After witnessing the departure of the God of Shadows, Maximus returned to the stronghold.

"Maximus!" Skye exclaimed, smiling upon seeing that he was safe.

Although Maximus had only disappeared for a few minutes, Skye couldn't help but be worried.

"I'm fine."

"That's good..."


Soon, the progression of the abyss monsters returned to normal.

It seemed that the god of shadows had truly given up causing problems for him.

After a few hours, the core of the stronghold finally stabilized the place.

Although the abyss aura still surged around them, it was not as manic as earlier.

"Rest first; leave the rest to the puppets," Maximus instructed his guild members and summoned millions of puppets.

"Huh~ Finally, we can rest."

"Thank you, guild leader!"

"What should we do next, guild leader?"

"Now that the core of the stronghold is secured, we can begin construction."

The stronghold's core is the most vital part of it.

It can stabilize space and isolate abyss aura within a certain range.

A stable space is crucial for the teleportation array and other mana-sensitive architectures and arrays.Please visit website to read fastest update

Without a stable space, the stronghold would be like a lonely boat with cracks sailing across the vast sea.

As for the isolation of the abyss aura, it is crucial for the inhabitants.

The abyss aura has a devouring property.

Without the isolation barrier, it wouldn't even qualify as a temporary shelter.

Finally, the core of the stronghold that Maximus used was the one he bought from the Myriad World Mall.

In addition to space stabilization and energy isolation, it also had energy conversion, disguise, and stealth capabilities.

The stronghold's core could directly convert abyss aura into usable mana energy.

This meant that the stronghold would no longer be dependent on magic crystals to function.

Barriers, teleportation arrays, various formations—all of these could be sustained without using magic crystals.

The stronghold's core could also disguise and stealth itself to the unconscious will of the abyss.

This was a crucial part of Maximus's plan.

If a stronghold intended to roam freely in the purgatory layer or even the source layer, invisibility was mandatory.

Like the Eternal Ruin Stronghold, although its disguise and stealth capabilities were poor it's still there.

Without stealth, the Abyss Will could simply send abyss monsters one after another to disintegrate the stronghold.

"What should we build first, guild leader?" Andrew asked.

"Concentrate on building the teleportation array," Maximus instructed.

Once they had the teleportation array, they could recruit people from all over the abyss realm to help build their stronghold.

Furthermore, it allowed them to quickly travel back and forth between various cities.

Even with the Eternal Voyager, it took them a few months to reach this place from the nearest outpost.

Andrew took a tier 9 ship from the guild, along with the main ship spirit of Eternal Voyager, into the abyss realm.

What remained in the guild was just the sub-ship spirit of Eternal Voyager without any consciousness.

It could only drive the ship without any analytical capabilities.

Unfortunately, the tier 9 ship they were proud of in the Etherium Realm was useless here.

Although it could fly, with various natural calamities, thick abyss aura, abyss monsters, etc., the ship could barely move.

The ship's speed was reduced to one-tenth, the ship's barrier began to corrode, and various facilities began to malfunction.

Basically, the ship became useless and could only be used for emergency travel.

Fortunately, the Eternal Voyager could be transferred to the core of the stronghold.

"Can you give us some tips?"

The crowd couldn't help but be shocked to hear that there were so many resources around Maximus's outpost.

Usually, there were only one or two special resources around an outpost.

Hearing that Maximus's outpost had five of them, how could they not be shocked?

"This is a trade secret," Maximus shook his head and didn't reveal anything.

In truth, the one who found this place was Eternal Voyager.

The only one being suppressed in the abyss realm is the tier 9 ship.

As for Eternal Voyager a tier 9 spirit there was no such thing.

Traveling at light speed, Eternal Voyager can analyze and deduce, the distribution of resources, danger, risk, etc. at a high speed.

This place was found by Eternal Voyager after three years of searching.

The consequence is that the tier 9 ship is almost destroyed and dilapidated.

Seeing that Maximus was keen to keep his mouth shut.

They began to ask other questions.

"What about the danger?"

"How is the concentration of abyss monsters here?"

"It's of medium difficulty by Central Layer standards."

"Hiss-, there doesn't seem to be much danger."

"So lucky, this outpost should be easy to defend."

The crowd couldn't help but be jealous as they heard there wasn't much danger.

It's not that they couldn't find a place with many resources like the one that Maximus has.

It is the danger that keeps them away from it.

If they had such capabilities, then why not go to the purgatory layer?

There are abundant resources everywhere.

Unfortunately, they lack enough manpower to protect such an outpost.

"How about it, Lord Maximus, do you need any investment?"

"We are open to anything!"

"You can freely suggest what you want!"

They asked one by one, fearing that Maximus would refuse.

"What we lack is mainly manpower to build the stronghold."

"Other than that, we are not lacking anything," Maximus answered.

"What I'm trying to build is a mobile stronghold."

"Meaning, we would only be staying here until the stronghold is built."

"The goal of the Shadow Hunter guild is the purgatory layer."

Hearing what Maximus said.

The people in the room fell silent as their brains churned into high-speed processing what Maximus had said.

No shortage of resources.

Mobile stronghold.

Not staying here.

Goal: purgatory layer.

All kinds of possibilities were processed in their brains.

First, Maximus would not stay here for long, meaning the resources are for them in the future.

Second, Maximus's goal is grand and ambitious.

Third, Maximus should have some confidence in going to the purgatory layer.

Fourth, the resources and money Maximus has are so huge that he can build the stronghold by himself.

Fifth, Maximus should have a mysterious background.

Sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth...

All in all, Maximus is worthy of their vigorous investment.

Thinking about it, they quickly contacted their superiors for various permissions.

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