The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 336 Awakening Of The Ancient Powerhouse

Thirty years later...

In a luxurious house, a young man of 12 or 13 years slowly opened his eyes.


"Where am I?"

Looking at his little body, Draven was in a daze.

"Did the reincarnation succeed?" Draven muttered in shock.

Draven was the former powerhouse of the Nexus continent.

The Divine Forger, who could fight and kill with a hammer.

"I wonder how long it's been..."

Looking at his memories, there was an unrecognizable expression on his face.

A decade of memories seemed too foreign to him.

Draven didn't even know if he had reincarnated into the same world.

Feeling his Battle Will's presence around the continent, he confirmed that he was still in the same Etherium realm.

Before he could further process his thoughts, the door opened, revealing a woman who hurriedly approached him.


"Are you fine? Does your head still hurt?"

"N-no, I'm fine," Draven said, embarrassed.

It was the first time someone had shown genuine concern for him, leaving him in a daze.

"That's good. I can't have little Draven leaving us just like that."

After kissing him until she had enough, the woman looked at him seriously.

"Draven, although you have trash talent, you don't need to worry."

"Your father, your siblings, and I can still support you without worries for the rest of your life."

"In the future, we could even buy life-extension medicine."

"So please, son... don't be stupid, okay?"

After seeing the woman's sincere look, Draven simply nodded.

By analyzing the memories in his mind.

He learned that the previous Draven was too stubborn and would rather die than live such a trashy life.

His talent was trash, and even his comprehension was average.

In such a prosperous empire, Draven's situation couldn't be said to be unique.

However, Draven wasn't committing suicide; he was practicing a stupid method that made Draven smile.

In his previous life, Draven was also mediocre.

He was a crazy bastard who would cut off his limbs if it made him stronger.

Thus, after becoming a blacksmith for a few years, he had the crazy idea of forging his body with various metals.

This suicidal method was Draven's only chance.

Picking up his hammer and a piece of iron, he mashed it bit by bit into his body.

Of course, as a mediocre individual, Draven nearly died.

If it weren't for Malgron passing by and taking an interest.

He wouldn't even be alive to become the top powerhouse of the Nexus continent.

As for the former Draven of this body, he also used a similar method.

Using his parents' money, he bought some cheap nanobots and injected them into his body.

This should have been safer and more successful than what he did in his previous life.

Unfortunately, the nanobots that Draven bought were just cheap imitations.

They could only be used for big industrial projects, not in the body.

With a scan of his consciousness, he could still feel the little nanobots on the verge of exploding.

Fortunately, he had powerful consciousness and easily suppressed them.

After calming down his mother, Draven began to think about his future.

According to the agreement they had with Malgron, they would meet in the abyss once they were resurrected.

However, looking at his feeble body, he couldn't even go to the abyss in this condition.

"Moonlight Empire... It seems that you're my only chance..."


Setting his goal, Draven spent months studying the history and current situation of the Moonlight Empire.

After studying, Draven still couldn't believe that this was the former Nexus Continent.

Although it's not as prosperous as the Arcane Continent, the potential is huge.

Draven can't take his mind off the previous barbaric continent, now replaced by the peaceful Empire.

"However, times like this can only create a bunch of weak powerhouses..." Draven thought with a sigh.

The Nexus Continent was barbaric for a reason.

Hard times create heroes.

They are made to survive and thrive in the toughest times, like a sword forged in the flames and coldness of war.

However, looking at his mother, who was spoiling him like a little kid, Draven unconsciously smiled.

"What happened, darling? Is your body still hurt?"

"No, Mom... I want to work."

"Work? What's wrong? Are we not providing enough food for you?"

"Don't worry, I'll ask your brother to send some allowance back."

"That brat has been addicted to games; he didn't even come back even if something happened to his brother."

"No, I want to work because I don't want to be a burden on the family."

"Furthermore, staying at home and doing nothing is boring."

To regain his past strength, some allowance is not enough.

He already found all the materials that he needed for his early training.

However, looking at the combined prices, Draven just cringed at the price.

"But you can't work; you're only 13," his mother asked in confusion.

In the Moonlight Empire, the years from 1 to 14 are considered the years of enlightenment.

During these years, individuals are limited in almost every aspect of their lives.

They aren't allowed to attend school, their practice time is limited to a few hours a day, their screen time is also restricted, and working is prohibited.

All these restrictions are intended to ensure that children are carefree and can better integrate into the empire during their childhood.

This law, which borders on brainwashing, was, of course, promulgated by Maximus.

He aims to nurture his people from childhood so that in the future, even if they reach unimaginable heights.

All they could think of were the happy memories from their childhood.

Upon hearing this absurd rule, Draven clenched his fists.

Who's the bastard who created this rule, preventing him from making money?

"Oh, I know! What about joining your brothers and sisters in the game?"

"A game? Will that make money?"

"Hahaha, of course! Otherwise, why do you think we are rich?"

Although their wealth mainly comes from various benefits provided by the empire, there is no denying that the game played a significant role in their family's success.

"What game?" Draven asked doubtfully.

Their screen time was limited, let alone digital games.

All that was available to them were some movies, forums, and a few basic functions.

"That's right! You just turned 13 a few months ago."

Games aren't allowed for children aged 1-12, which made Draven curious about their family business.

"Don't worry, your brother will run you through the details later..."


A few days later...

Draven looked at the pod before him, still clueless about the so-

called games that could make money.

"You're here, Draven!" his brother greeted, patting him on the back.


"Hmm, just get into the gaming pod; I'll explain to you inside."

Getting into the pod, Draven felt his consciousness sink, taking him into a new world.

The ground and the sky were white; looking around, crowds and crowds of people seemed to fill this infinite space.

In the distance, Draven saw a gigantic coliseum, a majestic temple, and a tall building filled with lights.

Before he could think anything, a panel popped up in front of him, showing his brother's indicator.

[David wants to teleport to you.


Tapping on accept, he saw his brother suddenly appear in front of him.

"How is it, Draven?"

"Isn't it just a virtual world?" Draven rolled his eyes.

The Arcane Continent had this product countless epochs ago.

Although he didn't try it, a mere virtual world was not his concern.

"Anyway, how could we earn money in this world?"

"You're so boring..." his brother said, seeing his nonchalant reaction.

"First, let me tell you about this world."

"This is the Moonlight Plain, the virtual world you mentioned."

"The three architectures you see from afar are the Battle Coliseum, Moonlight Engine, andCodexia."

"The Battle Coliseum, as the name suggests, is a place to fight."

"Really?" Draven clenched his fist, wanting to give it a try.

"Not so fast; it's an adult-only game; you need to be 15 before you can use it."

"Oh," Draven's eyes dimmed, hearing this nonsense rule again.

"The Moonlight Engine, on the other hand, is the creator's dream."

"In it, you could create anything and upload it to the Moonlight Ethernet."

"Unfortunately, until now, no product has been completed."

"Does that mean if you could create a popular app, it would make you rich?"

"Duh, of course! With over 100 quadrillion of population, even if 1 percent of people use your app, it's already a quadrillion."

"Just imagine the money flowing through your pocket. Tsk, tsk, what a dream."

"Uh... Let me guess, I'm also not allowed to use it?"

"Hahaha, how did you know? Are you a genius or something?"

Draven: -_-

"Anyway, even if you are allowed to use it, an individual simply cannot stand a chance within the market."

"By now, there are already millions of companies racing in this blank area to compete for the market."

"These companies aren't just made up of hundreds or thousands of people."

"To even have a chance of survival in this emerging market, a company must have at least billions of people."

"Oh..." Draven nodded, understanding that this route didn't work for him.

For a muscle head like him, it's easier to hammer billions of metal than to manage billions of people.

"As for Codexia, this is where we will earn sacks of money..."

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