An Yuchen grabbed onto the woman's hand, "Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Hu Yiyi"

Hu Yiyi smiled when she saw An Luxia, and she quickly got off the couch and walked over, reaching for An Luxia's hand, "You must be Luxia. Nice to meet you, I'm Yiyi. You can just call me sister Yiyi!"

An Luxia allowed her hands to be grabbed by Hu Yiyi, and she stared at the woman for several long seconds, making sure what she remembered was correct. After the old memories resurfaced, she immediately furrowed her eyebrows together and pulled her hands away.

Hu Yiyi was surprised by An Luxia's reaction, and she raised one eyebrow, turning around to look at An Yuchen, who was equally surprised.

"Xiaxia, what are you doing?" The one who spoke this time was not An Yuchen or Hu Yiyi, but instead, An Ping, An Luxia's dad.

"How can you be impolite to your brother's girlfriend?"

Hu Yiyi chuckled softly and shrugged, "Uncle An, don't worry. It's probably not Xiaxia's intention. It's my fault for being so thoughtless!"

An Luxia looked up at Hu Yiyi and then at An Yuchen before chuckling softly and saying, "It was my intention."

Everyone in the room turned to look at her as An Luxia clenched her fists together.

--- 11 years ago

During this time, An Luxia had been adopted by the An family for seven years, and she had turned 12 a few months ago.

It was her first year in middle school, and she was super excited because her brother was in the same school, but in the high school program!

An Yuchen was in his last year of high school already, and even when he was 18, he was very popular in the school for his handsome appearance.

"An Luxia!" The teacher screamed, slamming the piece of chalk onto the table. An Luxia flinched as she immediately jumped up from the table, looking around confusedly.

There were muffled laughs as the people around her laughed at her stupid reaction, and she embarrassedly sat down again.

"An Luxia, why are you sleeping in class again?! The final exams are starting in a week and you are not paying attention! Do you want me to call your parents to school?!"

An Luxia scratched the back of her head, still not fully awake, "Teacher. . . I'm sorry. I won't sleep anymore."

The teacher sighed and looked at her watch before turning around, "Well, class is over now."

  An Luxia pressed her lips together and sat down, glancing at Yu Xinyi, who sat a few chairs away. She shrugged and stuck her tongue out playfully, and Yu Xinyi just shook her head.

The head of the class stood up and everyone else did the same, "Thank you, Mrs. Wu."

  Then, the teacher left the classroom and the school day was over. An Luxia packed her stuff up and walked over to Yu Xinyi, who had pulled out a lollipop to eat.

An Luxia held her hand out and Yu Xinyi rolled her eyes before giving An Luxia another lollipop, "What are we going to do?" An Luxia asked.

"My parents aren't home and I have to go find my brother, but the high school kids don't get out until fourty five minutes later."

Yu Xinyi's eyes sparkled at the mention of An Yuchen, and she tried to hide it as she shrugged, "Do you want to go play at the back of the school? I heard there is a new baby bird nest at the back of the school."

  An Luxia thought about it for a few seconds before dragging Yu Xinyi out of her chair as they walked out of the classroom.

"Are they small birds? Are they cute?" An Luxia asked as they slowly walked to the back of the school, where few to no kids liked to hang out.

When they reached the back courtyard, they heard the sound of several birds chirping, and An Luxia looked, around, unable to see any nests around.

"Where is the nest? Are you sure -" Just as An Luxia was about to finish her sentence, the both of them heard a weird noise coming from nearby.

They whipped around and looked at each other as An Luxia slowly raised one eyebrow, holding her breath as the both of them did not dare to move.

Teachers and especially the custodian did not like seeing kids hanging out at the back of the school, and if a teacher caught them, they would certainly question them for what they were still doing here after school was over.

"Did I -" Yu Xinyi was about to ask if she had heard wrongly when the sound came again, and An Luxia immediately placed one hand over Yu Xinyi's mouth.

The noise seemed to be coming from the wall to the back of them. It was the wall of the building they just came out of, and there was a few inches gap between the wall and the wall that blocked the back courtyard from the streets.

It was filled with weeds and was only wide enough for two people to stand shoulder to shoulder.

"Who is there?" An Luxia mouthed to Yu Xinyi, who shrugged.

An Luxia slowly moved, trying not to make any sound as she edged towards the wall, wondering who or what was making the weird noise.

It came again and it sounded like a girl. She was moaning, almost as if she had gotten hurt. An Luxia frowned, walking on her toes as she moved over to the wall, pressing her hands against the heard brick.

Yu Xinyi was right behind her as she slowly peaked her head to the side of the wall to see what was going on in the walkway. At once, her eyes widened as she let out a tiny shriek.

The two people behind the wall immediately stopped as they slowly turned their heads over, and when they did, they saw nothing.

An Luxia had hurriedly pulled her head back, pressing against the wall tightly as she did not dare to make any sound. Yu Xinyi had wanted to ask what was happening but she refrained herself as well after seeing An Luxia's reaction.

Still, she tried mouthing the word 'what' to her, but An Luxia was too nervous to respond. She tried peaking her head out but An Luxia suddenly grabbed onto her hand and pulled her away.

They ran quickly, and the sound of the crunching of leaves as they ran could be heard quite loudly. Just as they turned across the wall and disappeared, the two people from behind slowly moved over and looked to see who was there, but they did not see anyone.

"Are you sure you heard something?" The girl asked. She looked incredibly gorgeous, like an angel with long smooth hair and pale skin. Even in the ugly school uniform, you could still tell she had a great figure.

"Yes, I'm sure," a boy answered. The boy narrowed his eyes and stepped forward, looking around.

"Maybe it was a cat or something. Don't you want to. . ." The girl smiled and dragged the boy away once again.

After they had ran all the way to the front of the school, An Luxia finally let go of Yu Xinyi, who was still in confusion. Now, she was tired and confused, "What did you see?!"

An Luxia scratched the back of her head, "It was a girl and a boy. I don't know what they were doing, but. . ."

"But what?" Yu Xinyi stammered.

An Luxia pursed her lips out, "They didn't have their pants on for some reason, you know, like when you take a shower? And. . . the boy's hand was inside the girl's shirt. Is that supposed to happen?"

  A confused and slightly disgusted expression also appeared on Yu Xinyi's face, "I'm not sure? Maybe they are massaging each other?"

  "It didn't look like it. . . They were moving?"

  "Moving? How?"

  An Luxia thought for several seconds about it before she finally shrugged, "I don't know! I didn't get to see for a long time because I got scared."

"Well, maybe I'll know. Let me go see!" Yu Xinyi began running back to the place they had just been, and An Luxia tried to stop her, but Yu Xinyi persisted to see what was going on. An Luxia did not know why, but she felt a little uncomfortable looking at them.

She did not wear clothes all the time, when changing and going to take a shower! Nothing was weird about that. . . Maybe it was because they were old?

  They were at the back of the school again, and this time, An Luxia maintained a distance as Yu Xinyi went over to look herself. They could still hear the weird noise, meaning that the two people were still there.

Yu Xinyi glanced over the wall, and similarly to An Luxia's reaction, her eyes widened as she quickly pulled her neck back and tiptoed away, trying not to make any noise.

When she reached An Luxia, the two of them ran away. They made a few turns, and they were just about to turn and go to the second floor of the building when they suddenly bumped into someone.

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