252 Shot In The Dark

“Why did you guys part ways?

“Wouldn’t you find strength in numbers?” Wang Ran continued to ask.

“Ah, any outside would think that…

“But, every time we snowball through an area, our numbers swell significantly.

“As we carry on, food shortage becomes an issue!

“If this continues, everyone will starve.

“The two Monarchs decided to split up. One headed to the south and the other to the north.”

“We’re in the southbound army led by Tu, the Zombie Monarch,” Wayne explained.


“Is he strong?”

Wang Ran could roughly guess that this Tu was the guy who fired a bone missile at his Black Hawk.

“Tu is a legend!

“He wasn’t with us from the start.

“I heard that he was once a golden-eyed zombie.

“His family was still human, back then. He went to C-City to seek them out.

“After the survivors found out, they threatened him with his family. He gave up resisting and was pierced by a dozen steel bars.

“In the end, those survivors thought he was dead, so they went ahead and massacred his family.

“An inch away from death, Tu went berserk and evolved into a red-eyed zombie on the spot. He killed everyone in the city.

“After that, he joined the zombie horde. Every time they attacked a human city, Tu would always be at the forefront. He was filled with so much rage…” Wayne said with admiration.

Tu was basically a god among them.

“Well, I’m still confused about the elephant in the room. Why gather so many of us, and why east?

“Military campaigns are always costly. At this rate, you guys could raise a zombie nation. Settling down would make more sense.

“As you said earlier, we’ll only keep snowballing. One day, there will be nothing to eat.

“Besides, what do we do when we reach the easternmost side? Jump into the sea?” Wang Ran pretended to be puzzled and asked.

“If only it were that simple…

“There’s a terrible infectious disease in the west…”

Wayne’s expression changed.

He seemed to have thought of something.

“A terrifying infectious disease?

“Zombies are afraid of getting sick?

“Is there any virus more powerful than the zombie virus?”

Wang Ran smiled.

“F*ck, it’s bad…

“When a zombie gets infected by that virus, their body will rot quickly. Even high-level zombies fall to it.

“What’s more terrifying is that this disease is contagious.

“So we can only run east, as far as possible,” Wayne said in fear.

“Surely that can’t be possible?

“A virus that targets zombies?”

Wang Ran was a little confused.

Wayne did not look like he was lying.

This should be why so many zombies were moving east.

“Furthermore, we don’t know if this infectious disease will affect the awakened…

“Hey, why do you have so many questions?

“You’re like a child in a daycare center!”

Wayne was getting impatient.

Newcomers were usually not so curious.

“I’m just trying to figure out what’s happening here,” Wang Ran said with a smile.

“What’s there to figure out?!

“Our mission is to take down the city.

“We’ll have the priority to eat when the time comes.

“Don’t overthink it.

“You should learn from your sister-in-law and keep quiet. It’s good.”

Wayne frowned.

Zhou Meng chuckled silently.

She did not dare to open her mouth.

The moment she opened her mouth, the smell of canned herring would enter her mouth.

For the next half of the day, Wang Ran led the main group.

Although the distance was about 40 kilometers, Wang Ran had been leading them for about 50 to 60 kilometers.

“Hey, Wang Ran. Are you leading the way right?

“Why do I feel like we’ve taken a long detour?” Wayne questioned.

“You don’t understand!

“I’m a local here. I’m know these roads!

“There are many rivers and hills in this area. We can cross them, but what about the ordinary zombies?

“Are we all going to lose them in the rivers? We’ll lose tonnes of them along the way!

“I’m just thinking for everyone!” Wang Ran said righteously.

“I see…”

Wayne nodded.

Wang Ran’s words did make sense.

As expected of a local.

It was a good thing that Wang Ran had joined them. Otherwise, they would have to take a long and pointless journey.

The sky had turned completely dark, and the red-eyed zombie, Brother Liang, who was not far away, roared at the army of zombies behind him.

The zombies all stopped.

“It’s time to rest.

“We usually rest for five to six hours and then set off at dawn,” Wayne explained to Wang Ran.

Some of those zombies stood, some sat, and some lay on their stomachs. They all found comfortable positions and started to rest.

Wang Ran also sat on the ground.

Due to the smell on his body, a small circle was formed around Wang Ran.

This made Wang Ran feel a lot more at peace.

“Master, what should we do tonight?” Zhou Meng came over and asked in a low voice.

“What are you thinking about?

“There isn’t even a tent here!”

Wang Ran smacked Zhou Meng’s head.

“No, no…

“I’m not asking about that.

“I’m just asking if you’re planning something tonight,” Zhou Meng explained.

Wang Ran looked around. After making sure that nobody had sufficient self-awareness to eavesdrop on them, he leaned over to Zhou Meng’s ear.

“I’ll go to the center of the crowd and meet the Zombie Monarch.

“Stay here.

“This is the edge of the horde. If anything happens to me, you will have the chance to escape in time,” Wang Ran said softly.

“No! I definitely won’t leave you behind and run away by myself!” Zhou Meng said agitatedly.

“Please, I’m just saying it.

“Do you actually believe that my strength would fail me?

“But, if I really don’t come back…”

“You have to run and let Xiaoyu take charge of N-City.

“There are so many children and girls on the island. If the zombies attack…” Wang Ran said in a serious manner.


Although Zhou Meng did not like hearing those words, she still nodded.

“Master, you must be careful!”

Zhou Meng reminded him again.

“Alright, alright. Zombie Monarchs don’t scare me, just yet.

“Besides, most of the zombies are sleeping. Even if something happens, I can escape.”

After consoling her, Wang Ran stood up and walked toward the center of the crowd.

“Master, please be safe and sound!”

Zhou Meng looked at Wang Ran’s back and silently prayed.

After Wang Ran left, Zhou Meng felt a little bored.

She didn’t dare to sleep in such an unfamiliar environment.

Why not…

“My friend, have you heard of Satan?”

Zhou Meng grabbed a Mutated Zombie next to her and started to preach…

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