re looking for death, don’t blame us for being impolite!”

Tu wasn’t shocked. Instead, he was happy.

He was afraid that Wang Ran would be frightened and run for his life. If that happened, he would not be able to take revenge.

“This city is mine!

“I’ll protect the people in the city!

“You want to have your way with us? You’re too naive, my friends.”

Wang Ran slammed his hammer on the ground, causing the earth to shake.

Tu had wanted to say a few more words, but when he thought of the curse that one would die if they monologued too much, he held back.

“Go! Whoever kills him, I will help him advance to the Zombie Monarch level!”

Tu’s words made all the Mutated Zombies’ eyes light up!

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