The police looked between the two before his eyes finally landed on Mo Han, "Sir, I will need you to come with us."

An Luxia immediately grabbed onto Mo Han's arm, but he only pushed her back further. He looked straight forward with a smile, "My pleasure."

Then, he turned around and looked forcefully at An Luxia, "Go home, okay?"

An Luxia opened her mouth to refuse but Mo Han immediately stopped her, "Listen to me. Don't worry, okay?"

He smiled reassuringly and said softly so the police couldn't hear, "The police station is my second home."

He lifted one corner of his lips and quickly kissed her on the forehead before turning back around and following the police out of the hotel.

An Luxia quickly followed behind him, stopping on the sidewalk and watched as Mo Han entered the police car with several police officers.

Then, the car drove away. 

Only until they had completely disappeared, she quickly pulled out her phone and scrolled through her phone, making a call to the contact that read 'Mo Han's Assistant'.

The call quickly went through, "Mrs. Mo."

"K, we are finished."

"Okay, I will be there right away."

Then, An Luxia hung up and waited in the cold night air that was getting colder and colder as it was nearing the middle of autumn.

Within a minute, there was the sound of an engine and a black car stopped in front of her. K walked out from the driver's seat and bowed down slightly in front of her, "Mrs. Mo -"

"K, something happened."

K looked up and raised one eyebrow, "What is it, Mrs. Mo?"

"Mo Han got taken away by the police."


Inside the room, An Luxia paced around the room nervously, beads of sweat hanging around her face although it wasn't hot inside the room. 

She rubbed her hands together, still dressed in the same outfit she was in when she had gone out, although it was almost two hours later already.

She looked up at the clock and furrowed her eyebrows together, getting very impatient. K had told upon hearing what had happened that Mr. Mo was okay, and for her not to worry, just like what Mo Han had told her.

But how could she not worry? He was her husband! And he got himself into this trouble because of her. . . And that man was guilty! Why was he arrested? That disgusting old fat worm!

An Luxia slammed her fist onto the soft bed, not creating any noise. The feeling of punching into a soft cushion was very not satisfying and slightly annoying.

She didn't know if she could trust what K had said anymore and she turned around, deciding to go to the police station to go look for Mo Han herself.

As his wife, how could she just stay here like this when he was alone in the police station.

Just as her hand reached the door handle, it suddenly bent down as the door was pushed open. She looked up in surprise and the surprise increased even more when she saw who it was.

"Hanhan?!" She exclaimed, stumbling back a few steps when she saw him. He looked quite tired but besides that, nothing else looked different from when he had left.

When he saw her, he was also surprised, "Why are you so awake?" 

He looked up at the clock and furrowed his eyebrows together, "It's so late, what are you doing not asleep? Even if you don't have classes tomorrow, you should still go to sleep. It's not good to sleep late."

An Luxia immediately pursed her lips out unhappily, feeling very angry about Mo Han's attitude towards her. His tone was quite serious, which was something she wasn't used to, and she thought he was mad at her.

She turned around, angrily marching away, "I was waiting for you! Hmph!"

She entered the restroom, slamming the door shut unhappily. How could he get mad at her for waiting for him?! If she had known, she would have just gone to sleep herself without overthinking! 

She knew that she wouldn't have been able to fall asleep, but she was furious at Mo Han's attitude towards her.

Maybe it was because she was nearing her special time of the month, so she was extra sensitive, but she was very not pleased with Mo Han's attitude.

Mo Han seemed to notice that he had been a little fierce with her and he quickly entered the restroom after her, following her into her walk-in closet. 

She rolled her eyes upon seeing him, turning around to not face him. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, "Baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blamed you. I know you were waiting for me."

An Luxia knew that she couldn't stay mad at him for long, especially during this situation, so she turned around, glaring up at him, "Hmph! I'll forgive you this once!"

Mo Han smiled, "Thank you, my benevolent queen."

An Luxia giggled softly and placed her hands onto his waist, her expression turning serious, "What happened? Was it because of that disgusting old worm?"

Mo Han also stopped smiling and nodded, "Yes. Apparently, he woke up an hour later in the hospital after a worker found him unconscious in the elevator and called the police."

He scoffed, "He told the police that he did nothing and we suddenly attacked him."

An Luxia's eyes practically fell out, "What?! No way! He did that?! That disgusting -" 

She tried to think of another insult for him, but calling him any animal would be too generous. 

Mo Han watched his little girl stutter and couldn't help but chuckle as he thought it was cute. He gently rubbed her head and pulled her into his chest, "Don't worry about it anymore. Did you take a shower yet?"

Ignoring his question, An Luxia instead asked, "But how did you get out? What did you tell the police?"

Mo Han smiled, "Don't underestimate your husband. Who am I? The King of the Underworld! Do you think I can't deal with a few small police officers? Plus, I didn't do anything wrong this time! He deserved to be punched! Of course the police would let me go. I am a great citizen."

An Luxia smiled and rolled her eyes dramatically, "Good citizen," she repeated, "Totally! The King of the Underworld is a good citizen."

Mo Han grinned and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her out of the closet, "Come on, let's go take a shower. . . together."

--- IMPORTANT Announcement:

hello readers ~

I am very sorry for the late notice but this novel should be going premium today! Your stupid author completely messed up the time zones and thought it would be tomorrow, but the chapters will be getting locked later on today ^o^ So, there will be a 3 chapter mass release today!

I really hope you can continue supporting this novel, whether it is through fast passes, coins, power stones, or more! I greatly appreciate all of your love and support and I am sure that the next part of this journey will be amazing together :)

Love you <3

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