The Wife of Hades

Chapter 99 - Li Yilan's Attack

Li Yilan's mouth fell open, "What do you mean you have no money anymore?! That was half a million! Half a million!"

Li Qiyu rushed forward, pointing an angry finger at his daughter, "Why are you getting mad?! This is all your fault! Don't you have a company?! Let them help you fix this! You gave the money to us! Plus, because of you, me and your mom are getting hate on the Internet as well now! Hmph!"

Li Qiyu turned around and entered his room, slamming the door shut from behind.

Li Yilan did not expect such a reaction from her father, and it only made her more mad. She also disappeared into her room, bursting into her tears as she started slamming things onto the ground.

Why was this happening to her?! Why did everything change overnight?! 

She fell onto the bed, her fingers tightening around the soft blanket. It was all because of An Luxia! It is all her fault. . . If it weren't for her, none of this would be happening!

Li Yilan sat up on the bed, her eyes red with rage. 

An Luxia deserved to die.


An Luxia and Mo Han walked out of the house in a very good mood. Well, An Luxia was in a much better mood than Mo Han.

After what had happened, Qi Lanyu and An Ping had obviously also seen the news on it, so they had been asking for An Luxia to come home since the interview came out.

Now, with the time, An Luxia was finally going home to eat a meal with her family. However, Mo Han had an important meeting he could not postpone any further, so An Luxia was going alone.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" An Luxia said, turning around to give a comforting hug to Mo Han.

"Be quick."

An Luxia smiled and got into the car. After waving goodbye to him, the car drove off to the An family's house.

When she arrived, Qi Lanyu and An Ping were both outside waiting for her. She got out of the car and Qi Lanyu immediately ran over, "Oh, my daughter! Are you okay?"

An Luxia nodded, turning around in a circle, "Of course! There is absolutely nothing wrong!"

Qi Lanyu frowned slightly, pulling her daughter into the house, "I was so worried after what had happened! How can that girl do something like that?! So young yet so evil already!"

An Luxia grinned, "Don't worry, mom. I already got rid of the problem."

"Okay, good, good. Come, the food is ready already. It's getting cold. Go wash your hands and let's eat."

An Yuchen was also home already and he had also seen the news. He sat down to eat and smiled, "I saw your response today. You did not lose face for me as my sister!"

An Luxia rolled her eyes and punched An Yuchen on the arm lightly, "Ch! You're the one losing face for me, okay?"

"What?! How -"

"Eat," Qi Lanyu said, glaring at her son. 

An Luxia grinned as she looked down and ate, sticking her tongue out at her brother playfully. Throughout the meal, An Yuchen kept on getting notifications from his phone and he would pick it up to look at it and then put it down without doing anything.

This went on for some time before An Luxia finally couldn't hold her curiosity anymore, "Brother, who is texting you?"

An Yuchen sighed, putting one hand up to his forehead, "A new nurse that just got transferred to our department. She is really getting on my nerves."

An Luxia could sense the unusualness of his words, and she reached for his phone, "Let me see."

An Yuchen had no problem with her looking at his phone, and he continued to eat.

'Nurse: Brother Yuchen, are you eating lunch?'

'Nurse: Brother Yuchen, why aren't you at the hospital? Where are you?'

'Nurse: Brother Yuchen, I have a question for you. Should I wait in your office for you to come back?'

An Luxia could sense the white lotus energy coming out from the messages, and she twisted her lips together in distaste. It was time to be of some help to both her brother and her best friend.

She unlocked her brother's phone and furiously typed a message back, clicking send quickly.;

'Brother, brother, brother brother, are you laying eggs?!* Are you related by blood or by family?! Go find your own brother! Why does it matter to you where he's eating lunch?! If you have a question, go find the answer yourself! Have you no brains?! Stop bothering MY brother Yuchen! So long, see you never!'

*helemon's note: Brother in Chinese is gege, and there is this popular saying in China right now to combat white lotuses, since white lotuses like calling men gege (brother), it sounds like hens when they lay eggs (I believe hahaha).

Then, she blocked the nurse's phone number on An Yuchen's phone.

An Yuchen looked up from his bowl and took over his phone, seeing that the messages had disappeared, "What did you do?"

"Nothing, just kindly sent her a message telling her to stop politely." An Luxia smiled, and continued to eat.

An Yuchen did not question her and they continued to eat.


After eating a meal together, An Luxia returned home just like she had promised to Mo Han. It was the afternoon time already, and she could already see the frown on Mo Han's face when she arrived home.

She said goodbye to her parents and watched them close the door before leaving the doorstep and walking to the street to catch a taxi. However, what greeted her first was not a taxi.

She stood on the street, waiting for a taxi since she had told the driver to go home and she could go home herself. As she stood in the cold winter weather, she noticed a figure walking up to her from the corner of her eye.

She tilted her head towards the person slightly as a natural instinct just as the person was about to walk past her and a bad gut feeling arose inside her for no reason.

An Luxia furrowed her eyebrows together, her left eyelid starting to jump as her eyes met with the person walking by. At once, An Luxia's eyes widened as a message was sent to her brain.

Those eyes. . . In the split second from An Luxia realizing who the person was to the person pulling out a sharp object from her pocket, it was way too fast to react.

Li Yilan! An Luxia's brain screamed, which was quite surprising even to herself since the person was dressed in a black hoodie with the hood up and a black mask that covered up half of her face.

Then, from the corner of her vision, An Luxia caught sight of a flash of silver light and just as she looked down to see what it was, she noticed the sharp butcher knife swinging straight at her.

An Luxia's pupils dilated as her heartbeat sped up within a second, and the rush of adrenaline forced her to react as she reached out and grabbed onto the person's arm. 

By doing so, the knife accidentally scratched past the side of An Luxia's hand and across the side of her forearm, and the blood immediately came gushing out.

An Luxia was a black belt with experience in self defense, so she was quite strong and the person seemed to also realize that as her eyes shot up in surprise.

Taking the moment of surprise, An Luxia reached her other hand over and aggressively pulled the mask off of the person's face.

An Luxia's eyes widened although she was not very surprised at who she saw.

Li Yilan.

Li Yilan was too late to stop An Luxia from taking off her mask, and her eyes darted around in both fear and confusion. She did not have much time to think and without thinking through her decision, she dropped the knife onto the concrete ground and forcefully pulled her arm out of An Luxia's grasp.

The pain from the injury was reaching An Luxia's brain, and it burned horribly. It did not take much effort for Li Yilan to escape due to An Luxia's injury, and she could not stop Li Yilan.

Without bothering to take the knife away, Li Yilan did not even look back as she quickly ran away. An Luxia looked at her leave and did not have the energy or heart to go chase her.

She used her other arm and grabbed onto the injured arm. She looked down at the overflowing blood that had stained her clothes and she felt her breathing quicken, and she felt as if she could not breathe, like the air was gone.

Her chest rose and fell quickly as both arms shook, and the blood dripped down onto the ground. After a while, An Luxia felt the world around her starting to blur, and the only thing that was clear was the blood.

Then, her vision suddenly turned black as she collapsed onto the ground.

--- Author's Note

Have you guys seen the new AllNovelFull update yet? They changed the gifts and the new ones are so cool!! Hehehe shameless author alert!! ^o^ Feel free to try the gifts out on this novel hehehe :) 

You can also send golden tickets now! So cool! Hehehe thank you guys so much for all of your support and I'll see you tomorrow at our huge milestone (Can you guess what it is?) <3

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