Thirty Years Later.

In a Tier 10 training room:

Maximus freely released his newfound power without holding back.

Testing his output, attack power, defense, and recovery, Maximus estimated the enhancement of his power.

"A thousandfold?" Maximus pondered.

[Maximus Shadowcrest

Tier 8: 100%

Power of Law: 100%

Essence of law: 1,118(proficient)

Amalgamation of Will: 2.67%

System Points: 13 Septillion Points]

As he observed his progress, a smile appeared on his lips.

After over thirty years, he finally advanced to peak tier 8.

Now, the only missing element to advance to Tier 9 was to unify the Amalgamation of Will and more importantly, the ninth chapter of 'Origin.'

To unify the Amalgamation of Will, the chaotic will of the people, Maximus needed to personally experience their entire lifetime.

After all, how could he guide them if he hadn't personally experienced their joys and sorrows?

Although there are other ways to unify the Amalgamation of Will, this was the fastest he had found.

To personally experience the lifetime of each individual who believed in him, whether alive or had passed away, he only needed system points.

The average lifestime of an individual in his empire is about 700 years, with over a hundred quintillion plus the tens of quintillions who had already died.

Maximus only needed over a hundred trillion epochs, or about 40 octillion system points, 60 octillion less than to fill his realm.

After testing his limits, being a peak Tier 8 enhances his individual learning consciousness to comprehend about a hundred billion epochs of knowledge each day.

Therefore, with enough system points, he could unify the Amalgamation of Will in only three years.

Unfortunately, it's only an estimate.

The Amalgamation of Will he gets each day is only worth over 10 septillion system points, far from the 36 septillion system points needed to achieve his upper limit.

Furthermore, the former Apex Sovereign of the Nexus continent, the thugs of the Moonlight Empire, were a deep pit.

These people had tens of trillions of epochs of life experience.

With eleven of them, he needed to experience an additional 300 trillion epochs of life.

Thus, even with his current acquisition rate of system points, Maximus would need 50 to 60 years to unify his Amalgamation of Will.

However, this is not the end; after unifying the Amalgamation of Will, he would need to create the ninth chapter of 'Origin.'

To create it, he needed to master 1118 essences of law present in the Etherium realm to transcendence.

This is the hardest part, needing hundreds to thousands of years.

Seeing that he was still far from reaching the apex, Maximus only smiled.

"I'm not in a hurry; my strength is enough."

With his current strength, except for those ancient Apex Sovereigns who mastered some Origin of Law in advance, no one was his match.

Thinking that he needed more Amalgamation of Will, he sighed again.

Previously, he thought that 10 septillion units of Amalgamation of Will per day was already a lot.

Now, to achieve his current upper limit, he needed 36 septillions of it.

What about reaching Tier 9?

Hundreds of Septillions? Hundreds of octillions? Hundreds of nonillions?

Shifting his thoughts about the unknown future, he focused on the present.

"It's time to launch the Chaotic Star Sea Plan..."


A few months later, a piece of world-shaking news was announced in the empire.

In the grand manor of the Nova Family, the patriarch, a Tier 8 powerhouse, trembled as he read the news.

"The Chaotic Star Sea Plan..."

This Chaotic Star Sea Plan is a pioneering decree of the Holy Emperor.

Each Tier 8 individual, regardless of nationality and status, could apply for a moving island from the Moonlight Empire.

This island served no other function than the capability to float in the chaotic sea.

It might seem insignificant, but this function is heaven-defying.

Aside from a continental land, Tier 9 ships, and special treasures, nothing could traverse and survive in the chaotic sea.

Even an Apex Sovereign needed special treasures to protect their body from the chaotic energy.

Chaotic Energy is the residue, the primal energy left from the conception of the Etherium realm.

It is theorized that this chaotic energy surpasses even the Etherium realm itself.

Thus, its mystery and allure are irresistible.

Unfortunately, even though he was almost at the peak, reaching Tier 8, he could only catch a glimpse of the mystery of the chaotic sea.

Now, according to the Chaotic Star Sea Plan, they could obtain land equivalent to a Tier 9 ship.

Reading the clause, besides various taxes, obligations, and mandatory specifications, a land that could cross the chaotic sea was completely free.

Furthermore, as long as one had enough money and contribution points, one could expand the land to the size of a continent.

"Father!" His son called, seeing him in a daze.

"Should we apply for a land, Father?"

"Does that even need to be asked?"

"This is an era of hegemony, the era where the Nova Family shall rule!"


While the top forces in the Moonlight Empire were in a frenzy, the other three continents were shocked by the news.

In the Etherium Realm News App, a blazing post was pinned on top.

Billions of trillions of Tier 8 powerhouses read the news filled with doubt and excitement.

The Chaotic Star Sea Plan, a plan that could flip the world upside down.

In the Arcane Continent and Divine Continent, one needed to reach Tier 9 to have their personal territory.

Now, an emerging empire from the most barren continent, dared to propose the same benefits?

This is giving them an island comparable to a domain seed that could float in the chaotic sea.

Although they were in doubt, most of the Tier 8 forces were filled with excitement.

From the ancient to the present, who wouldn't want to own a personal territory?

The territory where they can make their own rules and customize to their wildest imagination.

They had long been dissatisfied with their current status quo.

After fighting for their life in the abyss and surviving to advance to Tier 8, they're still weaklings who need to follow others.

Due to the strict rules in the world where supreme power rules, they felt shackled as if they were mortals.

Although what they enjoyed was incomparable to the past, how could it be enough?

To reach their current realm, how could their appetite be so small?

Their greed and ambition were not something a mere continent could contain.

They needed something bigger, grander, an infinite space that could contain their greed and ambition.

The Chaotic Sea, the immeasurable sea of the Etherium realm, just whetted their appetite.

With doubt and excitement, they hurriedly applied for a quota.


In Moonlight Empire, Imperial Castle:

Maximus quickly sifted through the list, using system points to digest their information rapidly.

"So many..." Maximus muttered with joy and sorrow.

He was happy because if all of these people joined his plan, he could almost gather all the Tier 8 individuals in the world.

This means he would receive an Amalgamation of Will beyond his imagination.

Unfortunately, it's not possible.

How could those Apex Sovereigns allow him to poach their people?

After those Tier 8 powerhouses left, what would be left in their territory?

Who would earn them wealth, resources, and faith?

Even with the help of Fealan and Malgron.

If those Apex Sovereigns became crazy enough, they could just destroy the Curse Continent before he could react.

Furthermore, everything needed balance; he didn't have enough resources and manpower to accept all these powerhouses into his empire.

Maximus needed to choose meticulously, considering their capability, wealth, resources, manpower, etc.

The Tier 8 individuals he chose must be those who had a huge foundation that could thrive on their own.

Even the people in his Empire, Maximus couldn't choose arbitrarily.

If they died in the Chaotic Sea, the one losing would be him.

"Huh? What is this?"

As he was choosing individuals from the four continents, he noticed an Apex Sovereign from the Beast Continent.

He didn't expect that even an Apex Sovereign would be tempted by him.

However, thinking about it, it's understandable.

The Beast Continent was the third smallest continent in the Etherium realm.

Furthermore, the Supreme Primordial Beast, Alabaster, owned the entire continent.

Unlike in the Arcane Continent and Divine Continent where they were given their personal territory after they reached Tier 9.

In the Beast Continent, even if they reach Tier 9, besides the land for their clan, they don't own anything.

Initially, with the invincible strength of Alabaster, no one dared to complain.

However, seeing the opportunity presented before them, they couldn't help but reach out.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't take you now..." Maximus muttered, shaking his head.

He was already having a headache about where to get the system points to experience hundreds of trillions of epochs of life of those former Apex Sovereigns.

How could he add another deep pit?

Moreover, accepting these Apex Sovereigns is only making an enemy of Alabaster.

Maximus would be putting the cart before the horse if he accepted them.

Giving them a private message, he silently erased their names from the list.

"There will be a time in the future..."

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