"The Shadow Hunter Guild branch in the Abyss Realm currently has over 13 billion members, with 3 billion at tier 7 and 10 billion at tier 6."

"Oh, so few?"

The Shadow Hunter Guild branch in the Etherium Realm already had over ten trillion members.

Thus, hearing that his guild in the Abyss Realm barely even had ten billion members made him frown.

"This—Guild Leader, although we lowered the entry requirement, it was still too tough for most people," Andrew replied wryly.

Although many were scrambling to join the guild, the standard Maximus set was too high.

Though not as strict as those top forces, it was still too high for the masses.

Only elites had some chance to join the guild.

Fortunately, the stickiness of the guild was top-notch; few left after joining.

The guild's benefits and resources were comparable to or even surpassed those of top forces that they dared not quit.

"I see..." Maximus nodded in understanding.

Although Maximus would like all the people in the world to join his guild, it was not possible.

There is a limit to the size of a guild, whether external or internal.

Maximus can't take in as many people as he wants.

The only thing he could do was to slightly lower the requirements so that more had the chance to join.

Feeling hundreds of trillions worth of amalgamation of will flowing in him, he quietly shook his head.

The Moonlight Empire could produce over a quintillion units of amalgamation of will daily.

The abyss only producing hundreds of trillion units of Amalgamation of will made him feel that it wasn't worthy of its name.

With over 10 billion guild members and the proliferation of Etherium coins, Maximus's influence in the Abyss was undeniable.

But to only produce hundreds of trillions of units of amalgamation of will, Maximus felt unsatisfied.

However, he also knew it was not the problem of the Abyss but the special nature of the Curse continent.

The Curse continent, or the former Nexus continent, is a continent that centralizes in the use of the Will.

With the Amalgamation of Will as a lever, no Will could leak through the continent without his permission.

The Abyss, on the other hand, was a chaotic, high-dimensional place.

Although the energy is more abundant, it's also harder to absorb.

Thus, no matter how much his influence in the Abyss, or how much unit of Amalgamation of Will it produces, the amount that finally comes to him is limited.

There is also a dimensional barrier that the Amalgamation of Will in the Abyss needed to pass through.

Receiving it in the Etherium Realm, he couldn't even get a few trillion.

As for the Amalgamation of Will produced in his empire, Maximus didn't absorb it foolishly.

He stored all of it in a special apparatus, absorbing it after he returned to the Etherium realm.

This is also why he came to the Abyss: to set up an amalgamation of will storage device.

Though a few hundred trillion a day is negligible compared to over a quintillion, it's still a lot.

Thinking about it, Maximus felt it was time to move the guild headquarters to the Curse continent from the Arcane continent.

Trillions of guild members could send him a few quadrillions of Amalgamation of Will a day.

If they could move to his territory, the Curse continent, the Amalgamation of Will he received would skyrocket hundreds of times.

This is hundreds of quadrillions increased.

Maximus needed every source of system points he could find now.

From creating 'origin,' various experiments, professional knowledge, etc., no amount of system points was too much for him.


A few days later, at the Battle Axe Bar,

Maximus went to Malgron.

Entering the bar, it was quite empty as Malgron was at the counter quietly taking a sip of his wine.

Behind the counter were several sealed rooms.

With keen senses, Maximus saw that it was the former Apex Sovereigns he just sent out.

It seemed that they were about to recover their former glory.

"Maximus? Why have you come here?" Malgron asked.

"I'm going to ask what you planned?"

"Plan? I'll just let my comrades cause chaos while I sit back and relax," Malgron said lazily.

He didn't need to do anything.

As long as he is alive, he can contain those Abyss Monarchs in the core layer.

After that, it was up to others to cause chaos and delay the Abyss Monarchs from gathering energy.

"Oh~" Maximus nodded, thinking it made sense.

Once the Abyss Monarchs dared to go to other layers of the abyss, it would be over.

Thus, why would Malgron need some elaborate plan?

His strength is enough to bulldoze through everything.

"But I have to say, your son is quite resourceful; he caused quite a chaos before I even started," Malgron praised, knowing what Lux had done.

"Heh, of course, he's my son, so it's natural," Maximus replied proudly.

Although he mocked his sons from time to time, in front of others, he is as proud as he could be.

Malgron just looked at Maximus blankly, seeing his haughty look.

It made him want to have an heir to see how strong it could be.

Unfortunately, there is still no woman worthy who can catch his eye.

"How long do you think the Abyss Monarchs need to gather energy now?"

"Just the chaos caused by your son could stall the Abyss for over a thousand years."

"With the addition of those little guys, maybe the Abyss wouldn't even survive before they could gather energy."

"That's good!" Maximus muttered in satisfaction.

Over a thousand years was like giving him a super head start.

He only lived over 300 years, a thousand more, and he felt he could conquer the world.

Of course, he was not that ambitious.

However, a thousand years was plenty enough for him to fill over the Curse continent with people.

With more and more amalgamation of will that he could convert into system points, Maximus could better cope with any problem.


A few months later,

After touring the Abyss for a few months and gathering enough energy,

Maximus and his family were ready to return to the Etherium realm.

Now, it's not just them but everyone returning.

Liam and the others were also sick of the Abyss.

They needed some quality time to relax in the Etherium realm.

Even Lux put aside his work.

Knowing that Maximus could return to the Abyss after only a few months, Lux thought it was not a problem to have some vacation.

Seeing they're all in position, Maximus initiated the dimensional teleportation.


In the Etherium realm, within the Moonlight Empire,

"Huh~ We're back!" Layle shouted, smelling the fresh air.

"Back home," Cyra smiled.

"So beautiful!" Lydia muttered, looking outside.

"This place is really beautiful..." Lily nodded in agreement.

The others also quietly admired the scenery.

The teleportation destination Maximus set wad on top of the castle.

Thus, the immediately saw the rolling city of Moonshadow and the grand scenery around.

The fatigue they had accumulated in the Abyss seemed to lessen while admiring the beautiful scenery.

"How about it? This continent is our territory."

"Tsk, What a beautiful land."

"Soon, this land will also be open to the outside world."

"Oh? Do you plan to open the empire so early, father?" Lux asked.

Opening the Moonlight to the public is not a simple thing.

One wrong move and the empire could decline or even be erased.

"Hmm, over a hundred tier 9 dimensional weapons have already been set on the continent."

"Anyone who dares to rampage here should prepare to die."

A tier 9 dimensional weapon costs about the same price as a normal tier 10 weapon.

Each one of these killer weapons costs about ten quintillion each.

A hundred already cost him about a sextillion dimensional coins.

Besides that, Maximus also had those killer orbs of destruction.

It can be said that Maximus is fully prepared for any danger that may happen.

"What about the economic danger? The Moonlight Empire's economic environment is like that of a mere toddler."

"Going public means being exposed to all kinds of danger," Lux said with a frown.

If top forces were allowed to intervene, even legally, they could swallow the empire whole without leaving a residue.

"Going public means just letting people in as tourists. How could I foolishly let them do business here?"

"Besides, do I lack that money?"

"Even then, the danger that the outsider possesses is still great," Lux insisted.

Just the vulnerable security and social system are enough for the outside world to send the empire into shambles.

"You underestimate me too much."


"I've already thought of what you thought or are about to think."

"I'm your father; I'm not so reckless."

"Furthermore, it's not like I would open the empire right away; there are still a few years to prepare."

"During this time, see if your worries are still necessary," Maximus said, patting Lux's shoulder.

"Hmm," Lux nodded, planning to warn his father if he found any vulnerabilities.

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