The Wife of Hades

Chapter 110 - Mo Han's Situation

"Come in."

The familiar cold voice could faintly be heard from inside the room as An Luxia pushed the door open, surprised to find that it wasn't locked.

Once she stepped inside, she saw Gu Yechen staring at his computer screen, typing away without even looking at her. She wasn't surprised by his cold and slightly rude attitude, as he wasn't Qin Wei.

She walked over and sat down in the chair across from him, crossing her legs together as she waited for him to finish typing.

However, Gu Yechen did not seem to have any intention of stopping as he continued to type for almost a minute as An Luxia sat there in silence, waiting impatiently.

Finally, An Luxia realized that he would never stop and she cleared her throat, leaning forward, "Mr. Gu, do you know where Mo Han is?"

Hearing this, Gu Yechen finally stopped typing and looked up at her, replying simply, "Yes."

An Luxia waited for more, but nothing came as Gu Yechen started typing again. An Luxia was getting a little impatient at his very annoying attitude, but she suppressed her urge to punch him in the face and asked, "Can you tell me where he is?"

Finally, Gu Yechen stopped typing as he put his hands down and turned to look at her, squinting his eyes slightly, "Why don't you just call him?"

An Luxia stopped talking, pressing her lips together into a thin line.

Why didn't she call him?

Maybe. . . She didn't dare to.

Gu Yechen's lips curled up slightly as he said, "Is it because he did not call you, so you think he isn't thinking of you, so you don't want to call him?" 

An Luxia furrowed her eyebrows together, thinking about it and realizing that what Gu Yechen had said was slightly true. Finally, she said, "I'm afraid."

When he left and told her to wait for him, she had a bad feeling inside her. And, Mo Han was the type of person to immediately call her after arriving in Country B, but he did not call her this time."

By the second day, An Luxia had gotten more afraid. She had picked up her phone several times, but never brought herself to actually call him.

Gu Yechen did not say anything for a long time before finally pulling out a paper from the cabinet nearby, handing it to her, "The address is on here."

An Luxia took over the paper and looked at the words written on it for a long time before asking, "Did something happen to her?"

It was a sixth feeling inside of her that told her something was off. However, Gu Yechen's answer did not help:

"If you are worried, then just call him. I'm sure he would love for you to call him." Gu Yechen grinned slightly before turning around and starting to type again. 

An Luxia looked up at Gu Yechen and after several seconds, she stood up. She said a quick thank you to him, which did not receive any response, before leaving the room.

Outside the building, she entered the car and pulled out her phone, thinking that if Gu Yechen said there was no danger in calling him, then there must not be any danger. 

She found his contact and after a few seconds of staring into space, she clicked on it. The phone only rang once before the other side picked up. It was almost as if the other person had been holding onto the phone waiting for this call.

"Mrs. An, you have finally remembered your poor husband." Mo Han said from the other end of the phone, his voice unusually deep and hoarse.

An Luxia frowned slightly, "What happened to your voice?"

Right now, in the top floor of a private hospital in Country B, Mo Han wore a patient's outfit. His dark black hair had all been shaved, and it was replaced with a white bandage, wrapped tightly around his head.

However, this did not lower his appearance in the slightest. He sat on the bed, holding his phone to his ear with a faint smile, "Isn't it more attractive now?"

An Luxia felt her heart finally drop slightly after hearing his joke, but she was still a little worried, "Why didn't you call me?"

Mo Han closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the headboard, "I was waiting for you to call me first."

An Luxia felt a little pain in her heart for not calling him earlier, but she still couldn't help but feel a little sour, "So if I never called you, then you would have never called me?"

At this moment, another man walked into Mo Han's room. When he saw Mo Han's phone, he immediately furrowed his eyebrows together and pointed at it, raising one eyebrow.

When Mo Han saw the man, his face immediately fell. The man also did not seem happy as he walked over to Mo Han, reaching his hand out.

"Luxia, take good care of yourself. I'll be back soon. I have some things to take care of, goodbye." Then, he hung up the phone and immediately, the man snatched Mo Han's phone away.

"Mo Han, do you not know what situation you are in right now? How can you use electronic devices? Don't you know it will be bad for your body?! If you miss her, then just tell me and I'll go get her -"

"No!" Mo Han immediately said, laying down on the bed and turning around, looking out the window angrily. It has been over a month already since he last saw her. . . 

The man sighed, saying, "If I was a girl and my husband did not call me once or care about me for a month, then I would certainly divorce!"

At once, Mo Han turned his head around, glaring at the man. If eyes could kill, then the man would have probably died by now.

The man gulped and quickly took a step back, "Okay, okay. But you're getting better now, why don't you just tell her?"

Mo Han did not reply, pursing his lips out unhappily as he thought about how she had not called him until now.

The man was able to read Mo Han's thoughts and laughed softly, "It's your first time in a relationship, so you don't know. As a man, shouldn't you call her first? After a few days, it will be even harder for her to call you if you don't even call her. Plus, she doesn't know if the reason why you aren't calling her might be because you have another woman outside."

Mo Han's face was getting darker and darker.

"You shouldn't keep it from her. I know you don't want her to worry about you, but if you don't tell her, then she will think that you don't trust her. Plus, wouldn't it be good for her to be next to you at times like this? If I were you, I would just tell her to come."

"Are you done talking?" Mo Han finally said, interrupting Qi Yu, the best doctor in the HLX Organization and Mo Han's "friend."

Qi Yu was about to say no, but when he saw Mo Han's expression, he immediately swallowed his words, "Yes, yes. I'll leave!"

Qi Yu frowned slightly as he ran out of the room. He had flown all the way from Country A here to do surgery on him for seven whole hours! Then, he had to sit through a meeting with the other best doctors in the world to discuss his injuries, and then took another two weeks to finally get his health situation from critical to normal.

And now, after being unconscious for another half a month, he was finally awake! Not only did he not appreciate his work, but now Mo Han was getting mad at him for giving him relationship advice! Ch!

Just thinking about it made Qi Yu mad as he walked out of the room unhappily, murmuring, "Ah, my life. . . I want to go home. . ."


Meanwhile, on the other side, An Luxia held her phone in disbelief. She stared at the screen for several seconds until it turned black before opening her mouth in shock. 

Mo Han hung up on her! She had finally called him, and he did not even speak to her for a minute, and he hung up!

Her lips twitched in anger and disbelief as she almost wanted to laugh from anger. She stared at the paper in her hand and crumpled it up into a little ball.

Just as she was about to toss it in the trash, she raised one eyebrow with a smirk. What was he hiding? Ch! Since he did not want her to go, then she was purposely going to go! 

Whatever he was hiding, she was going to catch him!


The next day, An Luxia walked out of the school with a slip in her hands that allowed her a few days off of school for a "family emergency".

She entered the car, which had her luggage inside already, and before long, she was on the plane to Country B.

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