The Wife of Hades

Chapter 92 - Celebration

The next morning, An Luxia did not want to move at all as she stayed cuddled inside the warmth of her blanket.

"Can't you have some self control? What if my brother or parents heard?!" She complained as Mo Han suddenly turned around and pulled her into his warm and. . . bare embrace.

Mo Han smiled sheepishly, obviously not feeling any sense of remorse, "Don't worry, there is no problem with a husband sleeping with his wife. I am sure mother and father would understand, as they have experience themselves."

An Luxia's face turned as red as a tomato as she buried her head deep into the blanket, "You shameless human," she murmured underneath the blanket, causing Mo Han to smile.

Soon, there was a knock on the door as Qi Lanyu's voice entered the room, "Wake up, wake up! It's almost the end of the year, don't waste it in bed!"

An Luxia did not want her mother to enter the room and see both of them naked, so she quickly screamed, "I know, I know! We will be down soon!"

After checking to make sure that her mother was gone, she quickly jumped out of the bed, gasping from the cold air as she ran into the closet to put on clothes.

After getting ready, the two of them went downstairs to eat breakfast.

--- Another part of City A

In another part of City A, another family was enjoying their Christmas breakfast while watching the television.

Li Yilan smiled proudly as she watched her own face on the television, and both of her parents were also smiling.

"Yilan, how much money did you say they were going to pay you for this thing?"

Li Yilan did not like that her father was mentioning the money, but she still proudly replied, "250 thousand dollars."

Seeing her parents' shocked faces, she couldn't help but add on, "I am still a newbie so that is not that much. I am sure that I will be paid more in the future."

Her mother excitedly clapped her hands together, rubbing them as she looked like she wanted to jump up and down in excitement, "Oh, oh. . . My daughter is so talented! Oh, you have to eat well, right? After all, you are an entertainment figure now. Oh, I'll go make you another boiled egg."

Li Yilan's lips curled up into a proud smile as she flipped her hair to the back of her ears, turning over to watch herself on the television as well.

The drama she had acted in had come out a day ago during the Christmas season, and it was already a hit! Due to the popularity of the male and female lead, the drama was doing very well and many people were noticing the likable second female lead as well, Li Yilan.

Before long, she would become the top star of the entertainment industry!

--- New Year's Eve

"Happy new year!" An Yuchen exclaimed happily, popping over a bottle of champagne with one hand and beginning to pour it into several glasses.

When he reached An Luxia's glass, he stopped, narrowing his eyes as he moved on to Mo Han.

An Luxia furrowed her eyebrows together, "Brother, you missed my glass!"

An Yuchen glanced at her, pressing his lips into a thin line unhappily, "Did you forget what time of the month it is?"

An Luxia furrowed her eyebrows together, looking at everyone seated at the table, "It's New Year!"

This time, Mo Han was able to complete the statement for An Yuchen, "and it is also your special time of the month," he said, emphasizing the word special.

It was easy for everyone to understand what it meant. An Luxia's face turned slightly red immediately, but she used the excuse of saying that it was too cold, "How. . . How would you know, you creep?"

Mo Han smirked softly, lifting a corner of his lips up, "You are my wife, of course I would know."

Then, he stood up, taking An Luxia's empty glass away as he walked over to the kitchen table, "Mom, is there warm brown sugar ginger tea?"

Qi Lanyu was obviously happy to see her son-in-law treating her daughter so well, and she immediately stood up to look for it, "I don't think we have it. But we do have ginger and brown sugar."

Mo Han nodded, "No problem, I can make it myself."

Therefore, the last meal of the year ended up getting pushed back slightly because Mo Han had to brew up some warm tea for his wifey. Of course, no one had any complaints.

Once An Luxia was finally able to take a sip of the tea, the New Years' Eve dinner began.

After eating dinner, they sat down to play games and watch the countdown together as a family. Three minutes before the new year would officially begin, they stopped talking and turned their attention to the clock and the television.

Mo Han had covered An Luxia's lower body with a blanket, and she comfortably leaned over towards Mo Han, resting her head onto his chest.

Mo Han very cooperatively moved over to her, wrapping his arm around her waist and gently rubbing her stomach since he knew that she might be having cramps due to the cold weather and her health circumstances.

He used his other hand to gently stroke her hair, his attention turning away from the television to look at her.

He was used to "celebrating" new year's alone for many years by now. He had never really cared about the new year, because there was no difference. Every year was the same, and he truly did not understand why people were so happy for a new year.

However, this year was different.

This was the first year he was with her, celebrating the passing of a year gone by and coming of a new year together. It did not matter which year it was, or how many years they were together, his love for her would never change or go away. 

That is one thing he was certain would never change or fade away even with the passing of time.

"YAY!!! Happy new year!" He suddenly heard An Luxia scream, pulling him out of his thoughts. She turned around, her large round eyes sparkling at him as she screamed happily, bouncing up and down the couch slightly. 

This year had been a great year for both of them, and they were certain that this new year would be even better, bringing on more great things and experiences together.

--- One week later

A week later, it was An Luxia's birthday.

Her birthday was in the cold winter time on January 7th, and it wasn't the first birthday she was celebrating with Mo Han.

In the adoption center, they had celebrated a birthday together in their own room, and although there was no cake or anything special, Mo Han had made a promise to her back then to give her the best birthday present ever in the future.

And of course, Mo Han did not break his promise.

An Luxia was in a very bad mood from the morning since not only did she not get to sleep in during her birthday, but she was woken up very early in the morning from Mo Han's kisses coming one after another.

She grudgingly blinked her eyes open, lifting her hand up to rub her eyes but accidentally slapping Mo Han across the face.

"Ah!" Mo Han groaned, rubbing his cheek, "Mrs. Mo, I know it is your birthday today, but that doesn't mean you can try and murder your husband, okay?"

An Luxia pursed her lips out, rolling her eyes as she wiped her face, "What are you doing this early in the morning?"

Mo Han grinned, starting to kiss her over her face again, "Of course giving you an early morning birthday surprise! Mrs. Mo, how about a baby for a birthday present?"

Before An Luxia could even figure out what was going on, Mo Han gave her his first "present" of the day, a great morning exercise that An Luxia did not ask for.


An Luxia and Mo Han came down late for breakfast today, and everyone thought that it was because An Luxia had slept in, but only they knew about the true reason.

They ate a large breakfast together and then Yu Xinyi came to wish An Luxia a happy birthday. She had just come back from a trip with her parents to Country Y, and she brought back many gifts for An Luxia, and of course. . . An Yuchen.

"Thank you, Xinyi," An Yuchen smiled at her as he took over the pink bag Yu Xinyi held.

Yu Xinyi blushed just from his words, but it was hard to tell since everyone's faces were slightly red from the cold temperature, "You're welcome, brother Yuchen."

She glanced at him, her heart thumping inside her chest before she quickly turned around and ran off, "I'm going to get going then! Happy new year!"

An Luxia giggled from behind, thinking that Yu Xinyi was such a scaredy cat in front of her brother. 

The rest of the day went by happily, and they did not do much, but it was the happiest birthday An Luxia had ever had in her entire life because of who she celebrated it with.

In the end, she ate too many slices of cake because it was so delicious and couldn't fall asleep because her stomach was so bloated.

She was originally complaining to Mo Han about not being able to fall asleep because she ate too much, but she immediately regretted it when the evil devil used her complaints as an excuse to do some exercise with her.

Ugh, the most shameless person in the whole wide world award would definitely go to Mo Han without any objections.

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